E3SM Diagnostics Package v2

Welcome to the E3SM Diagnostics Package documentation hub.

To change the documentation version, use the version selector in the bottom left-hand corner. Please note, documentation for versions v2.5.0 are not available in the version selector.


As of v2.6.0, e3sm_diags should be used as the module name instead of acme_diags. Instances of acme_diags in the Python import statements should be replaced accordingly.


This diagnostics package is constructed to support the diagnostics needs of DOE’s Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) project. The ultimate goal of this work is to develop a comprehensive diagnostics package that:

  • integrates the basic functionality of NCAR’s AMWG diagnostics package;

  • utilizes most updated observational datasets, including remote sensing, reanalysis and in-situ datasets;

  • interfaces with diagnostics developed from different E3SM focus groups: atmosphere group, coupled simulation group, land group;

  • is flexible for user-specified diagnostics and configuration for use by other earth system models.

Current State (v2 release)

Algorithm and visualization codes for latitude-longitude contour maps, polar contour maps, the accompanying summarizing table and Taylor diagram plots, pressure-latitude zonal mean contour plots, zonal mean line plots, pressure-longitude meridional mean contour plots, area mean time series plots, and Cloud Top Height-Tau joint histograms from COSP cloud simulator output. Plots can be created for annual and seasonal climatologies, and monthly mean time series. In additional to the core sets being released in v1, ENSO diags, QBO diags, Diurnal cycle phase plot, Streamflow evaluation, ARM diags, and TC analysis are implemented in v2 release.

The package also supports custom user diagnostics, by specifying plot type, desired region (global, ocean, land, etc.), pressure levels for variables with the vertical dimension.

For flexibility, the code structure cleanly separates data manipulation (reading input files, processing data, etc) from plotting functions. One back-end is available:

Additional back-ends could be implemented if the need arose.


Latitude-longitude contour map


Summary table


Taylor Diagram


Zonal mean line plot


Pressure-latitude zonal mean contour


Polar contour map


Cloud Top Height-Tau joint histograms


Pressure-longitude meridional mean contour


ENSO diagnostics map


ENSO diagnostics scatter plot




Area Mean time series


Diurnal cycle phase maps


Streamflow seasonality map


Mean annual streamflow map


Mean annual streamflow scatter plot


ARM diagnostics annual cycle plot


ARM diagnostics diurnal cycle plot


ARM diagnostics monthly diurnal cycle of cloud plot


ARM diagnostics convection onset statistics plot


Tropical Cyclone Track Density


Annual Cycle Zonal Mean plot


Tropical Cyclone frequency per basin


Per-basin Tropical Cyclone frac seasonal cycle

The above plots and more can be found here.

Feature availability for each backend

The table below summarizes current status of features supported by the backend.

Plot set or Feature


Latitude-longitude contour maps

Polar contour maps

Pressure-latitude zonal mean contour plots

Pressure-longitude meridional mean contour

Zonal mean line plots

Cloud Top Height-Tau joint histograms

Area Mean time series plots
