Available Parameters

The driver needs a parameters file to run. In these files, there is support for many features related to diagnostics.

Given a command like python run_script.py -d param.cfg, the parameters in run_script.py and in params.cfg will overwrite any predefined values in all runs.

Parameters for diagnostics

The parameters below are ones related to test/reference specifications related to file I/O.

  • case_id: The name of the folder where the results (plots and nc files) will be stored for a single run. ex: results_dir/case_id

  • debug: If True, stops running all of the diagnostics on the first failure. If False (the default), all errors are caught and ignored. If there was an error and a plot could not be created, there’s a ‘—’ for that set of parameters in the viewer.

  • reference_data_path [REQUIRED]: Path to the reference (obs) data. If there are multiple datasets in the path, use ref_name parameter to specify which dataset should be used.

  • ref_name: The particular sub-directory of reference_data_path that the reference data is in. Used to locate the reference data. This doesn’t need to be defined if you’re running model_vs_model or model_vs_obs. In the built-in parameters files for these, the ref_name is already defined.

  • results_dir [REQUIRED]: The name of the folder where all runs will be stored.

  • run_type: The supported run type for the diagnostics. Possible options are: 'model_vs_obs' (by default), 'model_vs_model', or 'obs_vs_obs'.

  • save_netcdf: Set to True if you want the reference, test, and difference data saved. Default is False.

  • no_viewer: Set to True to not generate a Viewer for the results. Default False.

  • test_data_path [REQUIRED]: Path to the test (model) data.

  • test_name: The name of the test (model output) file. It should be a string matches the model output name, for example '20161118.beta0.FC5COSP.ne30_ne30.edison'.

These variables are used for handling timeseries data.

  • ref_end_yr: The end year for the reference data.

  • ref_start_yr: The start year for the reference data.

  • ref_timeseries_input: Set to True if the ref data is in timeseries format. Default False. If True, both ref_start_yr and ref_end_yr must also be set.

  • test_end_yr: The end year for the test data.

  • test_start_yr: The start year for the test data.

  • test_timeseries_input: Set to True if the test data is in timeseries format. Default False. If True, both test_start_yr and test_end_yr must also be set.

The parameters below are for running the diagnostics in parallel using multiprocessing or distributedly.

  • distributed: Set to True to run the diagnostics distributedly. It’s False by default. multiprocessing and distributed cannot both be set to True. A Dask cluster needs to be up and running. You’ll probably never use this.

  • multiprocessing: Set to True to use multiprocessing. It’s False by default. multiprocessing and distributed cannot both be set to True.

  • num_workers: Used to define the number of processes to use with either multiprocessing or distributed. If not defined, it is defaulted to 4. Ex: num_workers = 8

The parameters below are related to the actual climate-related functionality of the diagnostics.

  • plevs: A list of pressure levels to use. Ex: plevs=[850.0, 200.0].

  • regions: A list of regions. Default is ['global']. See default_regions.py for a list of possible regions. Ex: regions=["global", "TROPICS"].

  • regrid_method: What regrid method of the regrid tool to use. Possible values are 'linear' or 'conservative'. Default is 'conservative'. Read the xCDAT documentation on regridding for more information.

  • regrid_tool: The regrid tool to use. Default is 'esmf'. Read the xCDAT documentation on regridding for more information.

  • seasons: A list of season to use. Default is annual and all seasons: ['ANN', 'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'].

  • sets: A list of the sets to be run. Default is all sets: ['zonal_mean_xy', 'zonal_mean_2d', 'meridional_mean_2d', 'lat_lon', 'polar', 'area_mean_time_series', 'cosp_histogram', 'enso_diags', 'qbo', 'streamflow','diurnal_cycle'].

  • variables: What variable(s) to use for this run. Ex: variables=["T", "PRECT"].

Parameters for plotting

The figure below is an sample output. We use this to described what each plotting parameter does.


An example plot created from the software

Below are general plotting-related parameters.

  • arrows: Is either True (default value) or False and will accordingly show or hide the arrows on the legend for all of the graphs.

  • backend: May be set to 'cartopy' or 'mpl' (the default) or 'matplotlib', all of which result in the Matplotlib/Cartopy backend being used.

  • contour_levels: The levels on the legend of the test and reference plot. It’s [0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16] in the image. Default is [].

  • dpi: Figure resolution for Matplotlib. Default is 150.

  • figsize: Figure size (WxH, inches) for Matplolib figures. Default is [8.5, 11.0].

  • main_title: Main title of the image. It’s "PRECT ANN global" in this example, which is automatically generated by E3SM Diagnostics. You can define main_title to change this.

  • output_format: A list of formats that you want the plot to be output to. Can be something like ['png', 'pdf', 'svg']. Default is ['png'].

  • output_format_subplot: File format to save figures for individual panel plots. If not defined or [] (the default), no plots are saved. Possible values are ['png', 'pdf', 'svg'].

  • plot_log_plevs: For the 'zonal_mean_2d' and 'meridional_mean_2d' sets, log-scale the y-axis.

  • plot_plevs: For the 'zonal_mean_2d' and 'meridional_mean_2d' sets, plot the pressure levels.

The parameters below are for each of the three plots (test, reference, and diff) in the image.

  • short_test_name: an optional short name that users specify to be shown on the diagnostics figure. It’s 'beta0.FC5COSP.ne30' in the example figure. If not specified, the value in the test_name parameter will be shown.

  • test_colormap: If not defined in the parameters, the default value is 'cet_rainbow.rgb'. It’s 'WhiteBlueGreenYellowRed.rgb' in the image above. Matplotlib colormaps are supported. Users can even use colormaps located in e3sm_diags/plot/colormaps, by referencing them by the filename (ex: 'cet_rainbow.rgb'). Also, setting path to a custom .rgb file is supported.

  • test_name: Optional text to be specified by the users to be printed upper left above the test figure.

  • test_title: The title for the test plot. It’s "Test Title" in the image (upper central texts above the test (model) figure) and is blank by default.

  • test_units: The units that are on the top-right of the test plot. It’s "mm/day" in the image. If not defined, it automatically gets the units from the test data.

The reference and diff plots also have the same keywords which are semantically the same for their respective plots. Below are the values they hold for the image above.


  • reference_colormap: If not defined in the parameters, the default value is 'cet_rainbow.rgb'. It’s 'WhiteBlueGreenYellowRed.rgb' in the image above. Matplotlib colormaps are supported. Users can even use colormaps located in e3sm_diags/plot/colormaps/, by referencing them by the filename (ex: 'cet_rainbow.rgb'). Also, setting paths to a custom .rgb file is supported.

  • reference_name: Optional text to be specified by the users to be printed upper left above the ref figure.

  • reference_title: "Reference Title" in the image (upper central texts above the reference (obs) figure) and is blank by default.

  • reference_units: "mm/day" in the image. If blank, it automatically gets the units from the reference data.

  • short_ref_name: an optional short name that users specify to be shown on the diagnostics figure. It’s 'GPCP' in the example figure. If not specified, the value in the reference_name parameter will be shown.


  • diff_colormap: Is 'BrBG' in the image above and 'diverging_bwr.rgb' by default. Matplotlib colormaps are supported. Users can even use colormaps located in e3sm_diags/plot/colormaps/, by referencing them by the filename (ex: 'cet_rainbow.rgb'). Also, paths to a custom .rgb file is supported.

  • diff_name: Optional text to be specified by the users to be printed upper left above the diff figure.

  • diff_levels: [-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, -0.5, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] in the image. Default is [].

  • diff_title: "Test - Reference" in the image (upper central texts above the diff figure). If blank, the default is 'Model - Observation'.

  • diff_units: "mm/day" in the image. If blank, it automatically gets the units from the test - reference data.

Set-specific parameters

Several Diagnostics sets have their own set-specific parameters.


  • end_yr [REQUIRED]: The end year for the data.

  • ref_names: Used to specify reference data.

  • ref_timeseries_input: Set to True if the ref data is in timeseries format. Default True.

  • start_yr [REQUIRED]: The start year for the data.

  • test_timeseries_input: Set to True if the test data is in timeseries format. Default True.


  • normalize_test_amp: Normalize the test and ref amplitude.

  • print_statements: Print debugging statements. Default False.

  • ref_timeseries_input: Set to True if the ref data is in timeseries format. Default False.

  • test_timeseries_input: Set to True if the test data is in timeseries format. Default False.


  • end_yr: The end year for the data.

  • nino_region: The NINO region to use. May be 'NINO3', or 'NINO34' (the default) or 'NINO4'.

  • plot_type: The plot type. May be map (the default) or scatter.

  • print_statements: Print debugging statements. Default False.

  • ref_end_yr: The end year for the reference data.

  • ref_start_yr: The start year for the reference data.

  • ref_timeseries_input: Set to True if the ref data is in timeseries format. Default True.

  • start_yr: The start year for the data.

  • test_end_yr: The end year for the test data.

  • test_start_yr: The start year for the test data.

  • test_timeseries_input: Set to True if the test data is in timeseries format. Default True.

You can specify both test_start_yr and ref_start_yr or just start_yr. You can specify both test_end_yr and ref_end_yr or just end_yr.


  • plevs: Pressure levels. Default is numpy.logspace(2.0, 3.0, num=17).tolist().

  • plot_log_plevs: Log-scale the y-axis. Default False.

  • plot_plevs: Plot the pressure levels. Default False.


  • end_yr: The end year for the data.

  • print_statements: Print debugging statements. Default False.

  • ref_end_yr: The end year for the reference data.

  • ref_start_yr: The start year for the reference data.

  • ref_timeseries_input: Set to True if the ref data is in timeseries format. Default True.

  • start_yr: The start year for the data.

  • test_end_yr: The end year for the test data.

  • test_start_yr: The start year for the test data.

  • test_timeseries_input: Set to True if the test data is in timeseries format. Default True.

You can specify both test_start_yr and ref_start_yr or just start_yr. You can specify both test_end_yr and ref_end_yr or just end_yr.


  • end_yr: The end year for the data.

  • gauges_path: Specify the path to the streamflow gauge data. Required if run_type is model_vs_model.

  • main_title_annual_map: The title of the annual streamflow map. Default 'Mean Annual Streamflow Map'.

  • main_title_annual_scatter: The title of the annual streamflow scatter plot. Default 'Mean Annual Streamflow Scatter Plot'.

  • main_title_seasonality_map: The title of the seasonality map. Default 'Seasonality Map'.

  • max_num_gauges: Only process the first max_num_gauges gauges – useful for debugging. When None (the default), all gauges are processed.

  • output_file_annual_map: The file name of the annual streamflow map. Default 'annual_map'.

  • output_file_annual_scatter: The file name of the annual streamflow scatter plot. Default 'annual_scatter'.

  • output_file_seasonality_map: The file name of the seasonality map. Default 'seasonality_map'.

  • print_statements: Print debugging statements. Default False.

  • ref_end_yr: The end year for the reference data.

  • ref_start_yr: The start year for the reference data.

  • ref_timeseries_input: Set to True if the ref data is in timeseries format. Default True.

  • start_yr: The start year for the data.

  • test_end_yr: The end year for the test data.

  • test_start_yr: The start year for the test data.

  • test_timeseries_input: Set to True if the test data is in timeseries format. Default True.

You can specify both test_start_yr and ref_start_yr or just start_yr. You can specify both test_end_yr and ref_end_yr or just end_yr.


  • plevs: Pressure levels. Default is numpy.logspace(2.0, 3.0, num=17).tolist().

  • plot_log_plevs: Log-scale the y-axis. Default False.

  • plot_plevs: Plot the pressure levels. Default False.

Other parameters

  • dataset: Default is ''.

  • granulate: Default is ['variables', 'seasons', 'plevs', 'regions'].

  • selectors: Default is ['sets', 'seasons']. See Using the selectors parameter.

  • viewer_descr: Used to specify values in the viewer. Default {}.

  • fail_on_incomplete: Exit status will reflect failure if any parameter fails to complete. Default is False (e.g., a failing parameter will not create a failing exit code).