Ocean framework

The ocean component contains an ever expanding set of shared framework code.


Input and output from an E3SM component

Steps that write input files for or read output files from either Omega or MPAS-Ocean should descend from the polaris.ocean.model.OceanIOStep class. Methods in this class facilitate mapping between MPAS-Ocean variable names (used in Polaris) and Omega variable names for tasks that will run Omega.

To map a dataset between MPAS-Ocean variable names and those appropriate for the model being run, use the methods polaris.ocean.model.OceanIOStep.map_to_native_model_vars() and polaris.ocean.model.OceanIOStep.map_from_native_model_vars(). These methods should be called in Polaris immediatly before writing out input files and immediately after opening in output files, respectively. To make opening and writing easier, we also provide polaris.ocean.model.OceanIOStep.write_model_dataset() and polaris.ocean.model.OceanIOStep.open_model_dataset(), which take care of of the mapping in addition to writing and opening a dataset, respectively. As new variables are added to Omega, they should be added to the variables section in the mpaso_to_omega.yaml file.

Running an E3SM component

Steps that run either Omega or MPAS-Ocean should descend from the polaris.ocean.model.OceanModelStep class. This class descends from polaris.ModelStep, so there is a lot of relevant discussion in Model.

If the graph partition file has been constructed prior to the ocean model step, the path to the graph file should be provided in the graph_target argument to the constructor polaris.ocean.model.OceanModelStep().

YAML files vs. namelists and streams

In order to have the same tasks support Omega or MPAS-Ocean, we want to be able to produce either the YAML config files used by Omega or the namelists and streams files used by MPAS-Ocean. To support both, we decided that polaris would use Omega-style YAML files to configure all ocean tasks and convert to MPAS-Ocean’s namelists and streams files if needed when steps get set up.

As a result, the add_namelist_file() and add_streams_file() methods should not be used for ocean model steps (they will raise errors).

Mapping from MPAS-Ocean to Omega config options

As the Omega component is in very early stages of development, it has far fewer config options than MPAS-Ocean at present. To complicate things further, it is already clear that there will be config options in Omega without a corresponding option in MPAS-Ocean (just as there are clearly many MPAS-Ocean config options that don’t exist in Omega). As a result, we need a way to support three categories of config options:

  1. ocean config options available in both models (we use the MPAS-Ocean names for these and map to the Omega names),

  2. mpas-ocean config options that only exist in MPAS-Ocean,

  3. omega config options that only exist in Omega.

YAML files can have root-level sections with 1, 2 or all 3 of these so-called config_models, as in the following example:

    config_run_duration: {{ run_duration }}
    config_dt: {{ dt }}
    config_time_integrator: {{ time_integrator }}

    config_bottom_drag_mode: implicit
    config_implicit_bottom_drag_type: constant
    config_implicit_constant_bottom_drag_coeff: 0.0
     config_use_manufactured_solution: true
    config_disable_vel_hmix: true

    VelDiffTendencyEnable: false
    VelHyperDiffTendencyEnable: false

When model config options are set in code, it is also important to specify which config_model they apply to (ocean, mpas-ocean or Omega):


We implement a mapping from the MPAS-Ocean names to the corresponding Omega names for the ocean config options in the methods polaris.ocean.model.OceanModelStep.map_yaml_options() and polaris.ocean.model.OceanModelStep.map_yaml_configs(). As new config options are added to Omega, they should be added to the config section in the mpaso_to_omega.yaml file. Note that config_model='Omega' must be capitalized since this is the convention on the model name in Omega’s own YAML files.

Setting MPI resources

The target and minimum number of MPI tasks (ntasks and min_tasks, respectively) are set automatically if ntasks and min_tasks have not already been set explicitly. In such cases, a subclass of OceanModelStep must override the polaris.ocean.model.OceanModelStep.compute_cell_count() method to approximate the number of cells in the mesh, using a simple heuristic.

The algorithm for determining the resources is:

# ideally, about 200 cells per core
self.ntasks = max(1, round(cell_count / goal_cells_per_core + 0.5))
# In a pinch, about 2000 cells per core
self.min_tasks = max(1, round(cell_count / max_cells_per_core + 0.5))

The config options goal_cells_per_core and max_cells_per_core in the [ocean] seciton can be used to control how resources scale with the size of the planar mesh. By default, the number of MPI tasks tries to apportion 200 cells to each core, but it will allow as many as 2000.

Setting time intervals in model config options

It is often useful to be able to convert a float time interval in days or seconds to a model config option in the form DDDD_HH:MM:SS.S. The polaris.ocean.model.get_time_interval_string() function will do this for you. For example, if you have resolution in km and a config section with options dt_per_km (in s/km) and run_duration (in days), you can use the function to get appropriate strings for filling in a template model config file:

from polaris.ocean.model import get_time_interval_string

dt_per_km = section.getfloat('dt_per_km')
dt_str = get_time_interval_string(seconds=dt_per_km * resolution)

run_duration = section.getfloat('run_duration')
run_duration_str = get_time_interval_string(days=run_duration)

output_interval = section.getfloat('output_interval')
output_interval_str = get_time_interval_string(days=output_interval)

replacements = dict(

self.add_yaml_file(package, yaml_filename,

where the YAML file might include:

    config_run_duration: {{ run_duration }}
    config_dt: {{ dt }}
      type: output
      filename_template: output.nc
      output_interval: {{ output_interval }}
      clobber_mode: truncate
      reference_time: 0001-01-01_00:00:00
      - xtime
      - normalVelocity
      - layerThickness

Model config options and streams

The module polaris.ocean.config contains yaml files for setting model config options and configuring streams. These include things like setting output to double precision, adjusting sea surface height in ice-shelf cavities, and outputting variables related to frazil ice and land-ice fluxes.

Quasi-uniform and Icosahedral Spherical Meshes

Many ocean tasks support two types of meshes: qu meshes created with the polaris.mesh.QuasiUniformSphericalMeshStep step and icos meshes created with polaris.mesh.IcosahedralMeshStep. In general, the icos meshes are more uniform but the qu meshes are more flexible. The icos meshes only support a fixed set of resolutions described in Spherical Meshes.

The function polaris.ocean.mesh.spherical.add_spherical_base_mesh_step() returns a step for for a spherical qu or icos mesh of a given resolution (in km). The step can be shared between tasks.

Convergence Tests

Several tests that are in Polaris or which we plan to add are convergence tests on Quasi-uniform and Icosahedral Spherical Meshes and planar meshes. The ocean framework includes shared config options and base classes for forward and analysis steps that are expected to be useful across these tests.

The key config options that control the convergence test are base_resolution and refinement_factors. The base_resolution is multipled by the refinement_factors to determine which resolutions to test when the convergence is being tested in space (or space and time together). The base_resolution is applied to all steps when convergence in time is tested. base_resolution times dt_per_km determines the base timestep in that case and is then multiplied by the refinement_factors to determine which time steps to test. When spherical meshes are being tested, the values in the convergence section are overridden by their values in the spherical_convergence section with a prefix indicating the mesh type.

The shared config options are:

# config options for spherical convergence tests

# The base resolution for the icosahedral mesh to which the refinement
# factors are applied
icos_base_resolution = 60.

# a list of icosahedral mesh resolutions (km) to test
icos_refinement_factors = 8., 4., 2., 1.

# The base resolution for the quasi-uniform mesh to which the refinement
# factors are applied
qu_base_resolution = 120.

# a list of quasi-uniform mesh resolutions (km) to test
qu_refinement_factors = 0.5, 0.75, 1., 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2.


# Evaluation time for convergence analysis (in hours)
convergence_eval_time = 24.0

# Convergence threshold below which a test fails
convergence_thresh = 1.0

# Type of error to compute
error_type = l2

# the base mesh resolution (km) to which refinement_factors
# are applied if refinement is 'space' or 'both' on a planar mesh
# base resolutions for spherical meshes are given in section spherical_convergence
base_resolution = 120

# refinement factors for a planar mesh applied to either space or time
# refinement factors for a spherical mesh given in section spherical_convergence
refinement_factors = 4., 2., 1., 0.5

# config options for convergence forward steps

# time integrator: {'split_explicit', 'RK4'}
time_integrator = RK4

# RK4 time step per resolution (s/km), since dt is proportional to resolution
rk4_dt_per_km = 3.0

# split time step per resolution (s/km), since dt is proportional to resolution
split_dt_per_km = 30.0

# the barotropic time step (s/km) for simulations using split time stepping,
# since btr_dt is proportional to resolution
btr_dt_per_km = 1.5

# Run duration in hours
run_duration = ${convergence:convergence_eval_time}

# Output interval in hours
output_interval = ${run_duration}

The first 2 are the default resolutions for icosahedral and quasi-uniform base meshes, respectively.

The convergence_eval_time will generally be modified by each test case. The convergence_thresh will also be modified by each test case, and will depend on the numerical methods being tested. The error_type is the L2 norm by default. The L-infty norm, inf, is also supported.

time_integrator will typically be overridden by the specific convergence task’s config options, and indicates which time integrator to use for the forward run. Depending on the time integrator, either rk4_dt_per_km or split_dt_per_km will be used to determine an appropriate time step for each mesh resolution (proportional to the cell size). For split time integrators, btr_dt_per_km will be used to compute the barotropic time step in a similar way. The run_duration and output_interval are typically the same, and they are given in hours.

Each convergence test can override these defaults with its own defaults by defining them in its own config file. Convergence tests should bring in this config file in their constructor or by adding them to a shared config. The options from the shared infrastructure should be added first, then those from its own config file to make sure they take precedence, e.g.:

from polaris.config import PolarisConfigParser

def add_cosine_bell_tasks(component):
    for icosahedral, prefix in [(True, 'icos'), (False, 'qu')]:

        filepath = f'spherical/{prefix}/cosine_bell/cosine_bell.cfg'
        config = PolarisConfigParser(filepath=filepath)

In addition, the polaris.ocean.convergence.spherical.SphericalConvergenceForward step can serve as a parent class for forward steps in convergence tests. This parent class takes care of setting the time step based on the dt_per_km config option and computes the approximate number of cells in the mesh, used for determining the computational resources required. When convergence tests are run on spherical meshes, the polaris.ocean.convergence.spherical.SphericalConvergenceForward should be invoked and overrides the compute_cell_count method with a heuristic appropriate for approximately uniform spherical meshes. A convergence test’s Forward step should descend from this class like in this example:

from polaris.ocean.convergence.spherical import SphericalConvergenceForward

class Forward(SphericalConvergenceForward):
    A step for performing forward ocean component runs as part of the cosine
    bell test case

    def __init__(self, component, name, subdir, mesh, init,
                 refinement_factor, refinement='both'):
        Create a new step

        component : polaris.Component
            The component the step belongs to

        name : str
            The name of the step

        subdir : str
            The subdirectory for the step

        resolution : float
            The resolution of the (uniform) mesh in km

        mesh : polaris.Step
            The base mesh step

        init : polaris.Step
            The init step

        refinement_factor : float
            The factor by which to scale space, time or both
        package = 'polaris.ocean.tasks.cosine_bell'
        validate_vars = ['normalVelocity', 'tracer1']
        super().__init__(component=component, name=name, subdir=subdir,
                         resolution=resolution, mesh=mesh,
                         init=init, package=package,

Each convergence test must define a YAML file with model config options, called forward.yaml by default. The package parameter is the location of this file within the Polaris code (using python package syntax). Although it is not used here, the options parameter can be used to pass model config options as a python dictionary so that they are added to with polaris.ModelStep.add_model_config_options(). The output_filename is an output file that will have fields to validate and analyze. The validate_vars are a list of variables to compare against a baseline (if one is provided), and can be None if baseline validation should not be performed.

The mesh step should be created with the function described in Quasi-uniform and Icosahedral Spherical Meshes, and the init step should produce a file init.nc that will be the initial condition for the forward run.

The forward.yaml file should be a YAML file with Jinja templating for the time integrator, time step, run duration and output interval, e.g.:

    config_run_duration: {{ run_duration }}
    config_dt: {{ dt }}
    config_time_integrator: {{ time_integrator }}
    config_btr_dt: {{ btr_dt }}
      filename_template: init.nc
      filename_template: init.nc
    restart: {}
      type: output
      filename_template: output.nc
      output_interval: {{ output_interval }}
      clobber_mode: truncate
      reference_time: 0001-01-01_00:00:00
      - xtime
      - normalVelocity
      - layerThickness

ConvergenceForward takes care of filling in the template based on the associated config options (first at setup and again at runtime in case the config options have changed).

In addition, the polaris.ocean.convergence.analysis.ConvergenceAnalysis step can serve as a parent class for analysis steps in convergence tests. This parent class computes the error norm for the output from each resolution’s forward step. It also produces the convergence plot.

This is an example of how a task’s analysis step can descend from the parent class:

class Analysis(ConvergenceAnalysis):
    A step for analyzing the output from the cosine bell test case
    def __init__(self, component, subdir, dependencies, refinement='both'):
        Create the step

        component : polaris.Component
            The component the step belongs to

        resolutions : list of float
            The resolutions of the meshes that have been run

        subdir : str
            The subdirectory that the step resides in

        dependencies : dict of dict of polaris.Steps
            The dependencies of this step

        refinement : str, optional
            Whether to refine in space, time or both space and time
        convergence_vars = [{'name': 'tracer1',
                             'title': 'tracer1',
                             'zidx': 0}]
        super().__init__(component=component, subdir=subdir,

Many tasks will also need to override the polaris.ocean.convergence.analysis.ConvergenceAnalysis.exact_solution() method. If not overridden, the analysis step will compute the difference of the output from the initial state.

In some cases, the child class will also need to override the polaris.ocean.convergence.analysis.ConvergenceAnalysis.get_output_field() method if the requested field is not available directly from the output put rather needs to be computed. The default behavior is to read the requested variable (the value associate the 'name' key) at the time index closest to the evaluation time specified by the convergence_eval_time config option.

Ice Shelf Tasks

The polaris.ocean.ice_shelf module provides support for ice shelf tasks.

The polaris.ocean.ice_shelf.IceShelf class can serve as a parent class for ice shelf tests, such as polaris.ocean.tasks.ice_shelf_2d.IceShelf2d.

The polaris.ocean.ice_shelf.IceShelf.setup_ssh_adjustment_steps() sets up ssh_forward and ssh_adjustment steps from the classes polaris.ocean.ice_shelf.ssh_forward.SshForward polaris.ocean.ice_shelf.ssh_adjustment.SshAdjustment. The ssh_adjustment section of the config file sets the parameters for these steps, as described in SSH adjustment steps. It returns the last ssh_adjustment step, which is typically used as the initial state for subsequent forward steps.

Vertical coordinate

The polaris.ocean.vertical module provides support for computing general vertical coordinates for MPAS-Ocean tasks.

The polaris.ocean.vertical.grid_1d module provides 1D vertical coordinates. To create 1D vertical grids, tasks should call polaris.ocean.vertical.grid_1d.generate_1d_grid() with the desired config options set in the vertical_grid section (as described in the User’s Guide under Vertical coordinate).

The z-level and z-star coordinates are also controlled by config options from this section of the config file. The function polaris.ocean.vertical.init_vertical_coord() can be used to compute minLevelCell, maxLevelCell, cellMask, layerThickness, zMid, and restingThickness variables for z-level and z-star coordinates using the ssh and bottomDepth as well as config options from vertical_grid. The function polaris.ocean.vertical.update_layer_thickness() can be used to update layerThickness when either or both of bottomDepth and ssh have been changed.

reference (resting) potential energy (RPE)

The module polaris.ocean.rpe is used to compute the reference (or resting) potential energy for an entire model domain. The RPE as given in Petersen et al. 2015 is:

\[ RPE = g \int_\Omega z \rho^*\left(z\right) dV \]

where \(\Omega\) is the domain and \(\rho^*\left(z\right)\) is the sorted density, which is horizontally constant and increases with depth.

The polaris.ocean.rpe.compute_rpe() is used to compute the RPE as a function of time in a series of one or more output files. The RPE is stored in rpe.csv and also returned as a numpy array for plotting and analysis.


The polaris.ocean.viz module provides functions for making plots that are specific to the ocean component.

The polaris.ocean.viz.transect modules includes functions for computing (polaris.ocean.viz.compute_transect()) and plotting (polaris.ocean.viz.plot_transect()) transects through the ocean from a sequence of x-y or latitude-longitude coordinates. Currently, only transects on xarray data arrays with dimensions nCells by nVertLevels are supported.