
class polaris.mesh.QuasiUniformSphericalMeshStep(component, name='base_mesh', subdir=None, cell_width=None)[source]

A step for creating a quasi-uniform JIGSAW mesh with a constant approximate cell width. Subclasses can override the build_cell_width_lat_lon() method to define a lon/lat map of cell width. They can override the make_jigsaw_mesh() method to change how the jigsaw mesh is generated.


cell_width (float) – The approximate cell width in km of the mesh if constant resolution

__init__(component, name='base_mesh', subdir=None, cell_width=None)[source]

Create a new step

  • component (polaris.Component) – The component the step belongs to

  • name (str, optional) – the name of the step

  • subdir ({str, None}, optional) – the subdirectory for the step

  • cell_width (float, optional) – The approximate cell width in km of the mesh if constant resolution


__init__(component[, name, subdir, cell_width])

Create a new step

add_dependency(step[, name])

Add step as a dependency of this step (i.e. this step can't run until the dependency has finished).

add_input_file([filename, target, database, ...])

Add an input file to the step (but not necessarily to the MPAS model).

add_output_file(filename[, validate_vars])

Add the output file that must be produced by this step and may be made available as an input to steps, perhaps in other tasks.


A function for creating cell width array for this mesh on a regular latitude-longitude grid.


Constrain cpus_per_task and ntasks based on the number of cores available to this step

make_jigsaw_mesh(lon, lat, cell_width)

Build the JIGSAW mesh.


Process the inputs to and outputs from a step added with polaris.Step.add_input_file() and polaris.Step.add_output_file().


Run this step of the task


Update attributes of the step at runtime before calling the run() method.

save_and_plot_cell_width(lon, lat, cell_width)

Save the cell width field on a lon/lat grid to self.cell_width_filename and plot

set_resources([cpus_per_task, ...])

Update the resources for the subtask.

set_shared_config(config[, link])

Replace the step's config parser with the shared config parser


Add JIGSAW options based on config options


Compare variables between output files in this step and in the same step from a baseline run if one was provided.