
Parameters make use of inheritance. Parameters set in [default] can be overridden by parameters set in a [section], which can themselves be overridden by parameters set in a [[subsection].


The following code block lists the types and default values for parameters. It is not the correct syntax for a configuration file. Copying and pasting the code block into a configuration file will not work!


The amwg section is user-contributed and is not officially supported/documented!

The following is adapted from zppy/zppy/templates/default.ini and explains the types and default values for the parameters.

# The directory to be post-processed
input = string
# The specific subdirectory with the atmospheric data
input_subdir = string(default="archive/atm/hist")
# Where the post-processing results (`post` directory) should go
output = string
# The case name of the simulation
case = string
# Where the post-processing visuals should go (to be viewed online)
www = string
# Set to True to keep temporary directories/files after zppy completes
debug = boolean(default=False)
# The partition of the machine to run on
partition = string(default="")
# The version of E3SM Unified to use
e3sm_unified = option('latest', 'test', default='latest')
# This should be set to True if you don't want the batch jobs to be submitted
dry_run = boolean(default=False)

# Set to True to run this section
active = boolean(default=True)
# Quality of service
qos = string(default="regular")
# The number of nodes to use
nodes = integer(default=4)
# The maximum time to run
walltime = string(default="02:00:00")
# Which files to use as input
input_files = string(default="eam.h0")
# The frequency of the data. Options include "monthly", "monthly_diurnal_8xdaily"
frequency = string(default="monthly")
# The mapping file to use
mapping_file = string(default="")
# The grid to use
grid = string(default="")
# The years to run; "1:100:20" would mean process years 1-100 in 20-year increments
years = string_list(default=list(""))
exclude = boolean(default=False)
# The variables to process
vars = string(default="")

# Set to True to run this section
active = boolean(default=True)
# Quality of service
qos = string(default="regular")
# The number of nodes to use
nodes = integer(default=1)
# The maximum time to run
walltime = string(default="02:00:00")
# Which files to use as input
input_files = string(default="eam.h0")
# The frequency of the data. Options include "monthly", "monthly_diurnal_8xdaily"
frequency = string(default="monthly")
# The mapping file to use
mapping_file = string(default="")
# The grid to use
grid = string(default="")
area_nm = string(default="area")
# The variables to process
# The years to run; "1:100:10" would mean process years 1-100 in 10-year increments
years = string_list(default=list(""))
# Days per file
dpf = integer(default=30)
# Time-steps per day
tpd = integer(default=1)

# Set to True to run this section
active = boolean(default=True)
# The grid to use
grid = string(default="")
# Quality of service
qos = string(default="regular")
# The number of nodes to use
nodes = integer(default=1)
# The maximum time to run
walltime = string(default="02:00:00")
# See
reference_data_path = string(default="")
# Used for `test_name` and `short_test_name` in
short_name = string(default="")
cfg = string(default="")
# The sets to run
# Note that "enso_diags","qbo","area_mean_time_series" require time-series data.
# They also require `obs_ts` and `ref_start_yr` to be set.
# "qbo" requires `ref_final_yr` to be set as well.
# "diurnal_cycle" requires `climo_diurnal_subsection` and `ds_obs_climo` to be set.
sets = string_list(default=list("lat_lon","zonal_mean_xy","zonal_mean_2d","polar","cosp_histogram","meridional_mean_2d","enso_diags","qbo","area_mean_time_series","diurnal_cycle"))
# See
backend = string(default="mpl")
# See
diff_title = string(default="Model - Observations")
# See
run_type = string(default="model_vs_obs")
# Used to label the results directory
tag = string(default="model_vs_obs")
# See
output_format = string_list(default=list("png"))
# See
output_format_subplot = string_list(default=list())
# See
multiprocessing = boolean(default=True)
# See
num_workers = integer(default=24)
# Variables to process
# Name of the subsection of `[climo]` to use for "diurnal_cycle" runs
climo_diurnal_subsection = string(default="")
# The following parameters aren't defined in `default.ini`
# Path to observation data for diurnal cycle runs
dc_obs_climo = string
# Path to observation data for time-series-required ("enso_diags","qbo","area_mean_time_series") runs
obs_ts = string
# Start year for the reference data
ref_start_yr = string
# End year (i.e., the last year to use) for the reference data
ref_end_yr = string
# Final year (i.e., the last available year) for the reference data
ref_final_yr = string

# Set to True to run this section
active = boolean(default=True)
grid = string(default="")
# Quality of service
qos = string(default="regular")
nodes = integer(default=1)
walltime = string(default="02:00:00")
reference_data_path = string(default="")
ref_name = string(default="")
short_ref_name = string(default="")
short_name = string(default="")
swap_test_ref = boolean(default=False)
sets = string_list(default=list("lat_lon","zonal_mean_xy","zonal_mean_2d","polar","cosp_histogram","meridional_mean_2d"))
backend = string(default="mpl")
diff_title = string(default="Difference")
run_type = string(default="model_vs_model")
tag = string(default="model_vs_model")
output_format = string_list(default=list("png"))
output_format_subplot = string_list(default=list(""))
multiprocessing = boolean(default=True)
num_workers = integer(default=24)

years = string_list(default=list(""))
ref_years = string_list(default=list(""))

# Set to True to run this section
active = boolean(default=True)

# Set to True to run this section
active = boolean(default=True)
shortTermArchive = boolean(default=True)
# Quality of service
qos = string(default="regular")
# The number of nodes to use
nodes = integer(default=1)
# The maximum time to run
walltime = string(default="06:00:00")
parallelTaskCount = integer(default=12)
ncclimoParallelMode = string(default="bck")
ncclimoThreads = integer(default=12)
mapMpiTasks = integer(default=6)
cache = boolean(default=True)
purge = boolean(default=False)
PostMOC = boolean(default=False)
mpaso_nml = string(default="mpaso_in")
mpassi_nml = string(default="mpassi_in")
stream_ocn = string(default="streams.ocean")
stream_ice = string(default="streams.seaice")
generate = string_list(default=list('all', 'no_landIceCavities', 'no_BGC', 'no_icebergs', 'no_min', 'no_max', 'no_sose', 'no_climatologyMapAntarcticMelt', 'no_regionalTSDiagrams', 'no_timeSeriesAntarcticMelt', 'no_timeSeriesOceanRegions', 'no_climatologyMapSose', 'no_woceTransects', 'no_soseTransects', 'no_geojsonTransects', 'no_oceanRegionalProfiles', 'no_hovmollerOceanRegions'))

# Set to True to run this section
active = boolean(default=True)
# The number of nodes to use
nodes = integer(default=1)
# The maximum time to run
walltime = string(default="02:00:00")
# The color to be used for the graphs.
color = string(default="Blue")
# "1-100" would plot years 1 to 100 on the graphs.
years = string_list(default=list(""))
# The number of years in a time-series file.
ts_num_years = integer(default=10)
# What the plot files should be named
figstr = string(default="")
moc_file = string(default="")
experiment_name = string(default="")
ts_years = string_list(default=list(""))
climo_years = string_list(default=list(""))