
class polaris.remap.MappingFileStep(component, name, subdir=None, indir=None, ntasks=None, min_tasks=None, map_filename=None, method='bilinear')[source]

A step for creating a mapping file between grids

  • src_grid_info (dict) – Information about the source grid

  • dst_grid_info (dict) – Information about the destination grid

  • method ({'bilinear', 'neareststod', 'conserve'}) – The method of interpolation used

  • map_filename (str or None) – The name of the output mapping file

  • expand_distance (float or None) – The distance in meters over which to expand destination grid cells for smoothing

  • expand_factor (float or None) – The factor by which to expand destination grid cells for smoothing

  • src_mesh_filename (str) – The name of the SCRIP file for the source mesh

  • dst_mesh_filename (str) – The name of the SCRIP file for the destination mesh

__init__(component, name, subdir=None, indir=None, ntasks=None, min_tasks=None, map_filename=None, method='bilinear')[source]

Create a new step

  • component (polaris.Component) – The component the step belongs to

  • name (str) – the name of the step

  • subdir (str, optional) –

    the subdirectory for the step. If neither this nor indir

    are provided, the directory is the name

  • indir (str, optional) – the directory the step is in, to which name will be appended

  • ntasks (int, optional) – the target number of MPI tasks the step would ideally use

  • min_tasks (int, optional) – the number of MPI tasks the step requires

  • map_filename (str, optional) – The name of the output mapping file, map_{source_type}_{dest_type}_{method}.nc by default

  • method ({'bilinear', 'neareststod', 'conserve'}, optional) – The method of interpolation used


__init__(component, name[, subdir, indir, ...])

Create a new step

add_dependency(step[, name])

Add step as a dependency of this step (i.e. this step can't run until the dependency has finished).

add_input_file([filename, target, database, ...])

Add an input file to the step (but not necessarily to the MPAS model).

add_output_file(filename[, validate_vars])

Add the output file that must be produced by this step and may be made available as an input to steps, perhaps in other tasks.


Constrain cpus_per_task and ntasks based on the number of cores available to this step

dst_from_lon_lat(filename[, mesh_name, ...])

Set the destination grid from a file with a longitude-latitude grid.

dst_from_mpas(filename, mesh_name[, mesh_type])

Set the destination grid from an MPAS mesh file

dst_from_points(filename, mesh_name[, ...])

Set the destination grid from a file with a collection of points.

dst_from_proj(filename, mesh_name[, x_var, ...])

Set the destination grid from a file with a projection grid.

dst_global_lon_lat(dlon, dlat[, lon_min, ...])

Set the destination grid from a file with a longitude-latitude grid.


Get the remapper for this step.


Process the inputs to and outputs from a step added with polaris.Step.add_input_file() and polaris.Step.add_output_file().


Run the step.


Create a remapper and set the command-line arguments

set_resources([cpus_per_task, ...])

Update the resources for the subtask.

set_shared_config(config[, link])

Replace the step's config parser with the shared config parser


Set up the task in the work directory, including downloading any dependencies.

src_from_lon_lat(filename[, mesh_name, ...])

Set the source grid from a file with a longitude-latitude grid.

src_from_mpas(filename, mesh_name[, mesh_type])

Set the source grid from an MPAS mesh file

src_from_proj(filename, mesh_name[, x_var, ...])

Set the source grid from a file with a projection grid.


Compare variables between output files in this step and in the same step from a baseline run if one was provided.