import os.path
import pyproj
import xarray as xr
from pyremap import (
from polaris import Step
class MappingFileStep(Step):
A step for creating a mapping file between grids
src_grid_info : dict
Information about the source grid
dst_grid_info : dict
Information about the destination grid
method : {'bilinear', 'neareststod', 'conserve'}
The method of interpolation used
map_filename : str or None
The name of the output mapping file
expand_distance : float or None
The distance in meters over which to expand destination grid cells for
expand_factor : float or None
The factor by which to expand destination grid cells for smoothing
src_mesh_filename : str
The name of the SCRIP file for the source mesh
dst_mesh_filename : str
The name of the SCRIP file for the destination mesh
def __init__(self, component, name, subdir=None, indir=None, ntasks=None,
min_tasks=None, map_filename=None, method='bilinear'):
Create a new step
component : polaris.Component
The component the step belongs to
name : str
the name of the step
subdir : str, optional
the subdirectory for the step. If neither this nor ``indir``
are provided, the directory is the ``name``
indir : str, optional
the directory the step is in, to which ``name`` will be appended
ntasks : int, optional
the target number of MPI tasks the step would ideally use
min_tasks : int, optional
the number of MPI tasks the step requires
map_filename : str, optional
The name of the output mapping file,
``map_{source_type}_{dest_type}_{method}.nc`` by default
method : {'bilinear', 'neareststod', 'conserve'}, optional
The method of interpolation used
super().__init__(component=component, name=name, subdir=subdir,
indir=indir, ntasks=ntasks, min_tasks=min_tasks)
self.src_grid_info = dict()
self.dst_grid_info = dict()
self.map_filename = map_filename
self.method = method
self.expand_distance = None
self.expand_factor = None
self.src_mesh_filename = ''
self.dst_mesh_filename = ''
def src_from_mpas(self, filename, mesh_name, mesh_type='cell'):
Set the source grid from an MPAS mesh file
filename : str
A file containing the MPAS mesh
mesh_name : str
The name of the MPAS mesh
mesh_type : {'cell', 'edge', 'vertex'}, optional
Which type of MPAS mesh
src = dict()
src['type'] = 'mpas'
src['filename'] = filename
src['name'] = mesh_name
src['mpas_mesh_type'] = mesh_type
self.src_grid_info = src
def dst_from_mpas(self, filename, mesh_name, mesh_type='cell'):
Set the destination grid from an MPAS mesh file
filename : str
A file containing the MPAS mesh
mesh_name : str
The name of the MPAS mesh
mesh_type : {'cell', 'edge', 'vertex'}, optional
Which type of MPAS mesh
dst = dict()
dst['type'] = 'mpas'
dst['filename'] = filename
dst['name'] = mesh_name
dst['mpas_mesh_type'] = mesh_type
self.dst_grid_info = dst
def src_from_lon_lat(self, filename, mesh_name=None, lon_var='lon',
Set the source grid from a file with a longitude-latitude grid. The
latitude and longitude variables can be 1D or 2D.
filename : str
A file containing the latitude-longitude grid
mesh_name : str, optional
The name of the lon-lat grid (defaults to resolution and units,
something like "0.5x0.5degree")
lon_var : str, optional
The name of the longitude coordinate in the file
lat_var : str, optional
The name of the latitude coordinate in the file
src = dict()
src['type'] = 'lon-lat'
src['filename'] = filename
src['lon'] = lon_var
src['lat'] = lat_var
if mesh_name is not None:
src['name'] = mesh_name
self.src_grid_info = src
def dst_from_lon_lat(self, filename, mesh_name=None, lon_var='lon',
Set the destination grid from a file with a longitude-latitude grid.
The latitude and longitude variables can be 1D or 2D.
filename : str
A file containing the latitude-longitude grid
mesh_name : str, optional
The name of the lon-lat grid (defaults to resolution and units,
something like "0.5x0.5degree")
lon_var : str, optional
The name of the longitude coordinate in the file
lat_var : str, optional
The name of the latitude coordinate in the file
dst = dict()
dst['type'] = 'lon-lat'
dst['filename'] = filename
dst['lon'] = lon_var
dst['lat'] = lat_var
if mesh_name is not None:
dst['name'] = mesh_name
self.dst_grid_info = dst
def dst_global_lon_lat(self, dlon, dlat, lon_min=-180., mesh_name=None):
Set the destination grid from a file with a longitude-latitude grid.
The latitude and longitude variables can be 1D or 2D.
dlon : float
The longitude resolution in degrees
dlat : float
The latitude resolution in degrees
lon_min : float, optional
The longitude for the left-hand edge of the global grid in degrees
mesh_name : str, optional
The name of the lon-lat grid (defaults to resolution and units,
something like "0.5x0.5degree")
dst = dict()
dst['type'] = 'lon-lat'
dst['dlon'] = dlon
dst['dlat'] = dlat
dst['lon_min'] = lon_min
if mesh_name is not None:
dst['name'] = mesh_name
self.dst_grid_info = dst
def src_from_proj(self, filename, mesh_name, x_var='x', y_var='y',
proj_attr=None, proj_str=None):
Set the source grid from a file with a projection grid.
filename : str
A file containing the projection grid
mesh_name : str
The name of the projection grid
x_var : str, optional
The name of the x coordinate in the file
y_var : str, optional
The name of the y coordinate in the file
proj_attr : str, optional
The name of a global attribute in the file containing the proj
string for the projection
proj_str : str, optional
A proj string defining the projection, ignored if ``proj_attr``
is provided
src = dict()
src['type'] = 'proj'
src['filename'] = filename
src['name'] = mesh_name
src['x'] = x_var
src['y'] = y_var
if proj_attr is not None:
src['proj_attr'] = proj_attr
elif proj_str is not None:
src['proj_str'] = proj_str
raise ValueError('Must provide one of "proj_attr" or "proj_str".')
self.src_grid_info = src
def dst_from_proj(self, filename, mesh_name, x_var='x', y_var='y',
proj_attr=None, proj_str=None):
Set the destination grid from a file with a projection grid.
filename : str
A file containing the projection grid
mesh_name : str
The name of the projection grid
x_var : str, optional
The name of the x coordinate in the file
y_var : str, optional
The name of the y coordinate in the file
proj_attr : str, optional
The name of a global attribute in the file containing the proj
string for the projection
proj_str : str, optional
A proj string defining the projection, ignored if ``proj_attr``
is provided
dst = dict()
dst['type'] = 'proj'
dst['filename'] = filename
dst['name'] = mesh_name
dst['x'] = x_var
dst['y'] = y_var
if proj_attr is not None:
dst['proj_attr'] = proj_attr
elif proj_str is not None:
dst['proj_str'] = proj_str
raise ValueError('Must provide one of "proj_attr" or "proj_str".')
self.dst_grid_info = dst
def dst_from_points(self, filename, mesh_name, lon_var='lon',
Set the destination grid from a file with a collection of points.
filename : str
A file containing the latitude-longitude grid
mesh_name : str
The name of the point collection
lon_var : str, optional
The name of the longitude coordinate in the file
lat_var : str, optional
The name of the latitude coordinate in the file
dst = dict()
dst['type'] = 'points'
dst['filename'] = filename
dst['name'] = mesh_name
dst['lon'] = lon_var
dst['lat'] = lat_var
self.dst_grid_info = dst
def get_remapper(self):
Get the remapper for this step. After the step has been run, it can
be used to remap data between the source and destination grids by
calling its ``remap_file()`` or ``remap()`` methods.
remapper : pyremap.Remapper
The remapper between the source and destination grids
src = self.src_grid_info
dst = self.dst_grid_info
if 'type' not in src:
raise ValueError('None of the "src_from_*()" methods were called')
if 'type' not in dst:
raise ValueError('None of the "dst_from_*()" methods were called')
# to absolute paths for when the remapper is used in another step
for info in [src, dst]:
if 'filename' in info:
info['filename'] = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
self.work_dir, info['filename']))
in_descriptor = _get_descriptor(src)
out_descriptor = _get_descriptor(dst)
if self.map_filename is None:
map_tool = self.config.get('mapping', 'map_tool')
prefixes = {
'esmf': 'esmf',
'moab': 'mbtr'
suffixes = {
'conserve': 'aave',
'bilinear': 'bilin',
'neareststod': 'neareststod'
suffix = f'{prefixes[map_tool]}{suffixes[self.method]}'
self.map_filename = \
f'map_{in_descriptor.meshName}_to_{out_descriptor.meshName}' \
self.map_filename = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
self.work_dir, self.map_filename))
remapper = Remapper(in_descriptor, out_descriptor, self.map_filename)
return remapper
def runtime_setup(self):
Create a remapper and set the command-line arguments
remapper = self.get_remapper()
map_tool = self.config.get('mapping', 'map_tool')
_check_remapper(remapper, self.method, map_tool=map_tool)
src_descriptor = remapper.sourceDescriptor
dst_descriptor = remapper.destinationDescriptor
if map_tool == 'esmf':
self.args = _esmf_build_map_args(remapper, self.method,
elif map_tool == 'moab':
self.args = _moab_build_map_args(remapper, self.method,
def _check_remapper(remapper, method, map_tool):
Check for inconsistencies in the remapper
if map_tool not in ['moab', 'esmf']:
raise ValueError(f'Unexpected map_tool {map_tool}. Valid '
f'values are "esmf" or "moab".')
if isinstance(remapper.destinationDescriptor,
PointCollectionDescriptor) and \
method not in ['bilinear', 'neareststod']:
raise ValueError(f'method {method} not supported for destination '
f'grid of type PointCollectionDescriptor.')
if map_tool == 'moab' and method == 'neareststod':
raise ValueError('method neareststod not supported by mbtempest.')
def _esmf_build_map_args(remapper, method, src_descriptor, src_mesh_filename,
dst_descriptor, dst_mesh_filename):
Get command-line arguments for making a mapping file with
args = ['ESMF_RegridWeightGen',
'--source', src_mesh_filename,
'--destination', dst_mesh_filename,
'--weight', remapper.mappingFileName,
'--method', method,
if src_descriptor.regional:
if dst_descriptor.regional:
if src_descriptor.regional or dst_descriptor.regional:
return [args]
def _moab_build_map_args(remapper, method, src_descriptor, src_mesh_filename,
dst_descriptor, dst_mesh_filename):
Get command-line arguments for making a mapping file with mbtempest
fvmethod = {
'conserve': 'none',
'bilinear': 'bilin'}
map_filename = remapper.mappingFileName
intx_filename = \
intx_args = [
'--type', '5',
'--load', src_mesh_filename,
'--load', dst_mesh_filename,
'--intx', intx_filename
if src_descriptor.regional or dst_descriptor.regional:
map_args = [
'--type', '5',
'--load', src_mesh_filename,
'--load', dst_mesh_filename,
'--intx', intx_filename,
'--method', 'fv',
'--method', 'fv',
'--file', map_filename,
'--order', '1',
'--order', '1',
'--fvmethod', fvmethod[method]
if method == 'conserve' and (src_descriptor.regional or
return [intx_args, map_args]
def _get_descriptor(info):
Get a mesh descriptor from the mesh info
grid_type = info['type']
if grid_type == 'mpas':
descriptor = _get_mpas_descriptor(info)
elif grid_type == 'lon-lat':
descriptor = _get_lon_lat_descriptor(info)
elif grid_type == 'proj':
descriptor = _get_proj_descriptor(info)
elif grid_type == 'points':
descriptor = _get_points_descriptor(info)
raise ValueError(f'Unexpected grid type {grid_type}')
# for compatibility with mbtempest
descriptor.format = 'NETCDF3_64BIT_DATA'
return descriptor
def _get_mpas_descriptor(info):
Get an MPAS mesh descriptor from the given info
mesh_type = info['mpas_mesh_type']
filename = info['filename']
mesh_name = info['name']
if mesh_type == 'cell':
descriptor = MpasCellMeshDescriptor(fileName=filename,
elif mesh_type == 'vertex':
descriptor = MpasVertexMeshDescriptor(fileName=filename,
elif mesh_type == 'edge':
descriptor = MpasEdgeMeshDescriptor(fileName=filename,
raise ValueError(f'Unexpected MPAS mesh type {mesh_type}')
return descriptor
def _get_lon_lat_descriptor(info):
Get a lon-lat descriptor from the given info
if 'dlat' in info and 'dlon' in info:
lon_min = info['lon_min']
lon_max = lon_min + 360.
descriptor = get_lat_lon_descriptor(dLon=info['dlon'],
filename = info['filename']
lon = info['lon']
lat = info['lat']
with xr.open_dataset(filename) as ds:
lon_lat_1d = len(ds[lon].dims) == 1 and len(ds[lat].dims) == 1
lon_lat_2d = len(ds[lon].dims) == 2 and len(ds[lat].dims) == 2
if not lon_lat_1d and not lon_lat_2d:
raise ValueError(f'longitude and latitude coordinates {lon} '
f'and {lat} have unexpected sizes '
f'{len(ds[lon].dims)} and '
if lon_lat_1d:
descriptor =,
descriptor =,
if 'name' in info:
descriptor.meshName = info['name']
return descriptor
def _get_proj_descriptor(info):
Get a ProjectionGridDescriptor from the given info
filename = info['filename']
grid_name = info['name']
x = info['x']
y = info['y']
if 'proj_attr' in info:
with xr.open_dataset(filename) as ds:
proj_str = ds.attrs[info['proj_attr']]
proj_str = info['proj_str']
proj = pyproj.Proj(proj_str)
descriptor =,
return descriptor
def _get_points_descriptor(info):
Get a PointCollectionDescriptor from the given info
filename = info['filename']
collection_name = info['name']
lon_var = info['lon']
lat_var = info['lat']
with xr.open_dataset(filename) as ds:
lon = ds[lon_var].value
lat = ds[lat_var].values
unit_attr = lon.attrs['units'].lower()
if 'deg' in unit_attr:
units = 'degrees'
elif 'rad' in unit_attr:
units = 'radians'
raise ValueError(f'Unexpected longitude unit unit {unit_attr}')
descriptor = PointCollectionDescriptor(lons=lon, lats=lat,
return descriptor