Simulation Data

The E3SMv2 simulation data is available on ESGF and NERSC HPSS.

The preferred retrieval method is ESGF. Native output is available at ESGF, and a subset of the data is reformatted to conform to CMIP conventions and submmited to the CMIP6 ESGF archive (ESGF links are provided in the table below for published data).

Additionally, all native model output data has also been archived on NERSC HPSS using zstash.

If you have an account on NERSC, you can retrieve the data locally or remotely using Globus.

To download simulation data locally on a NERSC machine:

zstash extract --hpss=<HPSS path below>

To download simulation data remotely using the zstash Globus interface:

zstash extract --hpss=globus://nersc/<HPSS path below>


zstash extract --hpss=globus://9cd89cfd-6d04-11e5-ba46-22000b92c6ec/<HPSS path below>

Note that the data management tool zstash is available from the E3SM-Unified conda environment. An example of retrieving all eam.h0 (monthly atmosphere output files) between years 0030 and 0049 for the v2.LR.piControl simulation at NERSC locally is demonstrated as below in two steps:

  1. To activate E3SM-Unified environment by:

    source /global/common/software/e3sm/anaconda_envs/
  2. To retrieve files with zstash command:

    zstash extract --hpss=/home/projects/e3sm/www/WaterCycle/E3SMv2/LR/v2.LR.piControl "*.elm.h0.00[3-4]?-??.nc"

For more information, refer to zstash usage.

If you do not have access to NERSC, you can download simulation data directly through the NERSC HPSS web interface. Note that this will be slow and inefficient since you’ll have to download the tar files.

v2.LR simulations data has been archived on NERSC HPSS under:


and v2.NARRM simulations data under:


Scripts to reproduce v2 simulations are available here with specific instructions details in Reproducing Simulations. Original run scripts (the scripts that were originally used to create the simulations) have been archived here here. These latter srcipts are provided for reference only.