Reproducing Simulations

All v2.LR simulations were run on E3SM’s chrysalis cluster. Most v2.NARRM were run on chrysalis as well, except for three historical members that were run on NERSC cori-knl.

Original simulations can be reproduced BFB (bit-for-bit) on the same machines. While you can rerun simulations on a different machines as well, the results with not be BFB due to hardware and software differences.

Below are detailed instructions on how to reproduce v2.LR.piControl on chrysalis. It should be reasonably simple to adapt for other simulations and/or machines.

Files are usually stored in two locatations: scripts and source code in the home file system (~/E3SMv2_test) and model files in the scratch file syatem (/lcrc/group/e3sm/$USER/E3SMv2_test).

# Load E3SM unified to make zstash available
source /lcrc/soft/climate/e3sm-unified/
# Replace with the case you're running.
# CASE_NAME is what's listed in the "Simulation" column below.

# (1) Retrieve run script
mkdir -p ~/E3SMv2_test/scripts
cd ~/E3SMv2_test/scripts
# The Github address is what's listed in the "Script" column below.
vi run.${CASE_NAME}.sh
#--> customize as needed
# If you named your directory, something other than "E3SMv2_test",
# you'll need to update those references in this script.
# If you already have compiled code, set: `do_fetch_code=false`

# (2) Retrieve initial conditions from NERSC HPSS
mkdir -p /lcrc/group/e3sm/${USER}/E3SMv2_test/${CASE_NAME}
cd /lcrc/group/e3sm/${USER}/E3SMv2_test/${CASE_NAME}
# If you're reproducing a NAARM run, replace the "LR" with "NARRM"
zstash extract -v --hpss=globus://nersc/home/projects/e3sm/www/WaterCycle/E3SMv2/LR/${CASE_NAME} "init/*"

# Remove zstash cache
rm -rf zstash

# (3) Compile and run test
cd ~/E3SMv2_test/scripts

# (4) After the job completed, check resuls
cd /lcrc/group/e3sm/${USER}/E3SMv2_test/${CASE_NAME}/tests
for test in *_*_ndays
  gunzip -c ${test}/run/atm.log.*.gz | grep '^ nstep, te ' | uniq > atm_${test}.txt
wc -l atm_*.txt
482 atm_XS_1x10_ndays.txt
#--> each should have 482 lines, corresponding to 10 simulated days
md5sum atm_*.txt
7547932242025fdf92014d06d6f9eec2  atm_XS_1x10_ndays.txt
# Checksum matches reference simulation (see "10 day checksum" column below),
# so results are BFB with original code.