
The ice_shelf_2d test group (polaris.ocean.tasks.ice_shelf_2d.IceShelf2d) implements a very simplified ice-shelf cavity that is invariant in the x direction (see ice shelf 2d). Here, we describe the shared framework for this test group and the 2 test cases.


The shared config options for the ice_shelf_2d test group are described in ice shelf 2d in the User’s Guide.

Additionally, the test group has shared ssh_forward.yaml and forward.yaml files with common namelist options and streams related to the ssh_adjustment and forward steps, respectively.

The test case class is inherited from polaris.ocean.ice_shelf.IceShelfTask and its polaris.ocean.ice_shelf.ssh_forward.SshForward and polaris.ocean.ice_shelf.ssh_adjustment.SshAdjustment step classes are used to set up one of each step for each iteration given by the config option ssh_adjustment:iterations.


The class :py:class:polaris.ocean.tasks.ice_shelf_2d.init.Init defines a step for setting up the initial state for each test case.

First, a mesh appropriate for the resolution is generated using mpas_tools.planar_hex.make_planar_hex_mesh(). Then, the mesh is culled to remove periodicity in the y direction. A vertical grid is generated, with 20 layers of 100-m thickness each by default. Then, the 1D grid is either “squashed” down so the sea-surface height corresponds to the location of the ice-ocean interface (ice draft) using a z-star Vertical coordinate or top layers are removed where there is an ice shelf using a z-level coordinate. Finally, the initial salinity profile is computed along with uniform temperature and zero initial velocity.


The class polaris.ocean.tests.ice_shelf_2d.forward.Forward defines a step for running MPAS-Ocean from the initial condition produced in the init step. For MPAS-Ocean, PIO namelist options are modified and a graph partition is generated as part of runtime_setup(). Next, the ocean model is run.


The class polaris.ocean.tasks.ice_shelf_2d.validate.Validate defines a step for validating outputs in two step directories against one another. This step ensures that temperature, salinity, layerThickness and normalVelocity are identical in files in the two steps. It also checks a number of land ice variables and frazil variables stored in and, respectively. This step is used by the restart test (see dev-ocean-ice-shelf-2d-restart).


The class polaris.ocean.tasks.ice_shelf_2d.viz.Viz uses the planar visualization capabilities provided by polaris.ocean.viz.compute_transect().


The polaris.ocean.tasks.ice_shelf_2d.default.Default test case config options are described in default.

The test creates and mesh and initial condition, performs 15 iterations of SSH adjustment to make sure the SSH is as close as possible to being in dynamic balance with the land-ice pressure. Then, it performs a 10-minute forward simulation. If a baseline is provided, a large number of variables (both prognostic and related to land-ice fluxes) are checked to make sure they match the baseline.

The restart test, ocean/planar/ice_shelf_2d/$RES/$COORD_TYPE/default/with_restart is just a variant of the default test that has two additional steps, a forward step and a validate step.

The tidal forcing test, ocean/planar/ice_shelf_2d/$RES/$COORD_TYPE/default_tidal_forcing is a variant of the default test that has tidal forcing, is run for longer (0.1 days), and uses the RK4 time integration scheme by default.