
IceShelfTask.setup_ssh_adjustment_steps(mesh_filename, graph_filename, init_filename, config, config_filename, ForwardStep, package=None, yaml_filename='ssh_forward.yaml', yaml_replacements=None)[source]

Setup ssh_forward and ssh_adjustment steps for all iterations

  • config (polaris.config.PolarisConfigParser) – The configuration for this task

  • mesh_filename (str) – the mesh filename (relative to the base work directory)

  • graph_filename (str) – the graph filename (relative to the base work directory)

  • init_filename (str) – the initial condition filename (relative to the base work directory)

  • config_filename (str) – the configuration filename

  • ForwardStep (polaris.ocean.ice_shelf.ssh_forward.SshForward) – the step class used to create ssh_forward steps

  • package (Package) – The package name or module object that contains namelist from which ssh_forward steps will derive their configuration

  • yaml_filename (str, optional) – the yaml filename used for ssh_forward steps

  • yaml_replacements (Dict, optional) – key, string combinations for templated replacements in the yaml file


shared_step (polaris.Step) – the final ssh_adjustment step that produces the input to the next forward step