

The collection of all test case for the MPAS-Ocean core




Add tasks for different baroclinic channel tests to the ocean component

forward.Forward(component, resolution[, ...])

A step for performing forward ocean component runs as part of baroclinic channel tasks.


Compute the approximate number of cells in the mesh, used to constrain resources


Add model config options, namelist, streams and yaml files using config options or template replacements that need to be set both during step setup and at runtime

init.Init(component, resolution, indir)

A step for creating a mesh and initial condition for baroclinic channel tasks


Set up the task in the work directory, including downloading any dependencies.


Run this step of the task

validate.Validate(component, step_subdirs, indir)

A step for comparing outputs between steps in a baroclinic channel run


Compare temperature, salinity, layerThickness and normalVelocity in the outputs of two previous steps with each other

viz.Viz(component, indir)

A step for plotting the results of a series of baroclinic channel RPE runs


Run this step of the task

default.Default(component, resolution, ...)

The default baroclinic channel test case simply creates the mesh and initial condition, then performs a short forward run on 4 cores.

decomp.Decomp(component, resolution, indir, init)

A baroclinic channel decomposition task, which makes sure the model produces identical results on 1 and 4 cores.

restart.Restart(component, resolution, ...)

A baroclinic channel restart test case, which makes sure the model produces identical results with one longer run and two shorter runs with a restart in between.

restart.restart_step.RestartStep(component, ...)

A forward model step in the restart test case


Add model config options, namelist, streams and yaml files using config options or template replacements that need to be set both during step setup and at runtime

threads.Threads(component, resolution, ...)

A baroclinic channel thread test case, which makes sure the model produces identical results with 1 and 2 threads.

rpe.Rpe(component, resolution, indir, init, ...)

The baroclinic channel reference potential energy (RPE) test case performs a 20-day integration of the model forward in time at 5 different values of the viscosity at the given resolution.


Modify the configuration options for this test case.

rpe.analysis.Analysis(component, indir, ...)

A step for plotting the results of a series of baroclinic channel RPE runs


Set up the task in the work directory, including downloading any dependencies.


Run this step of the test case



Add a task that defines a convergence test for inertial gravity waves

BarotropicGyre(component, test_name)

The convergence test case for inertial gravity waves

analysis.Analysis(component, indir[, ...])

A step for analysing the output from the barotropic gyre test case

analysis.Analysis.compute_error(ds_mesh, ...)

Compute the error for a given resolution

analysis.Analysis.exact_solution(ds_mesh, config)

Exact solution to the sea surface height for the linearized Munk layer experiments.


Run the step.


Compute the approximate maximum time step for stability

forward.Forward(component[, name, subdir, ...])

A step for performing forward ocean component runs as part of barotropic gyre tasks.


Compute the approximate number of cells in the mesh, used to constrain resources


Add model config options, namelist, streams and yaml files using config options or template replacements that need to be set both during step setup and at runtime

init.Init(component, subdir)

A step for creating a mesh and initial condition for baroclinic channel tasks


Set up the task in the work directory, including downloading any dependencies.


Create the at rest inital condition for the barotropic gyre testcase



Add tasks that define variants of the cosine bell test case

CosineBell(component, config, prefix, ...[, ...])

A convergence test for the advection of a cosine-bell tracer


Set config options for the test case

init.Init(component, name, subdir, base_mesh)

A step for an initial condition for for the cosine bell test case


Run this step of the task

init.cosine_bell(max_value, ri, r)

Compute values according to cosine bell function

forward.Forward(component, name, subdir, ...)

A step for performing forward ocean component runs as part of the cosine bell test case

analysis.Analysis(component, subdir, ...[, ...])

A step for analyzing the output from the cosine bell test case

analysis.Analysis.exact_solution(...[, zidx])

Get the exact solution

validate.Validate(component, step_subdirs, indir)

A step for comparing outputs between steps in a cosine bell run


Compare tracer1, layerThickness and normalVelocity in the outputs of two previous steps with each other

viz.Viz(component, name, subdir, base_mesh, ...)

A step for plotting fields from the cosine bell output


Run this step of the test case

decomp.Decomp(component, config, prefix, ...)

A cosine bell decomposition task, which makes sure the model produces identical results on different numbers of cores.

restart.Restart(component, config, prefix, ...)

A cosine bell restart test case, which makes sure the model produces identical results with one longer run and two shorter runs with a restart in between.

restart.RestartStep(component, name, subdir, ...)

A forward model step in the restart test case


Add model config options, namelist, streams and yaml files using config options or template replacements that need to be set both during step setup and at runtime



Add tasks that define variants of the geostrophic test

Geostrophic(component, config, icosahedral, ...)

A convergence test for a configuration in geostrophic balance


Set config options for the test case

init.Init(component, name, subdir, base_mesh)

A step for an initial condition for for the geostrophic test case


Run this step of the testcase

forward.Forward(component, name, subdir, ...)

A step for performing forward ocean component runs as part of the cosine bell test case

analysis.Analysis(component, subdir, ...[, ...])

A step for analyzing the output from the geostrophic test case

analysis.Analysis.exact_solution(...[, zidx])

Get the exact solution

analysis.Analysis.get_output_field(...[, zidx])

Get the model output field at the given time and z index

viz.Viz(component, name, subdir, base_mesh, ...)

A step for plotting fields from the cosine bell output


Run this step of the test case



Add tasks for different ice shelf 2-d tests to the ocean component

default.Default(component, resolution, ...)

The default ice shelf 2d test case simply creates the mesh and initial condition, then performs a short forward run.

forward.Forward(component, resolution, mesh, ...)

A step for performing forward ocean component runs as part of baroclinic channel tasks.


Compute the approximate number of cells in the mesh, used to constrain resources


Add model config options, namelist, streams and yaml files using config options or template replacements that need to be set both during step setup and at runtime

init.Init(component, resolution, indir)

A step for creating a mesh and initial condition for ice shelf 2-d tasks


Run this step of the task

validate.Validate(component, step_subdirs, indir)

A step for comparing outputs between steps in a ice shelf 2d run


Compare temperature, salinity, layerThickness and normalVelocity in the outputs of two previous steps with each other

viz.Viz(component, indir, mesh, init)

A step for visualizing a cross-section and horizontal planes through the ice shelf


Run this step of the test case



Add a task that defines a convergence test for inertial gravity waves

InertialGravityWave(component, config[, ...])

The convergence test case for inertial gravity waves

analysis.Analysis(component, subdir, ...[, ...])

A step for analysing the output from the inertial gravity wave test case

analysis.Analysis.exact_solution(...[, zidx])

Get the exact solution

exact_solution.ExactSolution(ds, config)

Class to compute the exact solution for the inertial gravity wave test case


Exact solution for sea surface height


Exact solution for normal velocity

forward.Forward(component, name, ...[, ...])

A step for performing forward ocean component runs as part of inertial gravity wave test cases.


Compute the approximate number of cells in the mesh, used to constrain resources

init.Init(component, resolution, subdir)

A step for creating a mesh and initial condition for the inertial gravity wave test cases


Run this step of the test case

viz.Viz(component, taskdir, dependencies[, ...])

A step for visualizing the output from the inertial gravity wave test case


Run this step of the test case



Add tasks for different internal wave tests to the ocean component

forward.Forward(component, init[, name, ...])

A step for performing forward MPAS-Ocean runs as part of internal wave test cases.


Compute the approximate number of cells in the mesh, used to constrain resources


Add model config options, namelist, streams and yaml files using config options or template replacements that need to be set both during step setup and at runtime

init.Init(component, indir)

A step for creating a mesh and initial condition for internal wave test cases


Run this step of the test case

viz.Viz(component, indir)

A step for visualizing a cross-section through the internal wave


Run this step of the test case

default.Default(component, indir, init[, ...])

The default test case for the internal wave test

rpe.Rpe(component, indir, init, config[, ...])

The internal wave reference potential energy (RPE) test case performs a 20-day integration of the model forward in time at 5 different values of the viscosity at the given resolution.


Modify the configuration options for this test case.

rpe.analysis.Analysis(component, indir, nus)

A step for plotting the results of a series of internal wave RPE runs


Run this step of the test case



Add a task that defines a convergence test that uses the method of manufactured solutions

ManufacturedSolution(component, config[, ...])

The convergence test case using the method of manufactured solutions

analysis.Analysis(component, subdir, ...[, ...])

A step for analysing the output from the manufactured solution test case

analysis.Analysis.exact_solution(...[, zidx])

Get the exact solution

exact_solution.ExactSolution(config[, ds])

Class to compute the exact solution for the manufactured solution test case


Exact solution for sea surface height


Exact solution for normal velocity

forward.Forward(component, name, ...[, ...])

A step for performing forward ocean component runs as part of manufactured solution test cases.


Compute the approximate number of cells in the mesh, used to constrain resources

init.Init(component, resolution, subdir, name)

A step for creating a mesh and initial condition for the manufactured solution test cases


Run this step of the test case


If the ocean model is Omega, set up maps between Omega and MPAS-Ocean variable names

viz.Viz(component, dependencies, taskdir[, ...])

A step for visualizing the output from the manufactured solution test case


Run this step of the test case



Add tasks for various single-column tests

forward.Forward(component[, name, subdir, ...])

A step for performing forward ocean component runs as part of baroclinic channel test cases.

init.Init(component, indir[, ideal_age])

A step for creating a mesh and initial condition for single column test cases


Run this step of the test case

viz.Viz(component, indir[, ideal_age])

A step for plotting the results of a single-column test


Run this step of the test case


The CVMix single-column test case creates the mesh and initial condition, then performs a short forward run testing vertical mixing on 1 core.

ideal_age.IdealAge(component[, ideal_age])

The ideal-age single-column test case creates the mesh and initial condition, then performs a short forward run evolving the ideal-age tracer on 1 core.



Add tasks that define variants of sphere transport test cases: nondivergent_2d, divergent_2d, correlated_tracers_2d, rotation_2d

SphereTransport(component, config, ...[, ...])

A test case for testing properties of tracer advection


Set config options for the test case

init.Init(component, name, subdir, ...)

A step for an initial condition for for the cosine bell test case


Run this step of the task

forward.Forward(component, name, subdir, ...)

A step for performing forward ocean component runs as part of the sphere transport test case

analysis.Analysis(component, subdir, ...[, ...])

A step for analyzing the output from sphere transport test cases


Get convergence parameters

mixing_analysis.MixingAnalysis(component, ...)

A step for analyzing the output from sphere transport test cases


Run this step of the test case

filament_analysis.FilamentAnalysis(...[, ...])

A step for analyzing the output from sphere transport test cases


Run this step of the test case

viz.Viz(component, name, subdir, base_mesh, ...)

A step for plotting fields from the cosine bell output


Run this step of the test case

Ocean Framework

Convergence Tests

get_resolution_for_task(config, ...[, ...])

Get the resolution for a step in a convergence task

get_timestep_for_task(config, refinement_factor)

Get the time step for a forward step in a convergence task

forward.ConvergenceForward(component, name, ...)

A step for performing forward ocean component runs as part of a spherical convergence test


Compute the approximate number of cells in the mesh, used to constrain resources


Set the model time step from config options at setup and runtime

analysis.ConvergenceAnalysis(component, ...)

A step for analyzing the output from convergence tests


Compute the error for a given resolution


Get convergence parameters


Get the exact solution


Get the model output field at the given time and z index


Compute the error norm for each resolution and produce a convergence plot


Run this step of the test case


Add input files based on resolutions, which may have been changed by user config options

Spherical Convergence Tests

SphericalConvergenceForward(component, name, ...)

A step for performing forward ocean component runs as part of a spherical convergence test


Compute the approximate number of cells in the mesh, used to constrain resources

Ice Shelf

IceShelfTask(component, min_resolution, ...)

A class for tasks with domains containing ice shelves


Setup ssh_forward and ssh_adjustment steps for all iterations

SshAdjustment(component, mesh_filename, forward)

A step for iteratively adjusting the pressure from the weight of the ice shelf to match the sea-surface height as part of ice-shelf 2D test cases


Adjust the sea surface height or land-ice pressure to be dynamically consistent with one another.

SshForward(component, min_resolution, ...[, ...])

A step for performing forward ocean component runs as part of ssh adjustment.


Compute the approximate number of cells in the mesh, used to constrain resources


Add model config options, namelist, streams and yaml files using config options or template replacements that need to be set both during step setup and at runtime

Ocean Model

OceanIOStep(component, name, **kwargs)

A step that writes input and/or output files for Omega or MPAS-Ocean


If the ocean model is Omega, set up maps between Omega and MPAS-Ocean variable names


If the model is Omega, rename dimensions and variables in a dataset from their MPAS-Ocean names to the Omega equivalent (appropriate for input datasets like an initial condition)

OceanIOStep.write_model_dataset(ds, filename)

Write out the given dataset, mapping dimension and variable names from MPAS-Ocean to Omega names if appropriate


If the model is Omega, rename dimensions and variables in a dataset from their Omega names to the MPAS-Ocean equivalent (appropriate for datasets that are output from the model)

OceanIOStep.open_model_dataset(filename, ...)

Open the given dataset, mapping variable and dimension names from Omega to MPAS-Ocean names if appropriate

OceanModelStep(component, name[, subdir, ...])

An Omega or MPAS-Ocean step


Determine if we will make yaml files or namelists and streams files, then, determine the number of MPI tasks to use based on the estimated mesh size


Update the number of MPI tasks to use based on the estimated mesh size


Compute the approximate number of cells in the mesh, used to constrain resources

OceanModelStep.map_yaml_options(options, ...)

A mapping between model config options from MPAS-Ocean to Omega

OceanModelStep.map_yaml_configs(configs, ...)

A mapping between model sections and config options from MPAS-Ocean to Omega

get_time_interval_string([days, seconds])

Convert a time interval in days and/or seconds to a string for use in a model config option.

Spherical Base Mesh Step

add_spherical_base_mesh_step(component, ...)

Add a shared step for creating spherical base mesh with the given resolution to the ocean component (if one has not already been added)

Reference Potential Energy (RPE)

rpe.compute_rpe(mesh_filename, ...)

Computes the reference (resting) potential energy for the whole domain

Vertical coordinates

vertical.init_vertical_coord(config, ds)

Create a vertical coordinate based on the config options in the vertical_grid section and the bottomDepth and ssh variables of the mesh data set.


Generate a vertical grid for a test case, using the config options in the vertical_grid section

vertical.grid_1d.write_1d_grid(interfaces, ...)

write the vertical grid to a file


Alter bottomDepth and maxLevelCell for full or partial top cells, if requested

vertical.partial_cells.alter_ssh(config, ...)

Alter ssh and maxLevelCell for full or partial top cells, if requested


Create a sigma (terrain-following) vertical coordinate based on the config options in the vertical_grid` section and the bottomDepth and ssh variables of the mesh data set.


Update the sigma vertical coordinate layer thicknesses based on the bottomDepth and ssh variables of the mesh data set.

vertical.update_layer_thickness(config, ds)

Update the layer thicknesses in ds after the vertical coordinate has already been initialized based on the bottomDepth and ssh variables of the mesh data set.


Create a z-level vertical coordinate based on the config options in the vertical_grid section and the bottomDepth and ssh variables of the mesh data set.


Update the z-level vertical coordinate layer thicknesses based on the bottomDepth and ssh variables of the mesh data set.


Compute minLevelCell and maxLevelCell indices as well as a cell mask for the given reference grid and top and bottom topography.


Compute z-level layer thickness from ssh and bottomDepth


Compute z-level resting thickness by "unstretching" layerThickness based on ssh and bottomDepth


Create a z-star vertical coordinate based on the config options in the vertical_grid section and the bottomDepth and ssh variables of the mesh data set.


Update the z-star vertical coordinate layer thicknesses based on the bottomDepth and ssh variables of the mesh data set.


compute_transect(x, y, ds_horiz_mesh, ...[, ...])

build a sequence of quads showing the transect intersecting mpas cells.

plot_transect(ds_transect[, mpas_field, ...])

plot a transect showing the field on the MPAS-Ocean mesh and save to a file


Find "nodes" where the transect intersects the edges of the triangles that make up MPAS cells.


Find "nodes" where the transect intersects the edges of the triangles that make up MPAS cells.


Make a KD-Tree for finding triangle edges that are near enough to transect segments that they might intersect


Construct a dataset in which each MPAS cell is divided into the triangles connecting pairs of adjacent vertices to cell centers.


Construct a vertical coordinate for a transect produced by polaris.ocean.viz.transect.horiz.find_spherical_transect_cells_and_weights() or polaris.ocean.viz.transect.horiz.find_planar_transect_cells_and_weights().


Interpolate an MPAS-Ocean DataArray with dimensions nCells by nVertLevels to transect cells


Interpolate an MPAS-Ocean DataArray with dimensions nCells by nVertLevels to transect nodes, linearly interpolating fields between the closest neighboring cells