Source code for polaris.ocean.tasks.manufactured_solution.analysis

import xarray as xr

from polaris.ocean.convergence import ConvergenceAnalysis
from polaris.ocean.tasks.manufactured_solution.exact_solution import (

[docs]class Analysis(ConvergenceAnalysis): """ A step for analysing the output from the manufactured solution test case Attributes ---------- resolutions : list of float The resolutions of the meshes that have been run """
[docs] def __init__(self, component, resolutions, subdir, dependencies): """ Create the step Parameters ---------- component : polaris.Component The component the step belongs to resolutions : list of float The resolutions of the meshes that have been run subdir : str The subdirectory that the step resides in dependencies : dict of dict of polaris.Steps The dependencies of this step """ convergence_vars = [{'name': 'ssh', 'title': 'SSH', 'zidx': None}] super().__init__(component=component, subdir=subdir, resolutions=resolutions, dependencies=dependencies, convergence_vars=convergence_vars)
[docs] def exact_solution(self, mesh_name, field_name, time, zidx=None): """ Get the exact solution Parameters ---------- mesh_name : str The mesh name which is the prefix for the initial condition file field_name : str The name of the variable of which we evaluate convergence For the default method, we use the same convergence rate for all fields time : float The time at which to evaluate the exact solution in seconds. For the default method, we always use the initial state. zidx : int, optional The z-index for the vertical level at which to evaluate the exact solution Returns ------- solution : xarray.DataArray The exact solution as derived from the initial condition """ init = xr.open_dataset(f'{mesh_name}') exact = ExactSolution(self.config, init) if field_name != 'ssh': raise ValueError(f'{field_name} is not currently supported') return exact.ssh(time)