Source code for polaris.ocean.tasks.inertial_gravity_wave.forward

import numpy as np

from polaris.mesh.planar import compute_planar_hex_nx_ny
from polaris.ocean.convergence import ConvergenceForward

[docs]class Forward(ConvergenceForward): """ A step for performing forward ocean component runs as part of inertial gravity wave test cases. Attributes ---------- resolution : float The resolution of the test case in km """
[docs] def __init__(self, component, name, resolution, subdir, init): """ Create a new test case Parameters ---------- component : polaris.Component The component the step belongs to resolution : km The resolution of the test case in km subdir : str The subdirectory that the step belongs to init : polaris.Step The step which generates the mesh and initial condition """ super().__init__(component=component, name=name, subdir=subdir, resolution=resolution, mesh=init, init=init, package='polaris.ocean.tasks.inertial_gravity_wave', yaml_filename='forward.yaml', graph_filename='', output_filename='', validate_vars=['layerThickness', 'normalVelocity'])
[docs] def compute_cell_count(self): """ Compute the approximate number of cells in the mesh, used to constrain resources Returns ------- cell_count : int or None The approximate number of cells in the mesh """ section = self.config['inertial_gravity_wave'] lx = section.getfloat('lx') ly = np.sqrt(3.0) / 2.0 * lx nx, ny = compute_planar_hex_nx_ny(lx, ly, self.resolution) cell_count = nx * ny return cell_count