Source code for polaris.ocean.tasks.geostrophic

from typing import Dict

from polaris import Step, Task
from polaris.config import PolarisConfigParser
from polaris.ocean.mesh.spherical import add_spherical_base_mesh_step
from polaris.ocean.tasks.geostrophic.analysis import Analysis
from polaris.ocean.tasks.geostrophic.forward import Forward
from polaris.ocean.tasks.geostrophic.init import Init
from polaris.ocean.tasks.geostrophic.viz import Viz

[docs]def add_geostrophic_tasks(component): """ Add tasks that define variants of the geostrophic test component : polaris.ocean.Ocean the ocean component that the tasks will be added to """ for icosahedral, prefix in [(True, 'icos'), (False, 'qu')]: filepath = f'spherical/{prefix}/geostrophic/geostrophic.cfg' config = PolarisConfigParser(filepath=filepath) config.add_from_package('polaris.ocean.convergence', 'convergence.cfg') config.add_from_package('polaris.ocean.convergence.spherical', 'spherical.cfg') config.add_from_package('polaris.ocean.tasks.geostrophic', 'geostrophic.cfg') for include_viz in [False, True]: component.add_task(Geostrophic(component=component, config=config, icosahedral=icosahedral, include_viz=include_viz))
[docs]class Geostrophic(Task): """ A convergence test for a configuration in geostrophic balance Attributes ---------- resolutions : list of float A list of mesh resolutions icosahedral : bool Whether to use icosahedral, as opposed to less regular, JIGSAW meshes include_viz : bool Include VizMap and Viz steps for each resolution """
[docs] def __init__(self, component, config, icosahedral, include_viz): """ Create the convergence test Parameters ---------- component : polaris.ocean.Ocean The ocean component that this task belongs to config : polaris.config.PolarisConfigParser A shared config parser icosahedral : bool Whether to use icosahedral, as opposed to less regular, JIGSAW meshes include_viz : bool Include VizMap and Viz steps for each resolution """ if icosahedral: prefix = 'icos' else: prefix = 'qu' subdir = f'spherical/{prefix}/geostrophic' name = f'{prefix}_geostrophic' if include_viz: subdir = f'{subdir}/with_viz' name = f'{name}_with_viz' link = 'geostrophic.cfg' else: # config options live in the task already so no need for a symlink link = None super().__init__(component=component, name=name, subdir=subdir) self.resolutions = list() self.icosahedral = icosahedral self.include_viz = include_viz self.set_shared_config(config, link=link) self._setup_steps()
[docs] def configure(self): """ Set config options for the test case """ super().configure() # set up the steps again in case a user has provided new resolutions self._setup_steps()
def _setup_steps(self): """ setup steps given resolutions """ icosahedral = self.icosahedral config = self.config config_filename = self.config_filename if icosahedral: prefix = 'icos' else: prefix = 'qu' resolutions = config.getlist('spherical_convergence', f'{prefix}_resolutions', dtype=float) if self.resolutions == resolutions: return # start fresh with no steps for step in list(self.steps.values()): self.remove_step(step) self.resolutions = resolutions component = self.component case_dir = f'spherical/{prefix}/geostrophic' analysis_dependencies: Dict[str, Dict[float, Step]] = ( dict(mesh=dict(), init=dict(), forward=dict())) for resolution in resolutions: base_mesh_step, mesh_name = add_spherical_base_mesh_step( component, resolution, icosahedral) self.add_step(base_mesh_step, symlink=f'base_mesh/{mesh_name}') analysis_dependencies['mesh'][resolution] = base_mesh_step name = f'{prefix}_init_{mesh_name}' subdir = f'{case_dir}/init/{mesh_name}' if self.include_viz: symlink = f'init/{mesh_name}' else: symlink = None if subdir in component.steps: init_step = component.steps[subdir] else: init_step = Init(component=component, name=name, subdir=subdir, base_mesh=base_mesh_step) init_step.set_shared_config(config, link=config_filename) self.add_step(init_step, symlink=symlink) analysis_dependencies['init'][resolution] = init_step name = f'{prefix}_forward_{mesh_name}' subdir = f'{case_dir}/forward/{mesh_name}' if self.include_viz: symlink = f'forward/{mesh_name}' else: symlink = None if subdir in component.steps: forward_step = component.steps[subdir] else: forward_step = Forward(component=component, name=name, subdir=subdir, resolution=resolution, mesh=base_mesh_step, init=init_step) forward_step.set_shared_config(config, link=config_filename) self.add_step(forward_step, symlink=symlink) analysis_dependencies['forward'][resolution] = forward_step if self.include_viz: with_viz_dir = f'{case_dir}/with_viz' name = f'{prefix}_viz_{mesh_name}' subdir = f'{with_viz_dir}/viz/{mesh_name}' step = Viz(component=component, name=name, subdir=subdir, base_mesh=base_mesh_step, init=init_step, forward=forward_step, mesh_name=mesh_name) step.set_shared_config(config, link=config_filename) self.add_step(step) subdir = f'{case_dir}/analysis' if self.include_viz: symlink = 'analysis' else: symlink = None if subdir in component.steps: step = component.steps[subdir] step.resolutions = resolutions step.dependencies_dict = analysis_dependencies else: step = Analysis(component=component, resolutions=resolutions, subdir=subdir, dependencies=analysis_dependencies) step.set_shared_config(config, link=config_filename) self.add_step(step, symlink=symlink)