single column
The single_column
tasks include any ocean tests of the vertical ocean
suppported models
These tasks support only MPAS-Ocean.
The mesh is planar and spans the minimum number of cells (16 for MPAS-Ocean).
The config options lx
and ly
are given arbitrarily small values of 1 m in
order to ensure that the minimum number of cells is chosen.
By virtue of testing the vertical dynamics, these tests should be insensitive to the horizontal resolution. As such, only 10 km horizontal resolution is currently supported.
vertical grid
Currently, these tests feature a very fine vertical resolution of 4 m with 100 vertical levels. Future work may want to examine vertical mixing or advection at typical vertical resolutions.
config options
# Options related to the vertical grid
# the type of vertical grid
grid_type = uniform
# Number of vertical levels
vert_levels = 100
# Depth of the bottom of the ocean
bottom_depth = 400.0
# The type of vertical coordinate (e.g. z-level, z-star)
coord_type = z-star
# Whether to use "partial" or "full", or "None" to not alter the topography
partial_cell_type = None
# The minimum fraction of a layer for partial cells
min_pc_fraction = 0.1
initial conditions
The temperature and salinity profiles are defined using the following equations:
where \(\Phi_0 = \)surface_X
, \({d\Phi/dz}_{ML} = \)X_gradient_mixed_layer
\(z_{MLD} = -\)mixed_layer_depth_X
, \({\Delta\Phi}_{ML} = \)
, and \({d\Phi/dz}_{int} = \)
. X
in the config options above is either temperature
or salinity
The water column is initially stationary (normalVelocity
The Coriolis parameter is spatially constant and set equal to
config options
# config options for single column testcases
# size of the domain (typically the minimum allowed size of 4x4 cells)
nx = 4
ny = 4
# resolution in km
resolution = 960.0
# Surface temperature
surface_temperature = 20.0
# Temperature gradient in the mixed layer in degC/m
temperature_gradient_mixed_layer = 0.0
# The temperature below the mixed layer
temperature_difference_across_mixed_layer = 0.0
# Temperature gradient below the mixed layer
temperature_gradient_interior = 0.01
# Depth of the temperature mixed layer
mixed_layer_depth_temperature = 25.0
# Surface salinity
surface_salinity = 35.0
# Salinity gradient in the mixed layer in PSU/m
salinity_gradient_mixed_layer = 0.0
# The salinity below the mixed layer
salinity_difference_across_mixed_layer = 1.0
# Salinity gradient below the mixed layer
salinity_gradient_interior = 0.0
# Depth of the salinity mixed layer
mixed_layer_depth_salinity = 0.0
# coriolis parameter
coriolis_parameter = 1.0e-4
See mesh section for a description of lx
and ly
and initial conditions section for a description of the remaining config options.
The cvmix
test exercises the CVMix
schemes for vertical mixing.
The temperature and salinity profiles only evolve a small amount over the 1- day duration of the test, so the 10-day profiles are shown here:

The namelist options for this test case dictate that the KPP scheme is tested.
See single column.
vertical grid
See single column.
initial conditions
See single column.
The cvmix case has both surface forcing and restoring, which are controlled by the following config options:
# config options for forcing single column testcases
# Piston velocity to control rate of restoring toward temperature_surface_restoring_value
temperature_piston_velocity = 4.0e-6
# Piston velocity to control rate of restoring toward salinity_surface_restoring_value
salinity_piston_velocity = 4.0e-6
# Temperature to restore towards when surface restoring is turned on
temperature_surface_restoring_value = 15.0
# Salinity to restore towards when surface restoring is turned on
salinity_surface_restoring_value = 36.0
# Rate at which temperature is restored toward the initial condition
temperature_interior_restoring_rate = 1.0e-6
# Rate at which salinity is restored toward the initial condition
salinity_interior_restoring_rate = 1.0e-6
# Net latent heat flux applied when bulk forcing is used. Positive values indicate a net
# input of heat to ocean
latent_heat_flux = -50.0
# Net sensible heat flux applied when bulk forcing is used. Positive values indicate a
# net input of heat to ocean
sensible_heat_flux = -25.0
# Net solar shortwave heat flux applied when bulk forcing is used. Positive values
# indicate a net input of heat to ocean
shortwave_heat_flux = 200.0
# Net surface evaporation when bulk forcing is used. Positive values indicate a net
# input of water to ocean
evaporation_flux = 6.5E-4
# Net surface rain flux when bulk forcing is used. Positive values indicate a net input
# of water to ocean
rain_flux = 0.0
# Zonal surface wind stress over the domain
wind_stress_zonal = 0.1
# Meridional surface wind stress over the domain
wind_stress_meridional = 0.0
time step and run duration
The time step is given as 10 min and the barotropic time step is 30s. The run duration is 1 day.
config options
See single column. Currently, config options are only given in the shared framework.
Both default and minimum number of cores are hard-coded as 1 given that the domain is only 16 cells.
ideal age
The ideal age
test exercises the ideal age tracers.
Temperature and salinity profiles evolve in the same way as in the cvmix test case. 10-day profiles for the ideal age tracer are as follows:

See single column.
vertical grid
See single column.
initial conditions
is initialized as zero seconds throughout the water column.
is set to zero seconds within the first surface grid layer at
every time step.
time step and run duration
See cvmix.
config options
See single column. Currently, config options are only given in the shared framework.
See cvmix.