Source code for polaris.ocean.convergence.analysis

import os

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from polaris.mpas import area_for_field, time_since_start
from polaris.ocean.convergence import (
from polaris.ocean.model import OceanIOStep
from polaris.viz import use_mplstyle

[docs] class ConvergenceAnalysis(OceanIOStep): """ A step for analyzing the output from convergence tests Attributes ---------- dependencies_dict : dict of dict of polaris.Steps The dependencies of this step must be given as separate keys in the dict: mesh : dict of polaris.Steps Keys of the dict correspond to `resolutions` Values of the dict are polaris.Steps, which must have the attribute `path`, the path to `` of that resolution init : dict of polaris.Steps Keys of the dict correspond to `resolutions` Values of the dict are polaris.Steps, which must have the attribute `path`, the path to `` of that resolution forward : dict of polaris.Steps Keys of the dict correspond to `resolutions` Values of the dict are polaris.Steps, which must have the attribute `path`, the path to `` of that resolution convergence_vars: list of dict The attributes for each variable for which to analyze the convergence rate. Each dict must contain the following keys: name : str The name of the variable as given in the output netcdf file title : str The name of the variable to use in the plot title zidx : int The z-index to use for variables that have an nVertLevels dimension, which should be None for variables that don't refinement : str Refinement type. One of 'space', 'time' or 'both' indicating both space and time """
[docs] def __init__(self, component, subdir, dependencies, convergence_vars, refinement='both'): """ Create the step Parameters ---------- component : polaris.Component The component the step belongs to subdir : str The subdirectory that the step resides in dependencies : dict of dict of polaris.Steps The dependencies of this step must be given as separate keys in the dict: mesh : dict of polaris.Steps Keys of the dict correspond to `refinement_factors` Values of the dict are polaris.Steps, which must have the attribute `path`, the path to `` of that resolution init : dict of polaris.Steps Keys of the dict correspond to `refinement_factors` Values of the dict are polaris.Steps, which must have the attribute `path`, the path to `` of that resolution forward : dict of polaris.Steps Keys of the dict correspond to `refinement_factors` Values of the dict are polaris.Steps, which must have the attribute `path`, the path to `` of that resolution convergence_vars: list of dict The convergence attributes for each variable. Each dict must contain the following keys: name : str The name of the variable as given in the output netcdf file title : str The name of the variable to use in the plot title zidx : int The z-index to use for variables that have an nVertLevels dimension, which should be None for variables that don't refinement : str, optional Refinement type. One of 'space', 'time' or 'both' indicating both space and time """ super().__init__(component=component, name='analysis', subdir=subdir) self.dependencies_dict = dependencies self.convergence_vars = convergence_vars self.refinement = refinement for var in convergence_vars: self.add_output_file(f'convergence_{var["name"]}.png')
[docs] def setup(self): """ Add input files based on resolutions, which may have been changed by user config options """ super().setup() config = self.config dependencies = self.dependencies_dict if self.refinement == 'time': option = 'refinement_factors_time' else: option = 'refinement_factors_space' refinement_factors = config.getlist('convergence', option, dtype=float) for refinement_factor in refinement_factors: base_mesh = dependencies['mesh'][refinement_factor] init = dependencies['init'][refinement_factor] forward = dependencies['forward'][refinement_factor] self.add_input_file( filename=f'mesh_r{refinement_factor:02g}.nc', work_dir_target=f'{base_mesh.path}/') self.add_input_file( filename=f'init_r{refinement_factor:02g}.nc', work_dir_target=f'{init.path}/') self.add_input_file( filename=f'output_r{refinement_factor:02g}.nc', work_dir_target=f'{forward.path}/')
[docs] def run(self): """ Run this step of the test case """ plt.switch_backend('Agg') convergence_vars = self.convergence_vars variables_failed = [] for var in convergence_vars: convergence_failed = self.plot_convergence( variable_name=var["name"], title=var["title"], zidx=var["zidx"]) if convergence_failed: variables_failed.append(var["name"]) if len(variables_failed) >= 1: raise ValueError('Convergence rate below minimum tolerance for ' f'variables {", ".join(variables_failed)}.')
[docs] def plot_convergence(self, variable_name, title, zidx): """ Compute the error norm for each resolution and produce a convergence plot Parameters ---------- variable_name : str The name of the variable as given in the output netcdf file title : str The name of the variable to use in the plot title zidx : int The z-index to use for variables that have an nVertLevels dimension, which should be None for variables that don't """ config = self.config logger = self.logger conv_thresh, error_type = self.convergence_parameters( field_name=variable_name) error = [] if self.refinement == 'time': option = 'refinement_factors_time' header = 'time step' else: option = 'refinement_factors_space' header = 'resolution' refinement_factors = config.getlist('convergence', option, dtype=float) resolutions = list() timesteps = list() for refinement_factor in refinement_factors: timestep, _ = get_timestep_for_task( config, refinement_factor, refinement=self.refinement) timesteps.append(timestep) resolution = get_resolution_for_task( config, refinement_factor, refinement=self.refinement) resolutions.append(resolution) error_res = self.compute_error( refinement_factor=refinement_factor, variable_name=variable_name, zidx=zidx, error_type=error_type) error.append(error_res) if self.refinement == 'time': refinement_array = np.array(timesteps) x_label = 'Time (s)' else: refinement_array = np.array(resolutions) x_label = 'Horizontal resolution (km)' error_array = np.array(error) filename = f'convergence_{variable_name}.csv' data = np.stack((refinement_array, error_array), axis=1) df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=[header, error_type]) df.to_csv(f'convergence_{variable_name}.csv', index=False) convergence_failed = False poly = np.polyfit(np.log10(refinement_array), np.log10(error_array), 1) convergence = poly[0] conv_round = convergence fit = refinement_array ** poly[0] * 10 ** poly[1] order1 = 0.5 * error_array[-1] * \ (refinement_array / refinement_array[-1]) order2 = 0.5 * error_array[-1] * \ (refinement_array / refinement_array[-1])**2 use_mplstyle() fig = plt.figure() error_dict = {'l2': 'L2 norm', 'inf': 'L-infinity norm'} error_title = error_dict[error_type] ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.loglog(resolutions, order1, '--k', label='first order', alpha=0.3) ax.loglog(resolutions, order2, 'k', label='second order', alpha=0.3) ax.loglog(refinement_array, fit, 'k', label=f'linear fit (order={convergence:1.3f})') ax.loglog(refinement_array, error_array, 'o', label='numerical') if self.baseline_dir is not None: baseline_filename = os.path.join(self.baseline_dir, filename) if os.path.exists(baseline_filename): data = pd.read_csv(baseline_filename) if error_type not in data.keys(): raise ValueError( f'{error_type} not available for baseline') else: refinement_array = data.resolution.to_numpy() error_array = data[error_type].to_numpy() poly = np.polyfit( np.log10(refinement_array), np.log10(error_array), 1) base_convergence = poly[0] conv_round = base_convergence fit = refinement_array ** poly[0] * 10 ** poly[1] ax.loglog(refinement_array, error_array, 'o', color='#ff7f0e', label='baseline') ax.loglog(refinement_array, fit, color='#ff7f0e', label=f'linear fit, baseline ' f'(order={base_convergence:1.3f})') ax.set_xlabel(x_label) ax.set_ylabel(f'{error_title}') ax.set_title(f'Error Convergence of {title}') ax.legend(loc='lower left') ax.invert_xaxis() fig.savefig(f'convergence_{variable_name}.png', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.1) plt.close()'Order of convergence for {title}: ' f'{conv_round:1.3f}') if conv_round < conv_thresh: logger.error(f'Error: order of convergence for {title}\n' f' {conv_round:1.3f} < min tolerance ' f'{conv_thresh}') convergence_failed = True return convergence_failed
[docs] def compute_error(self, refinement_factor, variable_name, zidx=None, error_type='l2'): """ Compute the error for a given resolution Parameters ---------- refinement_factor : float The factor by which step is refined in space, time or both variable_name : str The variable name of which to evaluate error with respect to the exact solution zidx : int, optional The z index to use to slice the field given by variable name error_type: {'l2', 'inf'}, optional The type of error to compute Returns ------- error : float The error of the variable given by variable_name """ norm_type = {'l2': None, 'inf': np.inf} ds_mesh = self.open_model_dataset(f'mesh_r{refinement_factor:02g}.nc') config = self.config section = config['convergence'] eval_time = section.getfloat('convergence_eval_time') s_per_hour = 3600.0 field_exact = self.exact_solution(refinement_factor, variable_name, time=eval_time * s_per_hour, zidx=zidx) field_mpas = self.get_output_field(refinement_factor, variable_name, time=eval_time * s_per_hour, zidx=zidx) diff = field_exact - field_mpas # Only the L2 norm is area-weighted if error_type == 'l2': area = area_for_field(ds_mesh, diff) field_exact = field_exact * area diff = diff * area error = np.linalg.norm(diff, ord=norm_type[error_type]) # Normalize the error norm by the vector norm of the exact solution den = np.linalg.norm(field_exact, ord=norm_type[error_type]) error = np.divide(error, den) return error
[docs] def exact_solution(self, refinement_factor, field_name, time, zidx=None): """ Get the exact solution Parameters ---------- refinement_factor : float The factor by which step is refined in space, time or both field_name : str The name of the variable of which we evaluate convergence For the default method, we use the same convergence rate for all fields time : float The time at which to evaluate the exact solution in seconds. For the default method, we always use the initial state. zidx : int, optional The z-index for the vertical level at which to evaluate the exact solution Returns ------- solution : xarray.DataArray The exact solution as derived from the initial condition """ ds_init = self.open_model_dataset(f'init_r{refinement_factor:02g}.nc') ds_init = ds_init.isel(Time=0) if zidx is not None: ds_init = ds_init.isel(nVertLevels=zidx) return ds_init[field_name]
[docs] def get_output_field(self, refinement_factor, field_name, time, zidx=None): """ Get the model output field at the given time and z index Parameters ---------- e str The mesh name which is the prefix for the output file field_name : str The name of the variable of which we evaluate convergence time : float The time at which to evaluate the exact solution in seconds zidx : int, optional The z-index for the vertical level to take the field from Returns ------- field_mpas : xarray.DataArray model output field """ config = self.config ds_out = self.open_model_dataset(f'output_r{refinement_factor:02g}.nc', decode_times=False) model = config.get('ocean', 'model') if model == 'mpas-o': dt = time_since_start(ds_out.xtime.values) else: # time is seconds since the start of the simulation in Omega dt = ds_out.Time.values tidx = np.argmin(np.abs(dt - time)) ds_out = ds_out.isel(Time=tidx) field_mpas = ds_out[field_name] if zidx is not None and 'nVertLevels' in field_mpas.dims: field_mpas = field_mpas.isel(nVertLevels=zidx) return field_mpas
[docs] def convergence_parameters(self, field_name=None): """ Get convergence parameters Parameters ---------- field_name : str The name of the variable of which we evaluate convergence For the default method, we use the same convergence rate for all fields Returns ------- conv_thresh : float The minimum convergence rate error_type : {'l2', 'inf'}, str The error norm to compute """ config = self.config section = config['convergence'] conv_thresh = section.getfloat('convergence_thresh') error_type = section.get('error_type') return conv_thresh, error_type