*************************************** Adding a new plot to Global Time Series *************************************** This guide gives a general list of things to consider when adding a new Global Time Series plot. The exact code changes required will differ amongst plots. Note that unlike E3SM Diags and MPAS-Analysis which are packages called by ``zppy``, Global Time Series is built into ``zppy``. - In `coupled_global.py `_: Add variables under "# Variables to extract". Add the code for your new plot under "Plotting functions"; the name of your function should start with ``plot_``. In ``PLOT_DICT``, add ``"function name without plot_" : function name``. - If this plot should be added to the defaults, then complete this step: for ``plot_names`` under ``[global_time_series]`` in `default.ini `_, add the function name without plot to the string. - Optionally, after making your edits, you can run ``pre-commit run --all-files`` to clean up your code and check for any obvious errors. - Run the `integration tests `_ and examine the differences from the expected files. If they match what you expect, update the expected files following "Commands to run to replace outdated expected files" on the machine-specific directions. (The commands to run all the integration tests are ``pip install .`` followed by ``pytest tests/integration/test_*.py``).