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EAMxx's Source Tree

All EAMxx-specific code can be found in components/eamxx within the EAMxx repo. Here's how things are organized:

  • cime_config: Tools and XML files for integrating EAMxx with E3SM via the CIME framework.
  • cmake: CMake functions and macros used by the configuration/build system.
  • data: Data files used by our tests.
  • docs: Documentation for the EAMxx project, including design documents, instructions for building and testing EAMxx, and this document.
  • scripts: Miscellaneous scripts that implement workflows for running tests and analyzing performance.
  • src: All C++ source code (and any bridges to Fortran) for EAMxx are stored here. We describe the contents of this directory in greater detail below.
  • tests: Implements standalone, end-to-end tests for various EAMxx components (RRTMG, HOMME, P3, SHOC, etc).

In addition, you'll notice the following files in components/eamxx:

  • CMakeLists.txt: The CMake file that defines EAMxx's configuration/build system.
  • CTestConfig.cmake: This CTest file contains parameters that determine how our test results are reported to the E3SM CDash Site.
  • EAMxx's top-level README file, which describes the project and its purpose.
  • mkdocs.yml: The configuration file for mkdocs, the tool we currently use to build and publish our documentation.

The src Directory

Herein lіes the source code for EAMxx. Broadly, here's where things are:

  • control: Contains the atmosphere driver and basic tests for it.
  • dynamics: Here's where HOMME lives within EAMxx, along with code for interfacing with it using EAMxx's data structures.
  • mct_coupling: Glue code for embedding EAMxx within E3SM as an atmosphere component using the MCT coupler.
  • physics: Source code for physics-related atmospheric processes, including
  • p3: The C++/Kokkos implementation of P3 microphysics within EAMxx.
  • shoc: The C++/Kokkos implementation of SHOC macrophysics within EAMxx.
  • rrtmgp: A stub for the radiation processes as represented in EAMxx.
  • share: Utilities and data structures common to these processes.
  • share: Utilities used by various components within EAMxx. Of note:
  • io: EAMxx's interface to the SCORPIO library.
  • diagnostics: A collection of simple classes used to compute diagnostic quantities.

Each of these directories contains a CMakeLists.txt file for defining how things are build, and a tests/ subdirectory that houses relevant unit and verification tests.

You'll also see some other files in the src/ directory itself, such as

  • A template for generating a C++ header file with EAMxx configuration information.