- polaris.viz.plot_global_mpas_field(mesh_filename, da, out_filename, config, colormap_section, title=None, plot_land=True, colorbar_label='', central_longitude=0.0, figsize=(8, 4.5), dpi=200, patch_edge_color=None)[source]
Plots a data set as a longitude-latitude map
- Parameters:
mesh_filename (str) – A filename containing the MPAS mesh
da (xarray.DataArray) – The horizontal field to plot
out_filename (str) – The image file name to be written
config (polaris.config.PolarisConfigParser) – The config options to use for colormap settings
colormap_section (str) –
The name of a section in the config options. Options must include:
- colormap_name
The name of the colormap
- norm_type
The norm: {‘linear’, ‘log’}
title (str, optional) – The subtitle of the plot
plot_land (bool) – Whether to plot continents over the data
colorbar_label (str, optional) – Label on the colorbar
central_longitude (float, optional) – The longitude of the center of the plot
figsize (tuple, optional) – The size of the figure in inches
dpi (int, optional) – Dots per inch for the output plot
patch_edge_color (str, optional) – The color of patch edges (if not the same as the face)