


mosaic.datasets.open_dataset(name, cache_dir=None, cache=True, **kwargs)#

Open a dataset from the lcrc database (requires internet), unless a local copy is found.

Available datasets:

  • "QU.960km" : Quasi-uniform spherical mesh, with approximately 960km horizontal resolution

  • "QU.240km" : Quasi-uniform spherical mesh, with approximately 240km horizontal resolution

  • "mpaso.IcoswISC30E3r5" : Icosahedral 30 km MPAS-Ocean mesh with ice shelf cavaties

  • "mpasli.AIS8to30" : 8-30 km resolution planar non-periodic MALI mesh of Antarctica

  • name (str) – Name of the file containing the dataset. (e.g. "QU.960km")

  • cache_dir (path-like, optional) – The directory in which to search for and write cached data

  • cache (bool, optional) – If True, then cache data locally for use on subsequent calls

  • kwargs (dict, optional) – Additional arguments passed on to xarray.open_dataset().