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Generate a Topography File

Topography needs to be interpolated from a high resolution dataset, and then doctored a bit to allow the model to run stably with the new topography. More information can be found in the following paper:

P.H. Lauritzen, J.T. Bacmeister, P.F. Callaghan, M. Taylor, NCAR_Topo (v1.0): NCAR global model topography generation software for unstructured grids, Geosci. Model Dev., 8, 3975-3986, 2015.

Typically, input topography data generation for E3SM starts with a high resolution source dataset ( This is a high-resolution topography dataset on a 3km cubed sphere grid derived from 1 km resolution source data. This file is located in the CESM inputdata server here.

For target resolutions of 3 km or finer it is recommended to use an even higher resolution source dataset (, which was created by Jishi Zhang in 2024. This file has a resolution of 750m created from a 500m/250m USGS GMTED2010 source DEM dataset (see here for more information).

For testing the topography workflow the mapping between the ne3000 data is too burdensome, so a ne90pg1 (i.e. 1-degree) version of this data was created to allow efficient testing. This file can be found on various supported machines at ${DIN_LOC_ROOT}/atm/cam/hrtopo/

Data Processing Requirements

The workflow to generate topography data for the atmosphere model must address the following requirements:

  • The dycore needs surface geopotential (phi_s) at GLL nodes (np4)
  • The physics needs various things at FV cell centers (pg2)
    • surface geopotential (phi_s)
    • sub-grid variance of topography (SGH and SGH30)
    • Land area fraction (LANDFRAC)
  • The np4 to pg2 map of phi_s data must be equal to the FV phi_s data
  • HOMME's smoothing operator must be used on phi_s for stability

Topography Smoothing

Smoothing of the input surface geopotential (phi_s) is an essential step to ensure numerical stability of the atmospheric dynamics, but the smoothing much be done in a way that is consistent with the internal Laplacian used by the HOMME dycor. To accomplish this we use homme_tool, which is a standalone build of the HOMME dycor.

Building homme_tool


homme_tool is not routinely tested on all supported machines, and the build can be broken without anyone noticing. If you encounter problems building homme_tool please reach out on the e3sm_help slack channel and include a detailed description of the error and the commands you used to produce the error.

Building homme_tool is a critical preliminary step to the topography generation workflow described below. The build process requires the user to select the appropriate cmake file that contains machine-specific settings (see mach_file below).

# Set the machine specific environment
cd ${e3sm_root}/components/homme
${e3sm_root}/cime/CIME/scripts/configure && source

# Specify machine configuration file
# mach_file=${e3sm_root}/components/homme/cmake/machineFiles/chrysalis.cmake

cmake -C ${mach_file} \

make -j4 homme_tool

Sub-Grid Topography Variations

Certain physics calculations in the atmosphere require a characterization of the unresolved topography. This is provided in the input data as SGH and SGH30. These quantities need to be calculated by the cube_to_target tool that is included in the E3SM source code. Similar to homme_tool, this tool can often be broken when the user goes to use it. Luckily, this tool is much simpler with fewer dependencies. Nevertheless, it is good to make sure the tools builds successfully before creating a new topography file.

Building cube_to_target

The following commands were working on both Perlmutter/NERSC and Chrysalis/LCRC machines as of 2024.

cd ${e3sm_root}/components/eam/tools/topo_tool/cube_to_target

${e3sm_root}/cime/CIME/scripts/configure && source



You can safely ignore compiler warnings that look like Warning: Rank mismatch.... These are a result of how we interface with the netcdf fortran routines, but fixing the warnings by switching from #include <> to use netcdf can lead to other problems on certain machines.

Step-by-Step Topography Generation


Copying and pasting the relevant steps below is an easy way to step through the blocks of commands. Alternatively, a batch script is provided below that can be used to execute all steps at once in a batch job.

  1. Activate the E3SM Unified Env

    Perlmutter (NERSC):

    source /global/common/software/e3sm/anaconda_envs/

    Chrysalis (LCRC):

    source /lcrc/soft/climate/e3sm-unified/

    For unsupported machines you may need to build the unified environment:

    conda install -c conda-forge -c e3sm e3sm-unified
  2. Specify Source and Target Resolution

    We will environement variables to specify the source and target grid resolutions based on the "ne" value of the cubed sphere grid ("ne" is the number of elements along a cube edge). A Typical use case will be mapping data from ne3000pg1 to a chosen target resolution, in this case ne30:


    For testing use a special ne90pg1 dataset:



    For grids with regional refinement (RRM) there is no corresponding "ne" value - so a slightly modified workflow is needed. This entails modifying the grid file generation step, and then modifying topo and map file paths to accomodate the new RRM grid name.

  3. Specify File Paths

    First we need to set some enviroment variables that point to various "root" directories where we will be writing and/or reading files. It

    e3sm_root=?    # path to E3SM source
    grid_root=?    # path to write grid files
    map_root=?     # path to write map files
    topo_root=?    # path to write new topo files
    DIN_LOC_ROOT=? # path to E3SM inputdata

    Example path settings:

    • Perlmutter (NERSC):

      e3sm_root=${SCRATCH}/tmp_e3sm_src # make sure this contains an up-to-date clone of E3SM
    • Chrysalis (ANL/LCRC):

      e3sm_root=${SCRATCH}/tmp_e3sm_src # make sure this contains an up-to-date clone of E3SM

    Make sure the root directories exist:

    mkdir -p ${grid_root} ${map_root} ${topo_root}
    ls -ld ${grid_root} ${map_root} ${topo_root} ${e3sm_root} ${DIN_LOC_ROOT}

    Now specify all the files that we will need for, including map files and temporary topo data.

    timestamp=$(date +%Y%m%d)
  4. Create Grid Files

    # Grid for source high res topo
    GenerateCSMesh --alt --res ${NE_SRC}  --file ${grid_root}/exodus_ne${NE_SRC}.g
    ConvertMeshToSCRIP --in ${grid_root}/exodus_ne${NE_SRC}.g  --out ${grid_root}/scrip_ne${NE_SRC}
    # Grid for target EAM grid
    GenerateCSMesh --alt --res ${NE_DST} --file ${grid_root}/exodus_ne${NE_DST}.g
    GenerateVolumetricMesh --in ${grid_root}/exodus_ne${NE_DST}.g --out ${grid_root}/exodus_ne${NE_DST}pg2.g --np 2 --uniform
    ConvertMeshToSCRIP --in ${grid_root}/exodus_ne${NE_DST}pg2.g --out ${grid_root}/scrip_ne${NE_DST}
  5. Create Map Files


    This step can potentially take a very long time - several hours for each map file in some cases! The use of --mpi_nbr=32 will leverage parallelization via mbtemptest to dramatically reduce the time to generate mapping files, but this may not work on all machines. Feel free to experiment with a different number of tasks to optimize for the machine you are using. You can also drop this argument entirely if it is causing problems, but be sure to plan for hours of execution time.


    If you see an error from these ncremap commands that looks like: srun: error: Job request does not match any supported policy. and you are on a login node then you will need to either launch an interactive compute node or use a batch job script.

    # Create map from source to target np4 
    ncremap ${MAP_ARGS} -a fv2se_flx \
    --src_grd=${grid_root}/scrip_ne${NE_SRC}  \
    --dst_grd=${grid_root}/exodus_ne${NE_DST}.g \
    --map_file=${map_file_src_to_np4} \
  6. Remap Topograpy

    The first command here will essentially create a copy of the source data, which is needed later on when calculating SGH.

    # Map high-res topo to target np4 grid
    ncremap -m ${map_file_src_to_np4} -i ${topo_file_0} -o ${topo_file_1}
    # Compute phi_s on the target np4 grid
    ncap2 -O -s 'PHIS=terr*9.80616' ${topo_file_1} ${topo_file_1}
    # rename the column dimension to be "ncol"
    ncrename -d grid_size,ncol ${topo_file_1}
  7. Apply Smoothing

    Make sure homme_tool has been built following the instructions above.

    cd ${e3sm_root}/components/homme
    ${e3sm_root}/cime/CIME/scripts/configure && source
    cat <<EOF >
    mesh_file = "${grid_root}/exodus_ne${NE_DST}.g"
    smooth_phis_p2filt = 0
    smooth_phis_numcycle = 6 ! v2/v3 uses 12/6 for more/less smoothing
    smooth_phis_nudt = 4e-16
    hypervis_scaling = 2
    se_ftype = 2 ! actually output NPHYS; overloaded use of ftype
    tool = 'topo_pgn_to_smoothed'
    infilenames = '${topo_file_1}', '${topo_file_2}'
    mpirun -np 8 ${e3sm_root}/components/homme/src/tool/homme_tool <
    # rename output file to remove "" suffix
    mv ${topo_file_2} ${topo_file_2}
  8. Compute SGH

    ${e3sm_root}/components/eam/tools/topo_tool/cube_to_target/cube_to_target \
      --target-grid ${grid_root}/scrip_ne${NE_DST} \
      --input-topography ${topo_file_0} \
      --smoothed-topography ${topo_file_2} \
      --output-topography ${topo_file_3}
    # Append the GLL phi_s data to the output of step 4.
    ncks -A ${topo_file_2} ${topo_file_3}
  9. Clean up Temporary Files

    rm ${topo_root}/tmp_USGS-topo_ne${NE_DST}*

Batch script to streamline all steps

Running through all the steps above can be tedious and time-consuming. The batch scripts below include all these steps as well as batch system directives. The only step that is omitted is building homme_tool, since its better to do this manually in case problems arise.

Here is a check list of things to do before submitting this script:

  • Build homme_tool
  • Build cube_to_target
  • Update batch allocation code (i.e. --account)
  • Update batch job wallclock time (i.e. --time)
  • Update paths at the top of the batch script
  • Comment out any sections that were completed in advance (i.e. grid and map file creation)

To submit the slurm batch job use sbatch <script>
#SBATCH --account=e3sm
#SBATCH --job-name=generate_topo
#SBATCH --output=slurm-%x-%j.out
#SBATCH --time=24:00:00
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --mail-type=END,FAIL
# Make sure all these lines are correct for the machine
source /lcrc/soft/climate/e3sm-unified/
# Specify source and target resolutions
NE_SRC=3000 ; NE_DST=30
# NE_SRC=90 ; NE_DST=30 # low-res grid combination for testing
# Specify time stamp for creation date
timestamp=$(date +%Y%m%d)
# Specify E3SM source code path - preferably a fresh clone
# Specify root paths
# argument for ncremap to select TempestRemap or mbtempest backend
# MAP_ARGS+="--mpi_nbr=32"
# Stop script execution on error
set -e
# ANSI color codes for highlighting terminal output
RED='\033[0;31m' ; GRN='\033[0;32m' CYN='\033[0;36m' ; NC='\033[0m'
# start timer for entire script
start=`date +%s`
# Specify topo file names - including temporary files that will be deleted
# Specify map file name
# print some useful things
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo   NE_SRC              = $NE_SRC
echo   NE_DST              = $NE_DST
echo   e3sm_root           = $e3sm_root
echo   grid_root           = $grid_root
echo   map_root            = $map_root
echo   topo_root           = $topo_root
echo   DIN_LOC_ROOT        = $DIN_LOC_ROOT
echo   topo_file_0         = $topo_file_0
echo   topo_file_1         = $topo_file_1
echo   topo_file_2         = $topo_file_2
echo   topo_file_3         = $topo_file_3
echo   map_file_src_to_np4 = $map_file_src_to_np4
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Make sure paths exist
mkdir -p ${grid_root} ${map_root} ${topo_root}
if [ ! -d ${DIN_LOC_ROOT} ]; then echo -e ${RED}ERROR directory does not exist:${NC} ${DIN_LOC_ROOT} ; fi
if [ ! -d ${e3sm_root}    ]; then echo -e ${RED}ERROR directory does not exist:${NC} ${e3sm_root} ; fi
if [ ! -d ${grid_root}    ]; then echo -e ${RED}ERROR directory does not exist:${NC} ${grid_root} ; fi
if [ ! -d ${map_root}     ]; then echo -e ${RED}ERROR directory does not exist:${NC} ${map_root} ; fi
if [ ! -d ${topo_root}    ]; then echo -e ${RED}ERROR directory does not exist:${NC} ${topo_root} ; fi
# set to echo commands
set -x
# Create grid for source high res topo
GenerateCSMesh --alt --res ${NE_SRC} --file ${grid_root}/exodus_ne${NE_SRC}.g
ConvertMeshToSCRIP --in ${grid_root}/exodus_ne${NE_SRC}.g  --out ${grid_root}/scrip_ne${NE_SRC}
# Create grid for target EAM grid
GenerateCSMesh --alt --res ${NE_DST} --file ${grid_root}/exodus_ne${NE_DST}.g
GenerateVolumetricMesh --in ${grid_root}/exodus_ne${NE_DST}.g --out ${grid_root}/exodus_ne${NE_DST}pg2.g --np 2 --uniform
ConvertMeshToSCRIP --in ${grid_root}/exodus_ne${NE_DST}pg2.g --out ${grid_root}/scrip_ne${NE_DST}
# Create map from source to target np4
time ncremap ${MAP_ARGS} -a fv2se_flx \
  --src_grd=${grid_root}/scrip_ne${NE_SRC} \
  --dst_grd=${grid_root}/exodus_ne${NE_DST}.g \
  --map_file=${map_file_src_to_np4} \
# Remap high-res topo to target np4 grid
ncremap -m ${map_file_src_to_np4} -i ${topo_file_0} -o ${topo_file_1}
# Compute phi_s on the target np4 grid
ncap2 -O -s 'PHIS=terr*9.80616' ${topo_file_1} ${topo_file_1}
# rename the column dimension to be "ncol"
ncrename -d grid_size,ncol ${topo_file_1}
# Apply Smoothing
cd ${e3sm_root}/components/homme
${e3sm_root}/cime/CIME/scripts/configure && source
# Create namelist file for HOMME
cat <<EOF >
mesh_file = "${grid_root}/exodus_ne${NE_DST}.g"
smooth_phis_p2filt = 0
smooth_phis_numcycle = 6 ! v2/v3 uses 12/6 for more/less smoothing
smooth_phis_nudt = 4e-16
hypervis_scaling = 2
se_ftype = 2 ! actually output NPHYS; overloaded use of ftype
tool = 'topo_pgn_to_smoothed'
infilenames = '${topo_file_1}', '${topo_file_2}'
# run homme_tool for topography smoothing
srun -n 8 ${e3sm_root}/components/homme/src/tool/homme_tool <
# rename output file to remove "" suffix
mv ${topo_file_2} ${topo_file_2}
# Compute SGH with cube_to_target
${e3sm_root}/components/eam/tools/topo_tool/cube_to_target/cube_to_target \
  --target-grid ${grid_root}/scrip_ne${NE_DST} \
  --input-topography ${topo_file_0} \
  --smoothed-topography ${topo_file_2} \
  --output-topography ${topo_file_3}
# Append the GLL phi_s data to the output
ncks -A ${topo_file_2} ${topo_file_3}
# Clean up Temporary Files
rm ${topo_root}/tmp_USGS-topo_ne${NE_DST}*
# stop echoing commands
set +x
# Check that final topo output file was created
if [ ! -f ${topo_file_3} ]; then
  echo -e ${RED} Failed to create topography file - Errors ocurred ${NC}
  echo -e ${GRN} Sucessfully created new topography file  ${NC}
  echo $topo_file_3
# Indicate overall run time for this script
end=`date +%s`
runtime_sc=$(( end - start ))
runtime_mn=$(( runtime_sc/60 ))
runtime_hr=$(( runtime_mn/60 ))
echo -e    ${CYN} overall runtime: ${NC} ${runtime_sc} seconds / ${runtime_mn} minutes / ${runtime_hr} hours
#SBATCH --account=e3sm
#SBATCH --constraint=cpu
#SBATCH --qos=regular
#SBATCH --job-name=generate_topo
#SBATCH --output=slurm-%x-%j.out
#SBATCH --time=24:00:00
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --mail-type=END,FAIL
# Make sure all these lines are correct for the machine
source /global/common/software/e3sm/anaconda_envs/
# Specify source and target resolutions
NE_SRC=3000 ; NE_DST=30
# NE_SRC=90 ; NE_DST=30 # low-res grid combination for testing
# Specify time stamp for creation date
timestamp=$(date +%Y%m%d)
# Specify E3SM source code path - preferably a fresh clone
# Specify root paths
# argument for ncremap to select TempestRemap or mbtempest backend
# MAP_ARGS+="--mpi_nbr=32"
# Stop script execution on error
set -e
# ANSI color codes for highlighting terminal output
RED='\033[0;31m' ; GRN='\033[0;32m' CYN='\033[0;36m' ; NC='\033[0m'
# start timer for entire script
start=`date +%s`
# Specify topo file names - including temporary files that will be deleted
# Specify map file name
# print some useful things
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo   NE_SRC              = $NE_SRC
echo   NE_DST              = $NE_DST
echo   e3sm_root           = $e3sm_root
echo   grid_root           = $grid_root
echo   map_root            = $map_root
echo   topo_root           = $topo_root
echo   DIN_LOC_ROOT        = $DIN_LOC_ROOT
echo   topo_file_0         = $topo_file_0
echo   topo_file_1         = $topo_file_1
echo   topo_file_2         = $topo_file_2
echo   topo_file_3         = $topo_file_3
echo   map_file_src_to_np4 = $map_file_src_to_np4
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Make sure paths exist
mkdir -p ${grid_root} ${map_root} ${topo_root}
if [ ! -d ${DIN_LOC_ROOT} ]; then echo -e ${RED}ERROR directory does not exist:${NC} ${DIN_LOC_ROOT} ; fi
if [ ! -d ${e3sm_root}    ]; then echo -e ${RED}ERROR directory does not exist:${NC} ${e3sm_root} ; fi
if [ ! -d ${grid_root}    ]; then echo -e ${RED}ERROR directory does not exist:${NC} ${grid_root} ; fi
if [ ! -d ${map_root}     ]; then echo -e ${RED}ERROR directory does not exist:${NC} ${map_root} ; fi
if [ ! -d ${topo_root}    ]; then echo -e ${RED}ERROR directory does not exist:${NC} ${topo_root} ; fi
# set to echo commands
set -x
# Create grid for source high res topo
GenerateCSMesh --alt --res ${NE_SRC} --file ${grid_root}/exodus_ne${NE_SRC}.g
ConvertMeshToSCRIP --in ${grid_root}/exodus_ne${NE_SRC}.g  --out ${grid_root}/scrip_ne${NE_SRC}
# Create grid for target EAM grid
GenerateCSMesh --alt --res ${NE_DST} --file ${grid_root}/exodus_ne${NE_DST}.g
GenerateVolumetricMesh --in ${grid_root}/exodus_ne${NE_DST}.g --out ${grid_root}/exodus_ne${NE_DST}pg2.g --np 2 --uniform
ConvertMeshToSCRIP --in ${grid_root}/exodus_ne${NE_DST}pg2.g --out ${grid_root}/scrip_ne${NE_DST}
# Create map from source to target np4
time ncremap ${MAP_ARGS} -a fv2se_flx \
  --src_grd=${grid_root}/scrip_ne${NE_SRC} \
  --dst_grd=${grid_root}/exodus_ne${NE_DST}.g \
  --map_file=${map_file_src_to_np4} \
# Remap high-res topo to target np4 grid
ncremap -m ${map_file_src_to_np4} -i ${topo_file_0} -o ${topo_file_1}
# Compute phi_s on the target np4 grid
ncap2 -O -s 'PHIS=terr*9.80616' ${topo_file_1} ${topo_file_1}
# rename the column dimension to be "ncol"
ncrename -d grid_size,ncol ${topo_file_1}
# Apply Smoothing
cd ${e3sm_root}/components/homme
${e3sm_root}/cime/CIME/scripts/configure && source
# Create namelist file for HOMME
cat <<EOF >
mesh_file = "${grid_root}/exodus_ne${NE_DST}.g"
smooth_phis_p2filt = 0
smooth_phis_numcycle = 6 ! v2/v3 uses 12/6 for more/less smoothing
smooth_phis_nudt = 4e-16
hypervis_scaling = 2
se_ftype = 2 ! actually output NPHYS; overloaded use of ftype
tool = 'topo_pgn_to_smoothed'
infilenames = '${topo_file_1}', '${topo_file_2}'
# run homme_tool for topography smoothing
srun -n 8 ${e3sm_root}/components/homme/src/tool/homme_tool <
# rename output file to remove "" suffix
mv ${topo_file_2} ${topo_file_2}
# Compute SGH with cube_to_target
${e3sm_root}/components/eam/tools/topo_tool/cube_to_target/cube_to_target \
  --target-grid ${grid_root}/scrip_ne${NE_DST} \
  --input-topography ${topo_file_0} \
  --smoothed-topography ${topo_file_2} \
  --output-topography ${topo_file_3}
# Append the GLL phi_s data to the output
ncks -A ${topo_file_2} ${topo_file_3}
# Clean up Temporary Files
rm ${topo_root}/tmp_USGS-topo_ne${NE_DST}*
# stop echoing commands
set +x
# Check that final topo output file was created
if [ ! -f ${topo_file_3} ]; then
  echo -e ${RED} Failed to create topography file - Errors ocurred ${NC}
  echo -e ${GRN} Sucessfully created new topography file  ${NC}
  echo $topo_file_3
# Indicate overall run time for this script
end=`date +%s`
runtime_sc=$(( end - start ))
runtime_mn=$(( runtime_sc/60 ))
runtime_hr=$(( runtime_mn/60 ))
echo -e    ${CYN} overall runtime: ${NC} ${runtime_sc} seconds / ${runtime_mn} minutes / ${runtime_hr} hours

Back to step-by-step guide for Adding Support for New Grids