Add New Grid Configuration to E3SM
In addition to generating input data to support a new grid, several modifications to XML files are required before E3SM can run with the grid. However, the specific changes will depend on how the grid will be used. The intended model configuration for the new grid will change which files need to be modified. For instance, a grid intended for aquaplanet experiments does not require as many changes as a historical AMIP-style run.
The guidelines here are meant to outline various possible changes the user should consider when adding support for a new grid for the land and/or atmosphere. This document cannot be exhaustive, and it is important that the user understands the changes they are making. It is often useful to use a pre-existing grid configuration as a template. Note that the guidelines here are only relevant for "horizontal" grids in the atmosphere and/or land. Additional considerations are needed to support a new vertical grid in the atmosphere, which is a topic not currently covered here.
When setting up a new grid for the atmosphere and/or land model, you will need to edit some or all of these files:
Mono-Grid vs Bi-Grid vs Tri-Grid
The mono-bi-tri grid options in E3SM can be confusing, but it is important to understand what these terms mean when adding a new grid to E3SM. At the surface these terms mean that the whole model is either using a single grid for all componennt models, or a combination of 2 or 3 grids shared among the component models. Note that mono-grid and bi-grid terms often ignore that the river model needs to be on its own regular lat-lon grid.
In practice, "bi" and "tri" grids are most commonly used and the main difference between them comes down to whether the land surface model shares a grid with the atmosphere or not. The component coupler is responsible for facilitating communication between component models, primarily through fluxes, and so mapping files are needed to support a combination of different grids. E3SMv3 uses a tri-grid configuration for production simulations.
Grid Naming Conventions
The atmosphere grid name should always indicate the base "ne" value and whether the physgrid is being used, usually by adding ".pg2" at the end. For a regionally refined mesh (RRM) the grid name should always start with ne0
followed a descriptive string that includes the region being refined and the degree of refinement.
Example: ne0np4_northamerica_30x4v1.pg2
Note that this example differs from how the North American grid is currently named as ne0np4_northamericax4v1.pg2
, which indicates a 4x
refinement, but does not indicate the base resolution, which is useful to know. The more informative grid name ne0np4_northamerica_30x4v1.pg2
makes it clear that unrefined regions are consistent with ne30pg2
River (or Land in tri-grid)
For a rectilinear lat-lon grid used by the land and/or river models the grid name should start with "r" and typically use spacing less than one degree, so they indicate the nominal grid spacing, starting with "0" and omitting the decimal.
Examples: r05
is 0.5 degree spacing and r0125
is 1/8 or 0.125 degree spacing.
Grid Aliases
Grid aliases are short strings used to represent the complete set of grids used in the model configuration. For a mono-grid the convention is that the grid alias is the base mesh written twice to indicate that both atmosphere/land and ocean/sea-ice models are on the same grid. A mono-grid is typically only used for idealized simulations such as aqua planet and RCE, but can also be used for F-compsets if the CICE sea-ice model is used in place of the MPAS sea-ice model (MPASSI).
Example: ne30pg2_ne30pg2
Bi-grid options should indicate two different grids used for atmosphere/land and ocean/sea-ice models.
Example: ne30pg2_IcoswISC30E3r5
Tri-grid options should indicate three different grids used for atmosphere, land, and ocean/sea-ice models, with the land grid appearing in the middle.
Example: ne30pg2_r05_IcoswISC30E3r5
Grid longnames
For any combination of grids, the full grid definition has a long form representation that spells out the grid in more detail.
alias: ne4pg2_ne4pg2
longname: a%ne4np4.pg2_l%ne4np4.pg2_oi%ne4np4.pg2_r%r05_g%null_w%null_z%null_m%oQU240
non-default grids are: atm:ne4np4.pg2 lnd:ne4np4.pg2 ocnice:ne4np4.pg2 rof:r05 glc:null wav:null
mask is: oQU240
Defining a New Atmosphere Grid for EAM
When defining a new atmosphere grid, information needs to be provided on how the grid is constructed.
To define a new atmosphere grid a line must be added to components/eam/bld/config_files/horiz_grid.xml
that indicates the number of elements and physics columns. In the lines below for ne30np4
(without the physgrid) and ne30pg2
(with the physgrid) you can see the value of ne
is the same (number of elements along a cube edge), but the number of physics columns is different.
<horiz_grid dyn="se" hgrid="ne30np4" ncol="48602" csne="30" csnp="4" npg="0" />
<horiz_grid dyn="se" hgrid="ne30np4.pg2" ncol="21600" csne="30" csnp="4" npg="2" />
An explanation of how to calculate the number of physics columns can be found here: Atmosphere Grid Overview.
For a grid with regional refinement, follow the conventions of other grids in this file. There is no formula to calculate the number of columns for RRM grids, but the value can be obtained from the grid files used for mapping.
<horiz_grid dyn="se" hgrid="ne0np4_antarcticax4v1.pg2" ncol="48836" csne="0" csnp="4" npg="2" />
Defining a New Land Grid for ELM
If you are creating a new grid that will be used by the land model the grid name needs to be added to the list valid_values
associated with the res
entry in the file components/elm/bld/namelist_files/namelist_definition.xml
that holds the definition of namelist variables used by the land model.
<entry id="res" type="char*30" category="default_settings"
Horizontal resolutions
Note: 0.1x0.1, 0.5x0.5, 5x5min, 10x10min, 3x3min and 0.33x0.33 are only used for ELM tools
Simply add the name of your new grid to the list of valid_values
Using New Grids in Default Namelists
Each new grid will likely need various new default parameter values to be specified. These parameters can be set for individual simulations by editing the user_nl_*
files in the case directory, but for these to become defaults any time the grid is used then new defaults need to be specified.
The lists below show namelist parameters that may need to be specified for a new grid. The creator of a new grid is responsible for understanding these parameters and deciding when new defaults are appropriate.
Atmosphere Namelist Parameters
- Data file for surface aerosol depositionbnd_topo
- Surface topography (smoothed for target grid)mesh_file
- HOMME np4 mesh file (exodus format)se_tstep
- HOMME time step [seconds]dt_remap_factor
- HOMME vertical remap factordt_tracer_factor
- HOMME tracer advection factorhypervis_subcycle_q
- HOMME tracer hyperviscosity factor
Land Namelist Parameters
- Surface data filefinidat
- Land model initial condition fileflanduse_timeseries
- Time-evolving land-use data file
Defining a new grid for CIME
The CIME Case Control system will configure a case according to the component set and grid alias you specify with the --res
As part of that configuration, CIME needs to know
how to translate the grid alias and set the paths for domain and mapping files used by the grid so the model can find them at runtime.
Adding a New Grid Alias
Grid aliases are defined in cime_config/config_grids.xml
. Below is an example grid alias for the ne30pg2_r05_IcoswISC30E3r5
grid used in E3SMv3 production simulations.
<model_grid alias="ne30pg2_r05_IcoswISC30E3r5">
<grid name="atm">ne30np4.pg2</grid>
<grid name="lnd">r05</grid>
<grid name="ocnice">IcoswISC30E3r5</grid>
<grid name="rof">r05</grid>
<grid name="glc">null</grid>
<grid name="wav">null</grid>
Add a similar block for your new grid. Aliases must be unique within config_grids.xml
Domain Files
Domain files are needed for each grid and are specified in the <domains>
section of cime_config/config_grids.xml
. The default domain files are grouped by the atmosphere grid. The section for the typical ne30pg2
grid looks as follows:
<domain name="ne30np4.pg2">
<file grid="atm|lnd" mask="IcoswISC30E3r5">$DIN_LOC_ROOT/share/domains/</file>
<file grid="ice|ocn" mask="IcoswISC30E3r5">$DIN_LOC_ROOT/share/domains/</file>
<desc>ne30np4.pg2 is Spectral Elem 1-deg grid w/ 2x2 FV physics grid per element:</desc>
Notice the ellipses ...
are used here to omit all entries that are not relevant to the ne30pg2_r05_IcoswISC30E3r5
grid. Also, note that all of these paths are relative to the input data path set as DIN_LOC_ROOT
which has a default for each machine. See Generating Domain Files for information about creating domain files.
Coupler Mapping Files
The mapping files used by the component coupler to communicate fluxes between the component models must be specified in the <gridmaps>
section of cime_config/config_grids.xml
. These are organized for specific pairs of grids, such that tri-grids will require multiple sections. The entries relevant for ne30pg2_r05_IcoswISC30E3r5
are shown below.
<gridmap atm_grid="ne30np4.pg2" ocn_grid="IcoswISC30E3r5">
<map name="ATM2OCN_FMAPNAME">cpl/gridmaps/ne30pg2/</map>
<map name="ATM2OCN_VMAPNAME">cpl/gridmaps/ne30pg2/</map>
<map name="ATM2OCN_SMAPNAME">cpl/gridmaps/ne30pg2/</map>
<map name="OCN2ATM_FMAPNAME">cpl/gridmaps/IcoswISC30E3r5/</map>
<map name="OCN2ATM_SMAPNAME">cpl/gridmaps/IcoswISC30E3r5/</map>
<map name="ATM2ICE_FMAPNAME_NONLINEAR">cpl/gridmaps/ne30pg2/</map>
<map name="ATM2OCN_FMAPNAME_NONLINEAR">cpl/gridmaps/ne30pg2/</map>
<gridmap atm_grid="ne30np4.pg2" lnd_grid="r05">
<map name="ATM2LND_FMAPNAME">cpl/gridmaps/ne30pg2/</map>
<map name="ATM2LND_FMAPNAME_NONLINEAR">cpl/gridmaps/ne30pg2/</map>
<map name="ATM2LND_SMAPNAME">cpl/gridmaps/ne30pg2/</map>
<map name="LND2ATM_FMAPNAME">cpl/gridmaps/ne30pg2/</map>
<map name="LND2ATM_SMAPNAME">cpl/gridmaps/ne30pg2/</map>
<gridmap atm_grid="ne30np4.pg2" rof_grid="r05">
<map name="ATM2ROF_FMAPNAME">cpl/gridmaps/ne30pg2/</map>
<map name="ATM2ROF_FMAPNAME_NONLINEAR">cpl/gridmaps/ne30pg2/</map>
<map name="ATM2ROF_SMAPNAME">cpl/gridmaps/ne30pg2/</map>
Note that all of these paths are relative to the input data path set as DIN_LOC_ROOT
which has a default for each machine. Mapping files can be created with
the ncremap utility in NCO
Back to step-by-step guide for Adding Support for New Grids