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User's Guide

Guidance for using E3SM is available from E3SM's public web site.

Configuring MPAS-seaice

MPAS-seaice is controlled using namelist options.

  • Default namelist values are found in E3SM/components/mpas-seaice/bld/namelist_files/namelist_defaults_mpassi.xml.
  • Namelist options are defined in E3SM/components/mpas-seaice/bld/namelist_files/namelist_definitions_mpassi.xml, including type, category (seaice_model), group, valid values and a brief description. Each namelist variable is defined in an entry element. The content of the element is the documentation of how the variable is used. Other aspects of the variable's definition are expressed as attributes of the entry element.
  • Users can change namelist options from defaults by entering [namelist option] = [changed value] as separate lines in the user_nl_mpassi file in the case directory.
  • Some namelist values or combinations are not allowed and will generate warnings and often abort the code. The consistency checks for using MPAS-seaice within E3SM are in mpas_seaice_initialize (subroutines seaice_check_configs_coupled, seaice_check_constants_coupled), and those specific to Icepack can be found in subroutine check_column_package_configs in mpas_seaice_icepack.F.

Related namelist variables are grouped according to their application.

Namelist Groups Relevant application
seaice_model general options
io input/output
decomposition mesh parallelization
restart restarting the code
dimensions column physics dimensions (layers, categories)
initialize initialization
use_sections turn entire parameterizations on and off
forcing forcing for standalone configurations
velocity_solver algorithms for solving the dynamics (velocity and stress) equations
advection advection
column_package general column package software configurations
biogeochemistry biogeochemistry
shortwave radiation
snow advanced snow physics
meltponds melt pond parameterization flags and parameters
thermodynamics basic thermodynamics
itd ice thickness distribution
floesize floe size distribution
ridging mechanical redistribution
atmosphere atmospheric boundary layer and coupling
ocean oceanic boundary layer and coupling
diagnostics diagnostic output
prescribed_ice for testing atmosphere simulations


The Icepack software has replaced the original colpkg column physics code in MPAS-seaice. The column_package option is still available but is no longer being supported in MPAS-seaice.

Full documentation for E3SM's version of Icepack can be found in E3SM's Icepack readthedocs. The most up-to-date documentation from the CICE Consortium's main Icepack repository is here.

The MPAS-seaice driver for Icepack is


and the mapping between the names of Icepack's namelist options and those in MPAS-seaice can be found in subroutine init_icepack_package_configs (see the argument list for calls to subroutine icepack_init_parameters and comments at the end of init_icepack_package_configs.

Configuring Model Input and Output

The reading and writing of model fields in MPAS is handled by user-configurable streams. A stream represents a fixed set of model fields, together with dimensions and attributes, that are all written or read together to or from the same file or set of files. Besides these default streams, users may define new streams to, e.g., write certain diagnostic fields at a higher temporal frequency than the usual model history fields.

Streams are defined in XML configuration files that are created at build time for each model core. The name of this XML file is simply ‘streams.’ suffixed with the name of the core. For example, the streams for the sea-ice core are defined in a file named ‘streams.seaice’. An XML stream file may further reference other text files that contain lists of the model fields that are read or written in each of the streams defined in the XML stream file.

The stream file can be modified by copying the streams.seaice file (generated during ./case.setup) from the run directory to the case directory under SourceMods/src.mpassi/, and making changes to the stream file there. Changes to the stream file will take effect on the next case submission. Alternatively, changes to the streams file can be made directly in the code in components/mpas-seaice/cime_config/buildnml.

Two classes of streams exist in MPAS: immutable streams and mutable streams. Immutable streams are those for which the set of fields that belong to the stream may not be modified at model run-time; however, it is possible to modify the interval at which the stream is read or written, the filename template describing the files containing the stream on disk, and several other parameters of the stream. In contrast, all aspects of mutable streams, including the set of fields that belong to the stream, may be modified at run-time. The motivation for the creation of two stream classes is the idea that an MPAS core may not function correctly if certain fields are not read in upon model start-up or written to restart files, and it is therefore not reasonable for users to modify this set of required fields at run-time. An MPAS core developer may choose to implement such streams as immutable streams. Since fields may not be added to an immutable stream at run-time, new immutable streams may not be defined at run-time, and the only type of new stream that may be defined at run-time is the mutable stream type.