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MPAS-Ocean Quick Start

This MPAS-Ocean Quick Start Guide describes how to set up and run MPAS-Ocean within E3SM. More details can be found in the MPAS-Ocean User's Guide, as well as instructions on running the stand-alone ocean model.

Steps to build and run MPAS-Ocean

Step-by-step instructions on how to run E3SM can be found at

This MPAS-Ocean Quick Start guide provides the additional information to run configurations that are not fully-coupled (e.g. C-case: active ocean only; G-case: active ocean and sea ice) within E3SM. This is done by changing the compset. Certain parameters, including the mesh, namelist parameters, input data files, and output file specifcations can also be modified. These are described below as ways to customize runs.

Templates of 1-month example E3SM run-scripts for a G-case and C-case are provided. Key information for the user to modify includes:

  • MACHINE and PROJECT if applicable
  • Paths for code repository in CODE_ROOT and case directory in CASE_ROOT, which includes the run directory for output.
  • Simulation compsets, resolution and name (see below)
  • Wallclock duration in WALLTIME and simulation duration with STOP_OPTION and STOP_N.

Additional runscript examples can be found here for v3.LR.

Scientifically supported compsets and meshes


The compsets below are typical ocean and sea ice-focused compsets supported by E3SM:

GMPAS-JRA1p5 - Active ocean-sea ice configuration forced by data atmosphere based on JRA55 v1.5 (covers 63 years, 1958-2020)

GMPAS-IAF - Active ocean-sea ice configuration forced by data atmosphere based on CORE-II (covers 62 years, 1948-2009)

GMPAS-JRA1p5-DIB-DISMF - Active ocean-sea ice configuration forced by JRA55 v1.5 atmosphere (as above), with data iceberg and data ice-shelf melt

GMPAS-JRA1p5-DIB-PISMF - Active ocean-sea ice configuration forced by JRA55 v1.5 atmosphere (as above), with data iceberg and prognostic ice-shelf melt

CMPASO-JRA1p4 - Active ocean configuration forced by data atmosphere based on JRA55 v1.4 (covers 61 years, 1958-2018)

CMPASO-IAF - Active ocean configuration forced by data atmosphere based on CORE-II (covers 62 years, 1948-2009)

Additional compsets can be found in the mpas-ocean config_compsets.xml. Note that the fully coupled compsets and their aliases can be found in the cime allactive config_compsets.xml. For more information on the schemes used within MPAS-Ocean, refer to the MPAS-Ocean User's Guide.

A full list of Compsets in the current repository can be listed using

cd cime/scripts
./query_config --compsets


Some supported meshes for G- and C-cases include:

TL319_IcoswISC30E3r5 - Icosahedral 30 km mesh with ice shelves cavities (wISC), E3SMv3 (E3) revision r5, TL319 is the grid for JRA.

T62_IcoswISC30E3r5 - Icosahedral 30 km mesh with ice shelves cavities (wISC), E3SMv3 (E3) revision r5, T62 is the grid for CORE-II.

T62_oQU240 - Quasi uniform 2-degree ocean mesh, to be used with CORE-II only. Good for rapid testing, used in nightly testing not production runs. This grid is not scientifically validated .

Note: the mesh should be consistent with the compset (e.g. JRA vs CORE). Additional mesh information can be found here.

A full list of Meshes in the current repository can be listed using

cd cime/scripts
./query_config --grids

Customizing runs

Namelist changes

Without additional input, E3SM will generate the namelist file mpaso_in in the run directory using the default values for the compset and mesh requested. Namelist parameters can be changed from default values by modifying the user_nl_mpaso file, found in the case_scripts directory. This is done by entering [namelist option] = [changed value] as separate lines in the user_nl_mpaso file. All other options will remain defaults. These changes can be added at run time and will take effect in the next submission.

Refer to the MPAS-Ocean User's Guide (Chapter 10) for a comprehensive description of the namelist parameters and the options that they correspond to. Namelist options may also be found in the code repository in the file components/mpas-ocean/src/Registry.xml for general flags, components/mpas-ocean/src/tracer_groups/Registry_*.xml for specific tracer group flags, and components/mpas-ocean/src/analysis_members/Registry_*.xml for analysis member flags.

Example of a namelist change via user_nl_mpaso

 config_GM_closure = 'constant'
 config_gm_constant_kappa = 900
 config_time_integrator = 'split_explicit'
 config_am_timeseriesstatsmonthly_compute_interval = '00-00-01_00:00:00'

In this example, the namelist changes include changing the eddy closure (first 2 options for the type of closure and a parameter value), switching the time integration scheme, and modifying an analysis member (in this case, the interval from which the monthly analysis member is computed).

Reminder: user_nl_mpaso can be empty. All options not specified are defaults (given the compset and mesh). Some options (like interior restoring) require extra fields to be present in the input file.

Configuring input and output for MPAS-Ocean

The reading and writing of model fields in MPAS is handled by user-configurable streams. A stream represents a fixed set of model fields, together with dimensions and attributes, that are all written or read together to or from the same file or set of files. They are used for reading initial conditions, for writing and reading restart fields, and for writing additional model history fields. Streams are defined in XML configuration files that are created at build time for each model core. The name of this XML file for the ocean core is streams.ocean (the sea ice has a similar streams.seaice). Importantly, the stream file is generated in the run directory during the ./case.setup step, but changes made into the run directory will not take effect. To make changes to the output fields, copy the streams.ocean file from the run directory into thecase_scripts/SourceMods/src.mpaso/ directory. Changes to the stream file made into the SourceMods sub-directory will take effect on the next case submission (there is no need to re-compile after making modifications to the XML file). Alternatively, changes to the streams file can be made directly in the code in components/mpas-ocean/cime_config/buildnml.

Checking initial conditions

Key information to check regarding the input data typically include:

<immutable_stream name="mesh"
<immutable_stream name="input"

The mesh filename points to the mesh file used. The input filename points to the file containing the ocean initial conditions (if the run type is initial). The streams file can be large, it is often useful to rely on the search function to navigate it. For larger meshes (millions of horizontal cells) the flag io_type="pnetcdf" must be changed to io_type="pnetcdf,cdf5".

Checking and modifying the output data

By default, MPAS-Ocean will output a set of monthly-averaged variables. The streams file can be modified to include additional variables in the existing output files, produce additional output files, or change the output frequency (e.g. high frequency files shifting between daily or 5-daily frequencies).

The XML file is organized into blocks describing each stream. Typical streams for output include:

timeSeriesStatsMonthlyOutput - monthly averaged output

highFrequencyOutput - high frequency snapshots (not averaged) output with frequency output_interval

Under each block header is the list of variables (individual variables, variable structure, or variable arrays) that will be output within the relevant stream.

Example workflow for modifying the output fields
  • copy the streams.ocean file from the run directory to the SourceMods directory (see above)
  • identify the variable name for the variable of interest. You can find the variable name by searching the ocean Registry.xml (in the src directory) or Registry_package.xml in the tracer and analysis_member sub-directories. Note whether the variable of interest is included within a var_array or a var_struct.
  • identify the output stream of interest (e.g. monthly averages, high frequency, others). You can search for a stream name, known output filename, or output interval.
  • check whether the variable of interest is included in the streams.ocean file. Search for the var name, or the var_array and var_struct if applicable. If it is, copy the variable line from other streams into the stream of interest. If it is not included, copy it from the Registry.xml.
  • check whether the relevant stream is turned on. This includes checking that output_interval in the stream header is not None.
  • make further modifications: e.g. you can modify the output_interval for the high-frequency stream. If you are turning on a new stream, remove unnecessary variables from the stream.
Excerpts from a streams.ocean file
<stream name="timeSeriesStatsMonthlyOutput"

    <var name="daysSinceStartOfSim"/>
    <var name="binBoundaryMerHeatTrans"/>
    <var name="binBoundaryZonalMean"/>
    <var name="ssh"/>
    <var_struct name="tracers"/>
    <var name="velocityMeridional"/>
    <var name="velocityZonal"/>
    <var name="layerThickness"/>
<stream name="highFrequencyOutput"

    <var name="xtime"/>
    <var name="daysSinceStartOfSim"/>
    <var_array name="activeTracersAtSurface"/>
    <var_array name="activeTracersAt250m"/>
    <var_array name="activeTracersAtBottom"/>
    <var name="kineticEnergyAtSurface"/>
    <var name="kineticEnergyAt250m"/>
    <var name="relativeVorticityAt250m"/>
    <var name="ssh"/>
    <var name="pressureAdjustedSSH"/>
    <var name="boundaryLayerDepth"/>
    <var name="dThreshMLD"/>
    <var name="tThreshMLD"/>
    <var name="columnIntegratedSpeed"/>
    <var name="barotropicSpeed"/>
    <var name="landIceFreshwaterFlux"/>
    <var name="pressureAdjustedSSH"/>
    <var name="atmosphericPressure"/>

A more comprehensive description of the streams options can be found in Chapter 6 of the MPAS-Ocean User's Guide.