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MOSART Technical Guide

This guide provides scientific and technical details about MOSART.


MOSART is a one-dimension river transport model that is designed for river routing at local, regional, and global scales (Li et al., 2013). Its primary function is to supply freshwater inputs to ocean models within coupled Earth System Models.

MOSART divides each spatial unit, such as a latitude/longitude grid or a sub-basin, into three hydrologic categories: hillslopes, tributaries, and a main channel (see figure below). The hillslopes receive runoff and send into tributaries, which then converge into a single main channel. This main channel connects adjacent upstream and downstream units through the river network. MOSART simplifies the multiple tributaries within a spatial unit into a single hypothetical sub-network channel, which has a transport capacity equivalent to all combined tributaries.

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  • Hillslope Routing: Within each spatial unit, surface runoff is directed as overland flow to the sub-network channel, while subsurface runoff enters the sub-network channel directly.

  • Sub-network Channel Routing: This channel aggregates water from the hillslopes, routes it through the channel system, and discharges it into the main channel.

  • Main Channel Routing: The main channel collects water from the sub-network channel and any inflow from upstream spatial units, eventually discharging the accumulated water downstream to the next spatial unit or directly to the ocean.


Main parameters required in the MOSART parameter file

Variable Name Description [unit]
fdir Flow direction [unitless]
lat Latitude at cell center [degree]
lon Longitude at cell center [degree]
frac fraction of the unit draining to the outlet [0-1]
rslp main channel slope [unitless]
rlen main channel length [m]
tslp mean tributary channel slope averaged through the unit [unitless]
area local drainage area [m^2]
areaTotal total upstream drainage area, local unit included; multi flow direction [m^2]
areaTotal2 total upstream drainage area, local unit included; single flow direction [m^2]
rdep bankfull depth of main channel [m]
rwid bankfull width of main channel [m]
rwid0 floodplain width linked to main channel [m]
gxr drainage density [m^-1]
hslp topographic slope [unitless]
twid bankfull width of local tributaries [m]
nr Manning''s roughness coefficient for main channel flow [unitless]
nt Manning''s roughness coefficient for tributary channel flow [unitless]
nh Manning''s roughness coefficient for overland flow [unitless]

Parameters required by additional MOSART features

Coming soon.