Creating an ELM surface dataset
The notes describe the steps in creating an ELM surface dataset at 0.5x0.5 resolution for 1950 on Perlmutter.
1. Load the appropriate modules
cd <e3ms-dir>
eval $(./cime/CIME/Tools/get_case_env)
2. Compile mksurfdata_map
cd components/elm/tools/mksurfdata_map/src/
make clean
export USER_LDFLAGS="-L$NETCDF_DIR/lib -lnetcdf -lnetcdff -lnetcdf_intel"
export USER_LDFLAGS=$USER_LDFLAGS" -L$HDF5_DIR/lib -lhdf5 -lhdf5_fortran -lhdf5_hl_intel -lhdf5hl_fortran_intel"
USER_FC=ifort LIB_NETCDF="`nc-config --flibs`" INC_NETCDF="`nf-config --includedir`" make VERBOSE=1
Build the namelist
This step assumes that the resolution for which the new surface dataset is being created is a supported resolution.
If the surface dataset is being created for an unsupported resolution, 16 mapping files will have to be created to map the raw datasets
onto this unsupported resolution. The namelist
file with default number of glaciers (equal to zero) can be generated as:
cd ../
./ -res $RES -years $YR -d -dinlc $DIN_LOC_ROOT
An example of generating the namelist for 0.25 deg (r025
) resolution for 1980 with 10 glacier layers is as follows:
./ -res $RES -years $YR -d -dinlc $DIN_LOC_ROOT -glc_nec 10
Run mksurfdata_map
via an interactive job
salloc --nodes 1 --qos interactive --time 01:00:00 --constraint cpu --account e3sm
srun -n 1 ./mksurfdata_map < namelist