PySCREAM is currently under heavy development and may contain some rough edges. If you encounter any issues, please report them on the team on github discussions. Likewise, if you have questions or would like to request features, please post them on the github discussions.
Quick Start
For now, the only way to use pyeamxx is to either build it on your own or use our prebuilt conda binaries. We prefer for you to use the latter. In a conda environment, please use the following command to install it:
conda install -c mahf708 pyeamxx=0.0.2
It is recommended to use the latest version of pyeamxx, wich is currently 0.0.2. As you can see, it is a young package with a lot of potential. We do not guarantee that the API will remain stable, but we will try to document any changes as frequently as we could.
We provide an example to demo calling the radiation process (RRTMGP). More examples are on the way. If you'd like to add your example, please feel free to submit a PR.
from mpi4py import MPI
import pyeamxx
dt = 1800
t0_str = "2020-10-10-00000"
ic_file = "/lcrc/group/e3sm/public_html/inputdata/atm/scream/init/"
ncols = 218
nlevs = 72
pyeamxx.create_grids_manager(ncols,nlevs, ic_file)
rad_dict = {
"column_chunk_size": 123,
"active_gases": ["h2o", "co2", "o3", "n2o", "co" , "ch4", "o2", "n2"],
"orbital_year": 1990,
"log_level": "info",
"do_aerosol_rad": False,
"rrtmgp_coefficients_file_sw": "/lcrc/group/e3sm/data/inputdata/atm/scream/init/",
"rrtmgp_coefficients_file_lw": "/lcrc/group/e3sm/data/inputdata/atm/scream/init/",
"rrtmgp_cloud_optics_file_sw": "/lcrc/group/e3sm/data/inputdata/atm/scream/init/",
"rrtmgp_cloud_optics_file_lw": "/lcrc/group/e3sm/data/inputdata/atm/scream/init/",
rad = pyeamxx.AtmProc(rad_dict, 'RRTMGP')
t = rad.get_field("T_mid")
tm = t.get()
print(tm[5,5], flush=True)
print(tm[5,5], flush=True)