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Model output

EAMxx allows the user to configure the desired model output via YAML files, with each YAML file associated to a different output file. In order to add an output stream, one needs to run atmchange output_yaml_files+=/path/to/my/output/yaml (more information on how to use atmchange can be found here). During the buildnml phase of the case management system, a copy of these YAML files will be copied into the RUNDIR/data folder. During this process, the files will be parsed, and any CIME-related variable will be resolved accordingly. Therefore, it is not advised to put the original YAML files in RUNDIR/data, since upon buildnml execution, all the CIME vars will no longer be available in the YAML file, making it harder to tweak it, and even harder to share with other users/cases. Another consequence of this is that the user should not modify the YAML files in RUNDIR/data, since any modification will be lost on the next run of buildnml.

Basic output

The following is a basic example of an output request.

%YAML 1.1
filename_prefix: my_output
Averaging Type: Average
Max Snapshots Per File: 10
    Field Names:
      - T_mid
      - qv
    Field Names:
      - dp3d_dyn
      - omega_dyn
  Frequency: 6
  frequency_units: nhours

Notice that lists can be equivalently specified in YAML as Field Names: [f1, f2, f3]. The user can specify fields to be outputted from any of the grids used in the simulation. In the example above, we requested fields from both the Physics and Dynamics grid. The meaning of the other parameters is as follows:

  • Averaging Type: how the fields are integrated in time before being saved. Valid options are

    • Instant: no integration, each time frame saved corresponds to instantaneous values of the fields
    • Average/Max/Min: the fields undergo the corresponding operation over the time interval specified in the output_control section. In the case above, each snapshot saved to file corresponds to an average of the output fields over 6h windows.
  • filename_prefix: the prefix of the output file, which will be created in the run directory. The full filename will be $prefix.$avgtype.$frequnits_x$freq.$, where $timestamp corresponds to the first snapshot saved in the file for Instant output, or the beginning of the first averaging window for the other averaging types

  • Max Snapshots Per File: specifies how many time snapshots can be put in a file. Once this number is reached, EAMxx will close the file and open a new one.
  • Frequency: how many units of time are between two consecutive writes to file. For Instant output the fields are "sampled" at this frequency, while for other averaging types the fields are "integrated" in time over this window
  • frequency_units: units of the output frequency. Valid options are nsteps (the number of atmosphere time steps), nsecs, nmins, nhours, ndays, nmonths, nyears.

Diagnostic output

In addition to the fields computed by EAMxx as part of the timestep, the user can request to output derived quantities, which will be computed on the fly by the I/O interface of EAMxx. There are two types of diagnostic outputs:

  • quantities computed as a function of EAMxx fields. These are simply physical quantities that EAMxx does not keep in persistent storage. As of May 2024, the available derived quantities are (case sensitive):

    • PotentialTemperature
    • AtmosphereDensity
    • Exner
    • VirtualTemperature
    • z_int
    • z_mid
    • geopotential_int
    • geopotential_mid
    • dz
    • DryStaticEnergy
    • SeaLevelPressure
    • LiqWaterPath
    • IceWaterPath
    • VapWaterPath
    • RainWaterPath
    • RimeWaterPath
    • ShortwaveCloudForcing
    • LongwaveCloudForcing
    • RelativeHumidity
    • ZonalVapFlux
    • MeridionalVapFlux
    • precip_liq_surf_mass_flux
    • precip_ice_surf_mass_flux
    • precip_total_surf_mass_flux
    • surface_upward_latent_heat_flux
    • wind_speed
    • AerosolOpticalDepth550nm
    • NumberPath
    • AeroComCld

TODO: add some information about what each diagnostic is, perhaps a formula

  • lower-dimensional slices of a field. These are hyperslices of an existing field or of another diagnostic output. As of August 2023, given a field X, the available options are:

    • X_at_lev_N: slice the field X at the N-th vertical level index. Recall that in EAMxx N=0 corresponds to the model top.
    • X_at_model_bot, X_at_model_top: special case for top and bottom of the model.
    • X_at_Ymb, X_at_YPa, X_at_YhPa: interpolates the field X at a vertical position specified by the give pressure Y. Available units are mb (millibar), Pa, and hPa.
    • X_at_Ym_above_Z: interpolates the field X at a vertical height of Y meters above Z, with Z=surface or Z=sealevel.

Remapped output

The following options can be used to to save fields on a different grid from the one they are computed on.

  • horiz_remap_file: a path to a map file (as produced by ncremap) between the grid where the fields are defined and a coarser grid. EAMxx will use this to remap fields on the fly, allowing to reduce the size of the output file. Note: with this feature, the user can only specify fields from a single grid.
  • vertical_remap_file: similar to the previous option, this map file is used to refine/coarsen fields in the vertical direction.
  • IOGrid: this parameter can be specified inside one of the grids sections, and will denote the grid (which must exist in the simulation) where the fields must be remapped before being saved to file. This feature is really only used to save fields on the dynamics grid without saving twice the DOFs at the interface of two spectral elements. E.g., for a scalar quantity defined only in the horizontal direction, native output from the Dynamics grid would produce arrays of length nelems*ngp*ngp, where ngp is the number of Gauss points along each axis in the 2d spectral element, and nelems is the number of horizontal elements. However, due to continuity, the values on the Gauss points on the element boundary must match the values on the neighboring element, resulting in duplicated data. By remapping to a "unique" version of the dynamics grid (which in EAMxx is referred to as "Physics GLL"), we can save roughly 45% of storage. Note: this feature cannot be used along with the horizontal/vertical remap.

Tendencies output

It is also possible to request tendencies of fields that are updated by atmosphere processes, on a per-process basis (here, "updated" means that the field is both an input as well as an output of the atmosphere process). Since the term "tendency" can be used with slightly different connotations, we clarify what we mean by that when it comes to model output: if process P updates field A, by the tendency of A from process P we mean (A_after_P - A_before_P) / dt, where dt is the atmosphere timestep.

As of May 2024, the user needs two things in order to get tendencies from a process. E.g., to get the tendencies of T_mid and horiz_winds from the process shoc, one needs:

  • atmchange shoc::compute_tendencies=T_mid,horiz_winds;
  • add shoc_T_mid_tend and shoc_horiz_winds_tend to the list of fields in the desired output YAML file.

Additional options

The YAML file shown at the top of this section, together with the remap options in the following section, covers most of the options used in a typical run. There are however particular use cases that require some less common options, which we list here (in parentheses, the location in the YAML file and the type of the parameter value).

  • flush_frequency (toplevel list, integer): this parameter can be used to specify how often the IO library should sync the in-memory data to file. If not specified, the IO library is free to decide when it should flush the data. This option can be helpful for debugging, in case a crash is occurring after a certain number of steps, but before the IO library would automatically flush to file.
  • Floating Point Precision (toplevel list, string): this parameter specifies the precision to be used for floating point variables in the output file. By default, EAMxx uses single precision. Valid values are single, float, double, and real. The first two are synonyms, while the latter resolves to single or double depending on EAMxx cmake configuration parameter SCREAM_DOUBLE_PRECISION.
  • file_max_storage_type (toplevel list, string): this parameter determines how the capacity of the file is specified. By default, it is set to num_snapshots, which makes EAMxx read Max Snapshots Per File (explained in the first section). However, the user can specify one_year or one_month, which will make EAMxx create one output file per year/month of simulation, fitting however many snapshots are needed in each file (depending on the output frequency). If one_year or one_month are used, the option Max Snapshots Per File is ignored.
  • MPI Ranks in Filename (toplevel list, boolean): this option specifies whether the number of MPI ranks in the atm communicator should be put inside the output file name. By default, this is false, since it is usually not important. This option is mostly important for standalone unit testing, where several versions of the same test (corresponding to different numbers of MPI ranks) are running concurrently, so that different file names are needed to avoid resource contention.
  • save_grid_data (output_control sublist, boolean): this option allows to specify whether grid data (such as lat/lon) should be added to the output stream. By default, it is true.
  • iotype (toplevel list, string): this option allows the user to request a particular format for the output file. The possible values are default, netcdf, pnetcdf,adios,hdf5, wheredefault` means "whatever is the PIO type from the case settings".
  • skip_t0_output (output_control sublist, boolean): this option is relevant only for Instant output, where fields are also outputed at the case start time (i.e., after initialization but before the beginning of the first timestep). By default it is set to false.
  • restart options: when performing a restart, EAMxx attempts to restart every output stream listed in the output_yaml_files atm option (which can be queried via atmquery output_yaml_files). The user can specify a few options, in order to tweak the restart behavior:
  • Perform Restart (Restart sublist, boolean): this parameter is true by default, but can be set to false to force the model to ignore any history restart files, and start the output stream from scratch, as if this was an initial run.
  • filename_prefix (Restart sublist, string): by default, this parameter is set to match the value of filename_prefix from the toplevel list. It can be set to something else in case we want to restart a previous simulation that was using a different filename prefix.
  • force_new_file (Restart sublist, boolean): this parameter allows to start a fresh new output file upon restarts. By default, is is set to false, so that EAMxx will attempt to resume filling the last produced output file (if any, and if it can accommodate more snapshots).