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Full-model Testing

Full model system testing of EAMxx is done via CIME test cases (much like the rest of E3SM).

We offer a number of test suites, including:

  • e3sm_eamxx_v1_lowres
    • A handful of reasonably quickly-running tests run at ultra-low-resolution (ne4 grid).
  • e3sm_eamxx_mam4xx_v1_lowres
    • Tests designed for the MAM4xx aerosol library and are separate from the above (mostly ne4, though also includes ne30).
  • e3sm_eamxx_v1_dp-eamxx1
    • A quickly-running test that employs the doubly-periodic (dp) configuration of EAMxx at low-resolution (ne30).
  • e3sm_eamxx_v1_medres
    • Tests intended to be a middle-ground (ne30) between the _lowres and _hires in that it is a more comprehensive test of capabilities than low-resolution but runs more quickly than high-resolution.
  • e3sm_eamxx_v1_hires
    • A small number of larger, longer-running (high-resolution) tests to measure performance.

Note: See the collapsed section "Lists of Test Cases and Suites..." below for more information on these test suite configurations.

Running a Test Suite
cd $repo/cime/scripts
./create_test e3sm_scream_v1_at --wait
Running a Single Test Case
cd $repo/cime/scripts
./create_test SMS.ne4_ne4.F2010-SCREAMv1 --wait
  • There are many behavioral tweaks you can make to a test case, like changing the run length, test type, etc.
    • Most of this is not specific to EAMxx and works for any CIME case.
  • This general information and much more can be found in the CIME docs.

EAMxx-specific Model Configuration

The main model-level configuration options for EAMxx are:

  1. grids
  2. compsets
  3. testmods

Common EAMxx Grids2

  • ne4_ne4:3 ultra-low-resolution
  • ne4pg2_ne4pg2:3 ultra-low-resolution with phys grid
  • ne30_ne30: low-resolution
  • ne30pg2_ne30pg2: low-resolution with phys grid
  • ne1024pg2_ne1024pg2: ultra-high-resolution with phys grid

More information about grids may be found on this Confluence Page.

Common EAMxx Compsets

  • F2010-SCREAMv1: V1 standard compset with EAMxx V1 atmosphere
  • FIOP-SCREAMv1-DP: V1 with dpxx1
  • F2010-SCREAMv1-noAero: V1 without aerosol forcing

Full info on supported compsets may be found by taking a look at the EAMxx config_compsets.xml source file.

Common EAMxx Testmods

  • small_kernels
    • Enable smaller-granularity kernels, which can improve performance on some systems.
  • scream-output-preset-{i}, i = 1,..., 6
    • 6 output presets for EAMxx
    • These turn some combination of our three output streams (phys_dyn, phys, and diags), various remaps, etc.
  • bfbhash

Further Reading

Additional information about running EAMxx may be found at this webpage.

List of Selected Test Cases and Suites from cime_config/
"e3sm_eamxx_v1_lowres" : {
        "time"  : "01:00:00",
        "inherit" : ("e3sm_eamxx_mam4xx_v1_lowres"),
        "tests" : (
"e3sm_eamxx_mam4xx_v1_lowres" : {
        "time"  : "01:00:00",
        "tests" : (
"e3sm_eamxx_v1_dp-eamxx" : {
    "time"  : "01:00:00",
    # each test runs with 225 dynamics and 100 physics columns,
    # roughly size of ne2
    "tests" : (
"e3sm_eamxx_v1_medres" : {
    "time"  : "02:00:00",
    "tests" : (
# Used to track performance
"e3sm_eamxx_v1_hires" : {
    "time"  : "01:00:00",
    "tests" : (
Cubed-sphere representation of the earth depicting
spectral elements (blue boxes)
and Gauss-Legendre-Lobatto interpolation points (green dots).

  1. An EAMxx compset configuration employing doubly-periodic lateral boundary conditions. 

  2. See below for some additional details about Grid Nomenclature

    Notes on Grid Nomenclature

    The convention of E3SM and EAMxx is to characterize grids in terms of:

    • The Number of spectral Elements (ne<X>) along each dimension (e.g., length and width) of a face of the "cubed sphere" model used to represent the earth.
      • That is, an ne4_ne4 grid has 16 elements on each face of the cubed sphere.
      • As such, the number of elements tiling the cubed-sphere earth is
        \(N_{\text{elements}} = N_{\text{sides}}\times [\text{ne}]^2 = 6 [\text{ne}]\).
      • Note that the grid resolution may be written denoting an np<X> term that indicates the number of Gauss-Legendre-Lobatto nodes used to discretize each dimension of the spectral element.
      • For ne<X> grids, np is essentially fixed at 4 for modern E3SM, meaning each element is discretized on an 4\(\times\)4 grid.
      • Thus, the total number of GLL nodes discretizing the surface of the cubed sphere is
        \(N_{\text{points}} = N_{\text{elements}}\) \(\times \left([\text{np}] - 1\right)^2 + 2\)

  3. Note: The ne4 (ultra-low resolution) grid is intended to only be used for unit testing or debugging.