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EAMxx Source Code Structure


├── cime_config/
├── cmake/
│   └── machine-files/
│── CMakeLists.txt
│── CTestConfig.cmake
├── docs/
├── mkdocs.yml
├── scripts/
│   ├── atmchange
│   ├── atmquery
│   └── test-all-eamxx
├── src/
│   ├── control/
│   ├── diagnostics/
│   ├── dynamics/
│   │   └── homme/
│   ├── mct_coupling/
│   ├── physics/
│   │   ├── cld_fraction/
│   │   ├── cosp/
│   │   ├── iop_forcing/
│   │   ├── mam/
│   │   ├── ml_correction/
│   │   ├── nudging/
│   │   ├── p3/
│   │   ├── rrtmgp/
│   │   ├── share/
│   │   ├── shoc/
│   │   ├── spa/
│   │   └── tms/
│   ├── python/
│   ├──
│   └── share/
├── tests/
│   ├── generic/
│   ├── meta-tests/
│   ├── multi-process/
│   │   ├── dynamics_physics/
│   │   └── physics_only/
│   ├── python/
│   └── single-process/
└── tpls/

All EAMxx-specific code can be found in components/eamxx within the E3SM repo. Here's how things are organized:

  • cime_config: Tools and XML files for integrating EAMxx with E3SM via the CIME framework.
  • cmake: CMake functions and macros used by the configuration/build system.
  • docs: Documentation for the EAMxx project, including design documents, instructions for building and testing EAMxx, and this document.
  • scripts: Miscellaneous scripts that implement workflows for running tests and analyzing performance.
  • src: All C++ source code (and any bridges to Fortran) for EAMxx are stored here. We describe the contents of this directory in greater detail below.
  • tests: Implements standalone, end-to-end tests for various EAMxx components (RRTMG, HOMME, P3, SHOC, etc).
  • tpls: Utilities for building EAMxx-specific third-party libraries.1

In addition, you'll notice the following files in components/eamxx:

  • CMakeLists.txt: The CMake file that defines EAMxx's configuration/build system.
  • CTestConfig.cmake: This CTest file contains parameters that determine how our test results are reported to the E3SM CDash Site.
  • EAMxx's top-level README file, which describes the project and its purpose.
  • mkdocs.yml: The configuration file for mkdocs, the tool we currently use to build and publish our documentation.

Herein lies the source code for EAMxx. Broadly, here's where things are located:

  • control: Contains the atmosphere driver and basic tests for it.
  • diagnostics: A collection of simple classes used to compute diagnostic quantities.
  • dynamics: Home the files implementing the necessary interfaces between EAMxx and the HOMME non-hydrostatic dycore.
    • Note: HOMME itself is in components/homme
  • mct_coupling: Glue code for embedding EAMxx within E3SM as an atmosphere component using the MCT coupler.
  • physics: Source code for physics-related atmospheric processes, including
    • cosp: Diagnostic-only2 package used for computing radiation-related quantities.
    • iop_forcing: "Intensive Observation Period" package that can be used in conjunction with the Doubly-Periodic (DP) configuration of SCREAM.
    • mam: Contains the high-performance Modal Aerosol Model, parameterized with 4 size modes known as MAM4xx.
    • ml_correction: This is a product developed as a part of a Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory LDRD project in which the goal was to improve the results of low-resolution SCREAM runs by employing machine-learning algorithms to analyze the output of nudged high-resolution runs.
      • This code is not actively supported but may be useful/or interesting to some.
    • nudging: Contains machinery that can be applied to "nudge" quantities in EAMxx toward desired values, typically coming from previous model runs or reanalysis data.
    • p3: The C++/Kokkos implementation of P3 microphysics within EAMxx.
    • rrtmgp: A stub for the radiation processes as represented in EAMxx.
    • share: Utilities and data structures common to these processes.
    • shoc: The C++/Kokkos implementation of SHOC macrophysics within EAMxx.
  • python: Source code for the experimental PyEAMxx package that enables building and running an individual EAMxx atmosphere process using python/conda.
    • As of time of writing, this feature is still in development and should e considered a prototype.
      • See the pyEAMxx page in the User Guide for a more detailed description.
  • share: Utilities used by various components within EAMxx. Of note:
    • io: EAMxx's interface to the SCORPIO library.

Each of these directories contains a CMakeLists.txt file for defining how EAMxx is configured and built, and a tests/ subdirectory that houses relevant unit and verification tests.

You'll also see some other files in the src/ directory itself, such as

  • A template for generating a C++ header file with EAMxx configuration information.
  • generic/:
  • meta-tests/:
  • multi-process/:
    • dynamics_physics/:
    • physics_only/:
  • python/:
  • single-process/:

  1. Here there be dragons... These are some of the more arcane EAMxx features that even the bravest of developers may never lay eyes on. 

  2. Diagnostic: Refers to quantities or variables that are not inputs to any part of the model but capture useful descriptive data.