EAMxx runtime configurable parameters
Atmosphere Processes Parameters
- sc_import::number_of_subcycles:
- description: how many times to subcycle this atm process
- type: MISSING
- constraints: gt 0
- sc_import::enable_precondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- sc_import::enable_postcondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- sc_import::repair_log_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: string
- valid values: trace,debug,info,warn
- sc_import::internal_diagnostics_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: integer
- sc_import::compute_tendencies:
- description: list of computed fields for which this process will back out tendencies
- type: array(string)
- sc_export::prescribed_constants::fields:
- description: MISSING
- type: array(string)
- description: MISSING
- type: array(real)
- description: MISSING
- type: array(string)
- sc_export::prescribed_from_file::files:
- description: MISSING
- type: array(string)
- description: MISSING
- type: array(string)
- description: how many times to subcycle this atm process
- type: MISSING
- constraints: gt 0
- sc_export::enable_precondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- sc_export::enable_postcondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- sc_export::repair_log_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: string
- valid values: trace,debug,info,warn
- sc_export::internal_diagnostics_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: integer
- sc_export::compute_tendencies:
- description: list of computed fields for which this process will back out tendencies
- type: array(string)
- homme::Moisture:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- homme::BfbHash:
- description: MISSING
- type: integer
- homme::number_of_subcycles:
- description: how many times to subcycle this atm process
- type: MISSING
- constraints: gt 0
- homme::enable_precondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- homme::enable_postcondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- homme::repair_log_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: string
- valid values: trace,debug,info,warn
- homme::internal_diagnostics_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: integer
- homme::compute_tendencies:
- description: list of computed fields for which this process will back out tendencies
- type: array(string)
- p3::do_prescribed_ccn:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- p3::use_hetfrz_classnuc:
- description: Switch to turn on heterogeneous freezing due to prognostic aerosols
- type: logical
- p3::do_predict_nc:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- p3::enable_column_conservation_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- p3::max_total_ni:
- description: maximum total ice concentration (sum of all categories)
- type: real
- constraints: gt 0
- p3::tables:
- description: MISSING
- type: array(file)
- p3::autoconversion_prefactor:
- description: Autoconversion linear prefactor
- type: real
- p3::autoconversion_qc_exponent:
- description: Autoconversion qc exponent
- type: real
- p3::autoconversion_nc_exponent:
- description: Autoconversion nc exponent
- type: real
- p3::autoconversion_radius:
- description: Autoconversion droplet radius in meter
- type: real
- p3::accretion_prefactor:
- description: Accretion linear prefactor
- type: real
- p3::accretion_qc_exponent:
- description: Accretion qc exponent
- type: real
- p3::accretion_qr_exponent:
- description: Accretion qr exponent
- type: real
- p3::rain_selfcollection_prefactor:
- description: Rain self-collection prefactor
- type: real
- p3::rain_selfcollection_breakup_diameter:
- description: Rain self-collection breakup diameter in meter
- type: real
- p3::constant_mu_rain:
- description: Constant shape parameter (mu) in the rain droplet distribution
- type: real
- p3::spa_ccn_to_nc_factor:
- description: Scaling factor for turning SPA ccn into P3 nc
- type: real
- p3::cldliq_to_ice_collection_factor:
- description: Cloud liquid to ice collection scaling factor
- type: real
- p3::rain_to_ice_collection_factor:
- description: Rain to ice collection scaling factor
- type: real
- p3::min_rime_rho:
- description: Minimum rime density in kg/m3
- type: real
- p3::max_rime_rho:
- description: Maximum rime density in kg/m3
- type: real
- p3::immersion_freezing_exponent:
- description: Immersion freezing exponent for both rain and cloud liquid
- type: real
- p3::deposition_nucleation_exponent:
- description: Deposition nucleation exponent factor
- type: real
- p3::ice_sedimentation_factor:
- description: Ice sedimentation fall speed factor
- type: real
- p3::do_ice_production:
- description: Flag to turn on ice production processes (loss processes unaffected)
- type: logical
- p3::set_cld_frac_l_to_one:
- description: set P3 input liquid cloud fraction to 1 everywhere
- type: logical
- p3::set_cld_frac_r_to_one:
- description: set P3 input rain cloud fraction to 1 everywhere
- type: logical
- p3::set_cld_frac_i_to_one:
- description: set P3 input ice cloud fraction to 1 everywhere
- type: logical
- p3::number_of_subcycles:
- description: how many times to subcycle this atm process
- type: MISSING
- constraints: gt 0
- p3::enable_precondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- p3::enable_postcondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- p3::repair_log_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: string
- valid values: trace,debug,info,warn
- p3::internal_diagnostics_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: integer
- p3::compute_tendencies:
- description: list of computed fields for which this process will back out tendencies
- type: array(string)
- shoc::enable_column_conservation_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- shoc::check_flux_state_consistency:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- shoc::lambda_low:
- description: minimum value of stability correction.
- type: real
- shoc::lambda_high:
- description: maximum value of stability correction.
- type: real
- shoc::lambda_slope:
- description: slope of change from lambda_low to lambda_high.
- type: real
- shoc::lambda_thresh:
- description: stability threshold for which to apply more stability correction.
- type: real
- shoc::thl2tune:
- description: Temperature variance tuning factor
- type: real
- shoc::qw2tune:
- description: Moisture variance tuning factor
- type: real
- shoc::qwthl2tune:
- description: Temperature moisture covariance
- type: real
- shoc::w2tune:
- description: Vertical velocity variance
- type: real
- shoc::length_fac:
- description: Length scale factor
- type: real
- shoc::c_diag_3rd_mom:
- description: Third moment vertical velocity damping factor
- type: real
- shoc::Ckh:
- description: Eddy diffusivity coefficient for heat
- type: real
- shoc::Ckm:
- description: Eddy diffusivity coefficient for momentum
- type: real
- shoc::extra_shoc_diags:
- description: Extra SHOC diagnostics
- type: logical
- shoc::number_of_subcycles:
- description: how many times to subcycle this atm process
- type: MISSING
- constraints: gt 0
- shoc::enable_precondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- shoc::enable_postcondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- shoc::repair_log_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: string
- valid values: trace,debug,info,warn
- shoc::internal_diagnostics_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: integer
- shoc::compute_tendencies:
- description: list of computed fields for which this process will back out tendencies
- type: array(string)
- mam4_aci::wsubmin:
- description: Minimum diagnostic sub-grid vertical velocity
- type: real
- mam4_aci::enable_aero_vertical_mix:
- description: Enable vertical mixing of interstitial aerosols and liquid number during activation
- type: logical
- mam4_aci::top_level_mam4xx:
- description: Level corresponding to the top of troposphere clouds
- type: integer
- mam4_aci::number_of_subcycles:
- description: how many times to subcycle this atm process
- type: MISSING
- constraints: gt 0
- mam4_aci::enable_precondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- mam4_aci::enable_postcondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- mam4_aci::repair_log_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: string
- valid values: trace,debug,info,warn
- mam4_aci::internal_diagnostics_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: integer
- mam4_aci::compute_tendencies:
- description: list of computed fields for which this process will back out tendencies
- type: array(string)
- mam4_drydep::fractional_land_use_file:
- description: File containing Fractional land use data for drydep
- type: file
- mam4_drydep::drydep_remap_file:
- description: File containing mapping data from the grid of frac land use files to the model grid. Unused if the grid is the same.
- type: file
- mam4_drydep::number_of_subcycles:
- description: how many times to subcycle this atm process
- type: MISSING
- constraints: gt 0
- mam4_drydep::enable_precondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- mam4_drydep::enable_postcondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- mam4_drydep::repair_log_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: string
- valid values: trace,debug,info,warn
- mam4_drydep::internal_diagnostics_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: integer
- mam4_drydep::compute_tendencies:
- description: list of computed fields for which this process will back out tendencies
- type: array(string)
- cldFraction::number_of_subcycles:
- description: how many times to subcycle this atm process
- type: MISSING
- constraints: gt 0
- cldFraction::enable_precondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- cldFraction::enable_postcondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- cldFraction::repair_log_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: string
- valid values: trace,debug,info,warn
- cldFraction::internal_diagnostics_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: integer
- cldFraction::compute_tendencies:
- description: list of computed fields for which this process will back out tendencies
- type: array(string)
- mam4_aero_microphys::mam4_do_cond:
- description: Switch to enable aerosol microphysics condensation process
- type: logical
- mam4_aero_microphys::mam4_do_newnuc:
- description: Switch to enable aerosol microphysics nucleation process
- type: logical
- mam4_aero_microphys::mam4_do_coag:
- description: Switch to enable aerosol microphysics coagulation process
- type: logical
- mam4_aero_microphys::mam4_do_rename:
- description: Switch to enable aerosol microphysics rename process
- type: logical
- mam4_aero_microphys::mam4_o3_tau:
- description: Linoz tau parameter
- type: real
- mam4_aero_microphys::mam4_o3_sfc:
- description: Linoz surface parameter
- type: real
- mam4_aero_microphys::mam4_o3_lbl:
- description: Linoz lbl parameter
- type: integer
- mam4_aero_microphys::mam4_psc_T:
- description: Linoz psc ozone loss temperature (K) threshold
- type: real
- mam4_aero_microphys::mam4_linoz_ymd:
- description: MISSING
- type: integer
- mam4_aero_microphys::mam4_linoz_file_name:
- description: LINOZ chemistry file
- type: file
- mam4_aero_microphys::mam4_oxid_ymd:
- description: MISSING
- type: integer
- mam4_aero_microphys::mam4_oxid_file_name:
- description: File containing oxidants data
- type: file
- mam4_aero_microphys::mam4_chlorine_loading_ymd:
- description: Cycle year for chlorine
- type: integer
- mam4_aero_microphys::mam4_linoz_chlorine_file:
- description: File containing chlorine data
- type: file
- mam4_aero_microphys::mam4_rsf_file:
- description: File containing photolysis data
- type: file
- mam4_aero_microphys::mam4_xs_long_file:
- description: File containing photolysis data
- type: file
- mam4_aero_microphys::elevated_emiss_ymd:
- description: MISSING
- type: integer
- mam4_aero_microphys::mam4_season_wes_file:
- description: File containing season_wes data
- type: file
- mam4_aero_microphys::mam4_so2_elevated_emiss_file_name:
- description: elevated emissions for so2
- type: file
- mam4_aero_microphys::mam4_so4_a1_elevated_emiss_file_name:
- description: elevated emissions for so4_a1
- type: file
- mam4_aero_microphys::mam4_so4_a2_elevated_emiss_file_name:
- description: elevated emissions for ao4_a2
- type: file
- mam4_aero_microphys::mam4_pom_a4_elevated_emiss_file_name:
- description: elevated emissions for pom_a4
- type: file
- mam4_aero_microphys::mam4_bc_a4_elevated_emiss_file_name:
- description: elevated emissions for bc_a4
- type: file
- mam4_aero_microphys::mam4_num_a1_elevated_emiss_file_name:
- description: elevated emissions for num_a1
- type: file
- mam4_aero_microphys::mam4_num_a2_elevated_emiss_file_name:
- description: elevated emissions for num_a2
- type: file
- mam4_aero_microphys::mam4_num_a4_elevated_emiss_file_name:
- description: elevated emissions for num_a4
- type: file
- mam4_aero_microphys::mam4_soag_elevated_emiss_file_name:
- description: elevated emissions for soag
- type: file
- mam4_aero_microphys::aero_microphys_remap_file:
- description: File containing mapping data from the grid of frac land use files to the model grid. Unused if the grid is the same.
- type: file
- mam4_aero_microphys::number_of_subcycles:
- description: how many times to subcycle this atm process
- type: MISSING
- constraints: gt 0
- mam4_aero_microphys::enable_precondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- mam4_aero_microphys::enable_postcondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- mam4_aero_microphys::repair_log_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: string
- valid values: trace,debug,info,warn
- mam4_aero_microphys::internal_diagnostics_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: integer
- mam4_aero_microphys::compute_tendencies:
- description: list of computed fields for which this process will back out tendencies
- type: array(string)
- mam4_optics::mam4_mode1_physical_properties_file:
- description: File containing optical properties for MAM4 mode 1, accumulation mode
- type: file
- mam4_optics::mam4_mode2_physical_properties_file:
- description: File containing optical properties for MAM4 mode 2, Aitken mode
- type: file
- mam4_optics::mam4_mode3_physical_properties_file:
- description: File containing optical properties for MAM4 mode 3, coarse mode
- type: file
- mam4_optics::mam4_mode4_physical_properties_file:
- description: File containing optical properties for MAM4 mode 4, p-carbon mode
- type: file
- mam4_optics::mam4_water_refindex_file:
- description: File containing optical properties for aerosol water
- type: file
- mam4_optics::mam4_soa_physical_properties_file:
- description: File containing optical properties for secondary organic aerosol
- type: file
- mam4_optics::mam4_dust_physical_properties_file:
- description: File containing optical properties for dust
- type: file
- mam4_optics::mam4_nacl_physical_properties_file:
- description: File containing optical properties for sea salt
- type: file
- mam4_optics::mam4_so4_physical_properties_file:
- description: File containing optical properties for sulfate
- type: file
- mam4_optics::mam4_pom_physical_properties_file:
- description: File containing optical properties for primary organic aerosol
- type: file
- mam4_optics::mam4_bc_physical_properties_file:
- description: File containing optical properties for black carbon
- type: file
- mam4_optics::mam4_mom_physical_properties_file:
- description: File containing optical properties for marine organic aerosol
- type: file
- mam4_optics::number_of_subcycles:
- description: how many times to subcycle this atm process
- type: MISSING
- constraints: gt 0
- mam4_optics::enable_precondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- mam4_optics::enable_postcondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- mam4_optics::repair_log_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: string
- valid values: trace,debug,info,warn
- mam4_optics::internal_diagnostics_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: integer
- mam4_optics::compute_tendencies:
- description: list of computed fields for which this process will back out tendencies
- type: array(string)
- mam4_wetscav::number_of_subcycles:
- description: how many times to subcycle this atm process
- type: MISSING
- constraints: gt 0
- mam4_wetscav::enable_precondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- mam4_wetscav::enable_postcondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- mam4_wetscav::repair_log_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: string
- valid values: trace,debug,info,warn
- mam4_wetscav::internal_diagnostics_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: integer
- mam4_wetscav::compute_tendencies:
- description: list of computed fields for which this process will back out tendencies
- type: array(string)
- mam4_srf_online_emiss::srf_emis_specifier_for_DMS:
- description: File containing surface emissions data for DMS
- type: file
- mam4_srf_online_emiss::srf_emis_specifier_for_SO2:
- description: File containing surface emissions data for SO2
- type: file
- mam4_srf_online_emiss::srf_emis_specifier_for_bc_a4:
- description: File containing surface emissions data for bc_a4
- type: file
- mam4_srf_online_emiss::srf_emis_specifier_for_num_a1:
- description: File containing surface emissions data for num_a1
- type: file
- mam4_srf_online_emiss::srf_emis_specifier_for_num_a2:
- description: File containing surface emissions data for num_a2
- type: file
- mam4_srf_online_emiss::srf_emis_specifier_for_num_a4:
- description: File containing surface emissions data for num_a4
- type: file
- mam4_srf_online_emiss::srf_emis_specifier_for_pom_a4:
- description: File containing surface emissions data for pom_a4
- type: file
- mam4_srf_online_emiss::srf_emis_specifier_for_so4_a1:
- description: File containing surface emissions data for so4_a1
- type: file
- mam4_srf_online_emiss::srf_emis_specifier_for_so4_a2:
- description: File containing surface emissions data for so4_a2
- type: file
- mam4_srf_online_emiss::soil_erodibility_file:
- description: File containing soil erodibility
- type: file
- mam4_srf_online_emiss::marine_organics_file:
- description: File containing marine organics emissions
- type: file
- mam4_srf_online_emiss::srf_remap_file:
- description: File containing mapping data from the grid of emission files to the model grid. Unused if the grid is the same.
- type: file
- mam4_srf_online_emiss::number_of_subcycles:
- description: how many times to subcycle this atm process
- type: MISSING
- constraints: gt 0
- mam4_srf_online_emiss::enable_precondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- mam4_srf_online_emiss::enable_postcondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- mam4_srf_online_emiss::repair_log_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: string
- valid values: trace,debug,info,warn
- mam4_srf_online_emiss::internal_diagnostics_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: integer
- mam4_srf_online_emiss::compute_tendencies:
- description: list of computed fields for which this process will back out tendencies
- type: array(string)
- mam4_constituent_fluxes::number_of_subcycles:
- description: how many times to subcycle this atm process
- type: MISSING
- constraints: gt 0
- mam4_constituent_fluxes::enable_precondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- mam4_constituent_fluxes::enable_postcondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- mam4_constituent_fluxes::repair_log_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: string
- valid values: trace,debug,info,warn
- mam4_constituent_fluxes::internal_diagnostics_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: integer
- mam4_constituent_fluxes::compute_tendencies:
- description: list of computed fields for which this process will back out tendencies
- type: array(string)
- nudging::nudging_filenames_patterns:
- description: MISSING
- type: array(string)
- nudging::nudging_fields:
- description: List of fields to be nudged. Note, syntax of 'A:B' represents nudging field A with data from field B in files, syntax of 'A' assumes that nudging file has the same variables name as EAMxx
- type: array(string)
- nudging::nudging_timescale:
- description: Timescale to apply nudging tendencies, 0: full replacement, >0: actual timescale
- type: integer
- nudging::use_nudging_weights:
- description: Flag for nudging weights option
- type: logical
- nudging::nudging_weights_file:
- description: weights that relax the nudging fields update
- type: string
- nudging::skip_vert_interpolation:
- description: Flag for skipping vertical interpolation
- type: logical
- nudging::source_pressure_type:
- description: Flag for how source pressure levels are handled in the nudging dataset. TIME_DEPENDENT_3D_PROFILE: The dataset contains a time-varying pressure profile, variable name 'p_mid' with dimensions (time,ncol,nlev). STATIC_1D_VERTICAL_PROFILE: The dataset uses a fixed in time single pressure profile, variable name 'p_lev' with dimension (nlev).
- type: string
- nudging::source_pressure_file:
- description: If STATIC_1D_VERTICAL_PROFILE, this is an optional arg to point to a file with the source pressure levels defined. Default is to look for p_levs in the first nudging_filenames_patterns file
- type: string
- nudging::nudging_refine_remap_mapfile:
- description: Refine-remapping mapfile from the source nudging dataset to the physics grid
- type: string
- nudging::nudging_refine_remap_vert_cutoff:
- description: A vertical cutoff to go with refine-remap logic (in units of p_mid) where the nudging is turned off above it (closer to the surface)
- type: real
- nudging::number_of_subcycles:
- description: how many times to subcycle this atm process
- type: MISSING
- constraints: gt 0
- nudging::enable_precondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- nudging::enable_postcondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- nudging::repair_log_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: string
- valid values: trace,debug,info,warn
- nudging::internal_diagnostics_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: integer
- nudging::compute_tendencies:
- description: list of computed fields for which this process will back out tendencies
- type: array(string)
- mlcorrection::ML_model_path_tq:
- description: Path to pre-trained ML model for temperature and specific humidity
- type: string
- mlcorrection::ML_model_path_uv:
- description: Path to pre-trained ML model for wind fields
- type: string
- mlcorrection::ML_model_path_sfc_fluxes:
- description: Path to pre-trained ML model for surface fluxes
- type: string
- mlcorrection::ML_output_fields:
- description: ML correction output variables, the following variables are supported: T_mid,qv,u,v
- type: array(string)
- mlcorrection::ML_correction_unit_test:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- mlcorrection::number_of_subcycles:
- description: how many times to subcycle this atm process
- type: MISSING
- constraints: gt 0
- mlcorrection::enable_precondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- mlcorrection::enable_postcondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- mlcorrection::repair_log_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: string
- valid values: trace,debug,info,warn
- mlcorrection::internal_diagnostics_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: integer
- mlcorrection::compute_tendencies:
- description: list of computed fields for which this process will back out tendencies
- type: array(string)
- iop_forcing::number_of_subcycles:
- description: how many times to subcycle this atm process
- type: MISSING
- constraints: gt 0
- iop_forcing::enable_precondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- iop_forcing::enable_postcondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- iop_forcing::repair_log_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: string
- valid values: trace,debug,info,warn
- iop_forcing::internal_diagnostics_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: integer
- iop_forcing::compute_tendencies:
- description: list of computed fields for which this process will back out tendencies
- type: array(string)
- testOnly::my_param:
- description: MISSING
- type: array(integer)
- testOnly::number_of_subcycles:
- description: how many times to subcycle this atm process
- type: MISSING
- constraints: gt 0
- testOnly::enable_precondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- testOnly::enable_postcondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- testOnly::repair_log_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: string
- valid values: trace,debug,info,warn
- testOnly::internal_diagnostics_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: integer
- testOnly::compute_tendencies:
- description: list of computed fields for which this process will back out tendencies
- type: array(string)
- spa::spa_remap_file:
- description: File containing mapping data from the grid of spa_data_file to the model grid. Unused if the grid is the same.
- type: file
- spa::spa_data_file:
- description: File containing aerosol data. Must be on same grid as the atm, or a coarser one
- type: file
- spa::number_of_subcycles:
- description: how many times to subcycle this atm process
- type: MISSING
- constraints: gt 0
- spa::enable_precondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- spa::enable_postcondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- spa::repair_log_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: string
- valid values: trace,debug,info,warn
- spa::internal_diagnostics_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: integer
- spa::compute_tendencies:
- description: list of computed fields for which this process will back out tendencies
- type: array(string)
- rrtmgp::rrtmgp_coefficients_file_sw:
- description: MISSING
- type: file
- rrtmgp::rrtmgp_coefficients_file_lw:
- description: MISSING
- type: file
- rrtmgp::rrtmgp_cloud_optics_file_sw:
- description: MISSING
- type: file
- rrtmgp::rrtmgp_cloud_optics_file_lw:
- description: MISSING
- type: file
- rrtmgp::column_chunk_size:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- rrtmgp::active_gases:
- description: MISSING
- type: array(string)
- rrtmgp::ch4vmr:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- rrtmgp::co2vmr:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- rrtmgp::n2ovmr:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- rrtmgp::f11vmr:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- rrtmgp::f12vmr:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- rrtmgp::n2vmr:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- rrtmgp::covmr:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- rrtmgp::orbital_year:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- rrtmgp::orbital_eccentricity:
- description: MISSING
- type: real
- rrtmgp::orbital_obliquity:
- description: MISSING
- type: real
- rrtmgp::orbital_mvelp:
- description: MISSING
- type: real
- rrtmgp::fixed_total_solar_irradiance:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- rrtmgp::rad_frequency:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- rrtmgp::do_aerosol_rad:
- description: Flag to turn on/off considering aerosols in radiation calculations
- type: logical
- rrtmgp::enable_column_conservation_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- rrtmgp::extra_clnclrsky_diag:
- description: Flag to turn on/off an extra clean-clear-sky (with neither clouds nor aerosols) radiation call
- type: logical
- rrtmgp::extra_clnsky_diag:
- description: Flag to turn on/off an extra clean-sky (with no aerosols) radiation call
- type: logical
- rrtmgp::do_subcol_sampling:
- description: Flag to turn on/off subcolumn sampling of optical properties; if false treat cells as either completely clear or cloudy
- type: logical
- rrtmgp::pool_size_multiplier:
- description: MISSING
- type: real
- rrtmgp::number_of_subcycles:
- description: how many times to subcycle this atm process
- type: MISSING
- constraints: gt 0
- rrtmgp::enable_precondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- rrtmgp::enable_postcondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- rrtmgp::repair_log_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: string
- valid values: trace,debug,info,warn
- rrtmgp::internal_diagnostics_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: integer
- rrtmgp::compute_tendencies:
- description: list of computed fields for which this process will back out tendencies
- type: array(string)
- mac_aero_mic::atm_procs_list:
- description: List of atm processes in this atm process group
- type: array(string)
- mac_aero_mic::number_of_subcycles:
- description: how many times to subcycle this atm process
- type: MISSING
- mac_aero_mic::Type:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- mac_aero_mic::schedule_type:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- valid values: Sequential
- mac_aero_mic::enable_precondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- mac_aero_mic::enable_postcondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- mac_aero_mic::repair_log_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: string
- valid values: trace,debug,info,warn
- mac_aero_mic::internal_diagnostics_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: integer
- mac_aero_mic::compute_tendencies:
- description: list of computed fields for which this process will back out tendencies
- type: array(string)
- cosp::cosp_subcolumns:
- description: Number of subcolumns to use for COSP simulators; cosp_subcolumns=1 implies no subcolumn sampling
- type: MISSING
- cosp::cosp_frequency:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- cosp::cosp_frequency_units:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- valid values: steps,hours
- cosp::number_of_subcycles:
- description: how many times to subcycle this atm process
- type: MISSING
- constraints: gt 0
- cosp::enable_precondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- cosp::enable_postcondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- cosp::repair_log_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: string
- valid values: trace,debug,info,warn
- cosp::internal_diagnostics_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: integer
- cosp::compute_tendencies:
- description: list of computed fields for which this process will back out tendencies
- type: array(string)
- tms::number_of_subcycles:
- description: how many times to subcycle this atm process
- type: MISSING
- constraints: gt 0
- tms::enable_precondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- tms::enable_postcondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- tms::repair_log_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: string
- valid values: trace,debug,info,warn
- tms::internal_diagnostics_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: integer
- tms::compute_tendencies:
- description: list of computed fields for which this process will back out tendencies
- type: array(string)
- physics::atm_procs_list:
- description: List of atm processes in this atm process group
- type: array(string)
- physics::Type:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- physics::schedule_type:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- valid values: Sequential
- physics::number_of_subcycles:
- description: how many times to subcycle this atm process
- type: MISSING
- constraints: gt 0
- physics::enable_precondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- physics::enable_postcondition_checks:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- physics::repair_log_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: string
- valid values: trace,debug,info,warn
- physics::internal_diagnostics_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: integer
- physics::compute_tendencies:
- description: list of computed fields for which this process will back out tendencies
- type: array(string)
Initial Conditions Parameters
- initial_conditions::Filename:
- description: MISSING
- type: file
- initial_conditions::topography_filename:
- description: MISSING
- type: file
- initial_conditions::phis:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- initial_conditions::surf_evap:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- initial_conditions::precip_liq_surf_mass:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- initial_conditions::precip_ice_surf_mass:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- initial_conditions::cldfrac_liq:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- initial_conditions::sgs_buoy_flux:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- initial_conditions::eddy_diff_mom:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- initial_conditions::T_prev_micro_step:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- initial_conditions::qv_prev_micro_step:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- initial_conditions::qr:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- initial_conditions::nr:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- initial_conditions::qm:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- initial_conditions::bm:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- initial_conditions::ni_activated:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- initial_conditions::nc_nuceat_tend:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- initial_conditions::tke:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- initial_conditions::sfc_alb_dir_vis:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- initial_conditions::sfc_alb_dir_nir:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- initial_conditions::sfc_alb_dif_vis:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- initial_conditions::sfc_alb_dif_nir:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- initial_conditions::surf_sens_flux:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- initial_conditions::surf_lw_flux_up:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- initial_conditions::surf_mom_flux:
- description: MISSING
- type: array(real)
- initial_conditions::dgnum:
- description: Dry aerosol particles diameters (one per mode) [m]
- type: array(real)
- initial_conditions::dgnumwet:
- description: Wet aerosol particles diameter [m]
- type: array(real)
- initial_conditions::wetdens:
- description: Wet density of interstitial aerosol [kg/m3]
- type: array(real)
- initial_conditions::constituent_fluxes:
- description: MISSING
- type: real
- initial_conditions::bc_c1:
- description: MISSING
- type: real
- initial_conditions::bc_c3:
- description: MISSING
- type: real
- initial_conditions::bc_c4:
- description: MISSING
- type: real
- initial_conditions::dst_c1:
- description: MISSING
- type: real
- initial_conditions::dst_c3:
- description: MISSING
- type: real
- initial_conditions::so4_c1:
- description: MISSING
- type: real
- initial_conditions::so4_c2:
- description: MISSING
- type: real
- initial_conditions::so4_c3:
- description: MISSING
- type: real
- initial_conditions::pom_c1:
- description: MISSING
- type: real
- initial_conditions::pom_c3:
- description: MISSING
- type: real
- initial_conditions::pom_c4:
- description: MISSING
- type: real
- initial_conditions::soa_c1:
- description: MISSING
- type: real
- initial_conditions::soa_c2:
- description: MISSING
- type: real
- initial_conditions::soa_c3:
- description: MISSING
- type: real
- initial_conditions::nacl_c1:
- description: MISSING
- type: real
- initial_conditions::nacl_c2:
- description: MISSING
- type: real
- initial_conditions::nacl_c3:
- description: MISSING
- type: real
- initial_conditions::mom_c1:
- description: MISSING
- type: real
- initial_conditions::mom_c2:
- description: MISSING
- type: real
- initial_conditions::mom_c3:
- description: MISSING
- type: real
- initial_conditions::mom_c4:
- description: MISSING
- type: real
- initial_conditions::num_c1:
- description: MISSING
- type: real
- initial_conditions::num_c2:
- description: MISSING
- type: real
- initial_conditions::num_c3:
- description: MISSING
- type: real
- initial_conditions::num_c4:
- description: MISSING
- type: real
- initial_conditions::wetdep_hydrophilic_bc:
- description: MISSING
- type: real
- initial_conditions::drydep_hydrophilic_bc:
- description: MISSING
- type: real
- initial_conditions::wetdep_hydrophilic_oc:
- description: MISSING
- type: real
- initial_conditions::drydep_hydrophilic_oc:
- description: MISSING
- type: real
- initial_conditions::wetdep_dust_bin1:
- description: MISSING
- type: real
- initial_conditions::wetdep_dust_bin2:
- description: MISSING
- type: real
- initial_conditions::wetdep_dust_bin3:
- description: MISSING
- type: real
- initial_conditions::wetdep_dust_bin4:
- description: MISSING
- type: real
- initial_conditions::qc:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- initial_conditions::qi:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- initial_conditions::nc:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- initial_conditions::ni:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- initial_conditions::o3_volume_mix_ratio:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- initial_conditions::perturbed_fields:
- description: IC fields (with level dimension) to apply a random perturbation to based on the parameters below.
- type: array(string)
- initial_conditions::generate_perturbation_random_seed:
- description: Whether or not to generate a random seed for perturbation.
- type: logical
- initial_conditions::perturbation_random_seed:
- description: Random seed used for perturbation. Will be overridded by generate_perturbation_random_seed=true.
- type: integer
- initial_conditions::perturbation_limit:
- description: Defines a range [1-x, 1+x] which perturbation will be taken from.
- type: real
- initial_conditions::perturbation_minimum_pressure:
- description: Minimum pressure (relative to a reference level pressure profile) for which perturbation will be applied.
- type: real
Atmosphere Driver Parameters
- driver_options::atmosphere_dag_verbosity_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- driver_options::save_field_manager_content:
- description: Saves a dictionary of the FM fields to file
- type: logical
- driver_options::atm_log_level:
- description: Verbosity level for the atm logger
- type: string
- valid values: trace,debug,info,warn,error
- driver_options::atm_flush_level:
- description: Verbosity level that triggers automatic flush of the atm logger
- type: string
- valid values: trace,debug,info,warn,error
- driver_options::output_to_screen:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- driver_options::mass_column_conservation_error_tolerance:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- driver_options::energy_column_conservation_error_tolerance:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- driver_options::column_conservation_checks_fail_handling_type:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- driver_options::check_all_computed_fields_for_nans:
- description: MISSING
- type: logical
- driver_options::property_check_data_fields:
- description: list of additional data fields to output in property checks (only for physics grid)
- type: array(string)
- driver_options::enable_iop:
- description: Enable intensive observation period. Currently the only use case is DP-EAMxx
- type: logical
Scorpio Parameters
- Scorpio::output_yaml_files:
- description: MISSING
- type: array(string)
- Scorpio::model_restart::iotype:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
Homme namelist
- ctl_nl::cubed_sphere_map:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- ctl_nl::disable_diagnostics:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- ctl_nl::dt_remap_factor:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- constraints: ge 1
- ctl_nl::dt_tracer_factor:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- constraints: ge 1
- ctl_nl::hv_ref_profiles:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- ctl_nl::hypervis_order:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- ctl_nl::hypervis_scaling:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- ctl_nl::hypervis_subcycle:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- ctl_nl::hypervis_subcycle_tom:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- ctl_nl::hypervis_subcycle_q:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- ctl_nl::nu:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- ctl_nl::nu_top:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- ctl_nl::pgrad_correction:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- ctl_nl::se_ftype:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- valid values: 0,2
- ctl_nl::se_geometry:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- ctl_nl::se_limiter_option:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- ctl_nl::se_ne:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- ctl_nl::se_ne_x:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- ctl_nl::se_ne_y:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- ctl_nl::se_lx:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- ctl_nl::se_ly:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- ctl_nl::se_nsplit:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- ctl_nl::se_partmethod:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- ctl_nl::se_topology:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- ctl_nl::se_tstep:
- description: MISSING
- type: real
- ctl_nl::statefreq:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- ctl_nl::theta_advect_form:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- ctl_nl::theta_hydrostatic_mode:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- ctl_nl::tstep_type:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- ctl_nl::vert_remap_q_alg:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- ctl_nl::transport_alg:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- ctl_nl::vtheta_thresh:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- ctl_nl::internal_diagnostics_level:
- description: MISSING
- type: integer
- ctl_nl::semi_lagrange_trajectory_nsubstep:
- description: MISSING
- type: MISSING
- ctl_nl::mesh_file:
- description: MISSING
- type: file