Namelist parameters associated with atmosphere schemes
chemUCI and Linoz v3
Parameter | Description | Default value* |
airpl_emis_file |
Aviation emission | |
chlorine_loading_file |
Chlorine loading | |
chlorine_loading_fixed_ymd |
chlorine_loading_type |
ext_frc_specifier |
3-D emissions | |
ext_frc_cycle_yr |
ext_frc_type |
srf_emis_specifier |
Surface emissions | |
srf_emis_cycle_yr |
srf_emis_type |
Upper bound of mean raindrop diameter | |
linoz_data_file |
Linoz data file | |
linoz_data_cycle_yr |
linoz_data_path |
linoz_data_type |
lght_no_prd_factor |
Lightning NOx emission factor | 5.0 |
fstrat_efold_list |
Tracer (from troposphere) list with e-folding decay in the stratosphere |
- Many of these namelist parameters specify input data files. Check the
file for examples or refer to the Users' Guide.
Cloud Layers Unified By Binormals
Parameter | Description | Default value |
gamma_coef |
Width of vertical velocity within a Gaussian PDF component at low skewness | 0.12 |
gamma_coefb |
Width of vertical velocity within a Gaussian PDF component at high skewness | 0.28 |
C8 |
Coefficient of damping of third moment of vertical velocity, w’3 | 5.2 |
C1 |
Coefficient of damping of second vertical moment of vertical velocity, w’2, at low skewness | 2.4 |
C14 |
Coefficient of damping of second horizontal moments of vertical velocity, u’2 and v’2 | 2.0 |
c_k10 |
Ratio of diffusivity of momentum to heat | 0.35 |
Dust aerosol
Parameter | Description | Default value |
dust_emis_scheme * |
The v3 dust emission scheme (Kok et al., 2014) | 2 (set to 1 to switch to the v1/v2 scheme) |
*This parameter is set in user_nl_drv
Parameter | Description | Default value |
se_tstep |
Main dycore timestep. Additional parameters control the hyper viscsosity, trancer and vertical remap timesteps, which are derived from se_tstep. units = seconds |
Scales linearly with horizontal resolution. NE30 default: 300 |
nu |
Tensor hyperviscosity coefficient, independent of spatial resolution. units = 1/s |
3.4e-8 |
nu_top |
Scalar viscosity at model top. units = m^2/s |
Horizontal resolution dependent NE30 default: 2.5e5 |
transport_alg |
Select between semi-lagrangian and Eulerian based transport schemes | 12 = semi-lagranian method with monotinicity and mass preservation |
statefreq |
print a varieity of dycore metrics to the atm.log file every “statefreq” timesteps | 480 |
vert_remap_alg |
Algorithm used to remap the vertically lagrangian levels back to the reference levels | 10 = strict monotonicity applied on top of a 2nd order accurate PPM method |
se_ftype |
Controls how physics tendencies are applied. 0=”dribbled” in during dynamics timesteps. 1=”hard adjustment” after each physics timestep. 2=hybrid approach: hard adjustment for tracers, dribbled for remaining tendencies | 2 |
Modal Aerosol Module
Parameter | Description | Default value |
is_output_interactive_volc |
Switch for diagnostic output of the stratospheric aerosol optics | .false. |
mam_amicphys_optaa |
Recommended option of the new time-splitting treatment of H2SO4 production and loss | 1 (0 to turn it off) |
n_so4_monolayers_pcage |
Number of monolayers required to age primary-carbon mode particles | 3 |
seasalt_emis_scale |
Tuning parameter for sea salt emission | 0.55 |
Parameter | Description | Default value |
mam_mom_cycle_yr |
1 |
mam_mom_datapath |
Full pathname of the directory that contains the files specified in mam_mom_filelist | 'atm/cam/chem/trop_mam/marine_BGC/' |
mam_mom_filename |
Filename of file that contains a sequence of filenames for prescribed marine organic matter ocean concentrations. The filenames in this file are relative to the directory specified by mam_mom_datapath. | '' |
mam_mom_rmfile |
Remove the file containing prescribed aerosol deposition fluxes from local disk when no longer needed. | FALSE |
mam_mom_specifier |
Names of variables containing aerosol data in the prescribed aerosol datasets. | 'chla:CHL1','mpoly:TRUEPOLYC','mprot:TRUEPROTC','mlip:TRUELIPC' |
mam_mom_datatype |
Type of time interpolation for data in mam_mom files. Can be set to 'CYCLICAL' , 'SERIAL' , 'INTERP_MISSING_MONTHS' , or 'FIXED' . |
mam_mom_cycle_yr |
The cycle year of the prescribed aerosol flux data if mam_mom_type is 'CYCLICAL' . Format: YYYY |
1 |
mam_mom_fixed_ymd |
The date at which the prescribed aerosol flux data is fixed if mam_mom_type is 'FIXED' . Format: YYYYMMDD |
0 |
mam_mom_fixed_tod |
The time of day (seconds) corresponding to mam_mom_fixed_ymd at which the prescribed aerosol flux data is fixed if mam_mom_type is 'FIXED'. | 0 |
mam_mom_bubble_thickness |
Bubble film thickness (in m) for marine organic aerosol emission mechanism. The physically reasonable range is approximately (0.1 - 1) x 10^ -6. | 0.1e-6 |
mam_mom_mixing_state |
Switch to select mixing state assumption in marine organic aerosol code. Currently implemented options: 0 : total external mixture, add to mass; 1 : total external mixture, replace mass; 2 : total internal mixture, add to mass; 3 : total internal mixture, replace mass. | 0 [Note: set to 3 in the atm_in namelist] |
mam_mom_parameterization |
Selection of alternate parameterizations for marine organic matter emissions. Set fmoa=1 for Burrows et al. (2014) 1 parameterization; fmoa=2 for Gantt et al. (2011) 2 parameterization; fmoa=3 for simple parameterization based on Quinn et al., 2014; 3 fmoa=4 for Rinaldi et al. (JGR, 2013).* 4 | 1 |
*Note: non-default values have not been carefully tested and may not work as expected.
Predicted Particle Properties
Parameter | Description | Default value |
do_prescribed_ccn |
Turn on the prescribed CCN if true | false |
micro_aerosolactivation |
Turn on aerosol activation if true | true |
micro_p3_lookup_dir |
Directory of P3 look-up tables | inputdata/atm/cam/physprops |
micro_p3_tableversion |
P3 look-up table Version | 4.1.2 |
micro_subgrid_cloud |
Sub-grid cloud properties | true |
micro_tend_output |
Output of P3 microphysical process rates | false |
p3_accret_coeff |
Tunable parameter for adjusting rain accretion efficiency | 117.25 |
p3_autocon_coeff |
Tunable parameter for adjusting droplet autoconversion efficiency | 30500 |
p3_embryonic_rain_size |
Radius of embryomic raindrops from auto-conversion | 0.000025 (m) |
p3_max_mean_rain_size |
Upper bound of mean raindrop diameter | 0.005 (m) |
p3_mincdnc |
Lower bound of droplet number concentration | 20.d6 (# m-3) |
p3_nc_autocon_expon |
Nc exponent in droplet auto-conversion | -1.1 |
p3_qc_accret_expon |
Qc exponent in rain accretion | 1.15 |
p3_qc_autocon_expon |
Qc exponeent in droplet autoconversion | 3.19 |
p3_wbf_coeff |
Tunable parameter for adjusting WBF efficiency | 1.0 |
do_cooper_inp3 |
Turn on Cooper ice nucleation scheme if true | false |
Rapid Radiative Transfer Model for GCMs
Parameter | Description | Default value |
iradsw |
Frequency for updating shortwave fluxes and heating rate; iradsw > 0 interpreted as number of timesteps, iradsw < 0 interpreted as hours; iradsw = 0 disables shortwave radiation entirely | -1 |
iradlw |
Frequency for updating longwave fluxes and heating rate; iradlw > 0 interpreted as number of timesteps, iradlw < 0 interpreted as hours; iradlw = 0 disables longwave radiation entirely | -1 |
irad_always |
Length of time in timesteps (irad_always > 0) or in hours (irad_always < 0) SW/LW radiation will be run continuously from the start of an initial or restart run | 0 |
use_rad_dt_cosz |
If true, use the radiation dt for all cosz calculations; calculates solar zenith angle averaged over a time step. In default model solar zenith angle is held constant over time | .true. (set by namelist_defaults_eam.xml for default physics) |
spectralflux |
Calculate fluxes (up and down) per band | .false. |
liqcldoptics |
Choice of cloud optical property parameterization for liquid clouds. Valid options are ‘slingo’ or ‘gammadist’ | gammadist |
icecldoptics |
Choice of cloud optical property parameterization for ice clouds. Valid options are ‘ebertcurry’ or ‘mitchell’ | mitchell |
Zhang and McFarlane deep convection scheme
ZM Parameters | Description | Default value |
zmconv_ke |
Tunable evaporation efficiency in ZM deep convection scheme | 2.5E-6 |
zmconv_tau |
Relaxation time in ZM deep convection scheme | 3600 |
zmconv_dmpdz |
Parcel fractional mass entrainment rate | -0.7E-3 |
zmconv_alfa |
Initial downdraft mass flux fraction | 0.14D0 |
zmconv_tiedke_add |
Temperature perturbation of an air parcel | 0.8D0 |
zmconv_cape_cin |
Number of negative buoyancy regions that are allowed | 1 |
dCAPE-ULL Parameters | Description | Default value |
zmconv_trigdcape_ull |
DCAPE trigger along with unrestricted launching level for ZM deep convection scheme | .true. |
zmconv_trig_dcape_only |
DCAPE only trigger for ZM deep convection scheme | .false. If true, zmconv_trigdcape_ull must be false to use the dcape only trigger. |
zmconv_trig_ull_only |
Use unrestricted launching level (ULL) only trigger for ZM deep convection scheme | .false. If true, zmconv_trigdcape_ull must be false to use the ull only trigger. |
Conv. micro. Parameters | Description | Default value |
zmconv_microp |
Convective microphysics option in ZM convection scheme | true |
zmconv_auto_fac |
Cloud droplet-rain autoconversion enhancement factor in the convective microphysics scheme | 7.0 |
zmconv_accr_fac |
Cloud droplet-rain accretion enhancement factor in the convective microphysics scheme | 1.5 |
zmconv_micro_dcs |
Autoconversion size threshold for cloud ice to snow (m) | 150.E-6 |
Mass flux adj. Parameters | Description | Default value |
zmconv_clos_dyn_adj |
Apply mass flux adjustment to ZM convection scheme | true |
MCSP Parameters | Description | Default value |
zmconv_mcsp_heat_coeff |
MCSP heating coefficient | 0.3 |
zmconv_mcsp_moisture_coeff |
MCSP moisture coefficient | 0.0 |
zmconv_mcsp_uwind_coeff |
MCSP zonal wind coefficient | 0.0 |
zmconv_mcsp_vwind_coeff |
MCSP meridional wind coefficient | 0.0 |
Cloud Feedback Model Intercomparison Project (CFMIP) Observation Simulator Package
Parameter | Description | Default value |
cosp_lite |
This namelist sets cosp_ncolumns=10 and cosp_nradsteps=3 (appropriate for COSP statistics derived from seasonal averages), and runs MISR, ISCCP, MODIS, and CALIPSO lidar simulators (cosp_lmisr_sim=.true.,cosp_lisccp_sim=.true., cosp_lmodis_sim=.true.,cosp_llidar_sim=.true.). | false |
Orographic drag schemes
Parameter | Description | Default value |
use_gw_oro |
This namelist controls the default linear orographic gravity wave drag (oGWD) for E3SM, if used, the default oGWD is turned on. | true |
do_tms |
This namelist controls the default Turbulent Mountain Stress (TMS) for E3SM, if used, the default TMS is turned on. | false |
effgw_oro |
Efficiency associated with orographic gravity waves. | 0.375 |
tms_orocnst |
Turbulent mountain stress parameter used when TMS calculation is turned on | 1.0 |
tms_z0fac |
Factor determining z_0 from orographic standard deviation [ no unit ] for TMS. | 0.75 |
use_od_ls |
This namelist controls the new nonlinear oGWD, if used, the nonlinear oGWD is turned on. use_od_ls should not be used at the same time with use_gw_oro. | false |
use_od_bl |
This namelist controls the Flow-blocking drag (FBD) scheme, if used, the FBD scheme is turned on. | false |
use_od_ss |
This namelist controls the small-scale GWD (sGWD) scheme, if used, the sGWD scheme is turned on. | false |
use_od_fd |
This namelist controls the Turbulent orographic form drag (TOFD) scheme, if used, the TOFD scheme is turned on. | false |
od_ls_ncleff |
Tuning parameter of nonlinear oGWD. Stands for effective resolution of the grid for oGWD. Scales the magnitude of nonlinear oGWD. | 3 |
od_bl_ncd |
Tuning parameter of FBD. Stands for bulk drag coefficient. Scales the magnitude of FBD. | 3 |
od_ss_sncleff |
Tuning parameter of sGWD. Stands for effective resolution of the grid for sGWD.Scales the magnitude of sGWD. | 1 |
S. M. Burrows, O. Ogunro, A. A. Frossard, L. M. Russell, P. J. Rasch, and S. M. Elliott. A physically based framework for modeling the organic fractionation of sea spray aerosol from bubble film Langmuir equilibria. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14(24):13601–13629, December 2014. URL: (visited on 2024-03-29), doi:10.5194/acp-14-13601-2014. ↩
B. Gantt, N. Meskhidze, M. C. Facchini, M. Rinaldi, D. Ceburnis, and C. D. O'Dowd. Wind speed dependent size-resolved parameterization for the organic mass fraction of sea spray aerosol. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11(16):8777–8790, August 2011. URL: (visited on 2024-04-25), doi:10.5194/acp-11-8777-2011. ↩
Patricia K. Quinn, Timothy S. Bates, Kristen S. Schulz, D. J. Coffman, A. A. Frossard, L. M. Russell, W. C. Keene, and D. J. Kieber. Contribution of sea surface carbon pool to organic matter enrichment in sea spray aerosol. Nature Geoscience, 7(3):228–232, March 2014. URL: (visited on 2024-04-25), doi:10.1038/ngeo2092. ↩
Matteo Rinaldi, Sandro Fuzzi, Stefano Decesari, Salvatore Marullo, Rosalia Santoleri, Antonello Provenzale, Jost Von Hardenberg, Darius Ceburnis, Aditya Vaishya, Colin D. O'Dowd, and Maria Cristina Facchini. Is chlorophyll‐ \textit a the best surrogate for organic matter enrichment in submicron primary marine aerosol? Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 118(10):4964–4973, May 2013. URL: (visited on 2024-04-25), doi:10.1002/jgrd.50417. ↩