EAM Technical Guide
This Technical Guide describes the physics of version 3 of the E3SM Atmospheric Model
Dynamics and Physics
HOMME: Dynamical core.
Atmospheric-Grid: Grid used with dynamical core
P3: Stratiform cloud microphysics scheme.
CLUBB: Parameterization of subgrid-scale turbulence and clouds.
Zhang-McFarlane: Deep convection parameterization.
RRTMG: Parameterization of radiation.
ORODRAG: Parameterization of orographic drag
MAM: Primary parameterization schemes used to represent aerosols.
VBS: Parameterization of secondary organic aerosols.
Dust: Parameterization of dust emissions.
OCEANFILMS: Parameterization of sea soray irganic aerosol emissions.
chemUCI + Linoz v3: Interactive atmospheric chemistry packages.