
The single_column tests in polaris.seaice.tasks.single_column exercise column physics only. Here, we describe the tasks and their shared framework.


The The shared framework is made up of a shared forward step and a set of shared namelists and streams files.


The class polaris.seaice.tasks.single_column.forward.Forward defines a step for running MPAS-Seaice. The step stages the forcing files, namelist and streams files for each task.


The polaris.seaice.tasks.single_column.standard_physics.StandardPhysics

The test runs for one year, using year 2000 conditions, as specified in the namelist.seaice and streams.seaice files. The test will compare the contents of the output file for year 2000 against a baseline if provided.


The class polaris.seaice.tasks.single_column.standard_physics.viz.Viz produces time series of sea ice volume, snow volume, and surface temperature.


The polaris.seaice.tasks.single_column.exact_restart.ExactRestart

The test runs a full_run for one day, writing restarts every 12 hours, as specified by namelist.full and streams.full. The test then runs a restart_run from the full run’s 12 hour restart file, for 12 hours, writing a restart file at the end of the run. The contents of each runs final restart file are then compared.