
Steps are the smallest units of work that can be executed on their own in polaris. All tasks are made up of 1 or more steps, and all steps are set up into subdirectories inside of the work directory for the component. Shared steps should reside somewhere in the work directory above (or possibly inside of) all tasks that share the steps. Steps that belong to only one task should be inside of that task’s work directory. Typically, a user will run all steps in a task but certain tasks may prefer to have steps that are not run by default (e.g. a long forward simulation or optional visualization) but which are available for a user to manually alter and then run on their own.

A step is defined by a class that descends from polaris.Step. The child class must override the constructor and must also either override the method or define the args attribute. It will sometimes also wish to override the polaris.Step.setup() method, described below.

Step attributes

As was the case for tasks, the base class polaris.Step has a large number of attributes that are useful at different stages (init, setup and run) of the step.

Some attributes are available after calling the base class’ constructor super().__init__(). These include:

the name of the step


The component the step belongs to


the subdirectory for the step within the component


the path within the base work directory of the step, made up of the name of the component and the step’s subdir


the number of parallel (MPI) tasks the step would ideally use. Too few cores are available on the system to run ntasks * cpus_per_task, the step will run on all available cores as long as this is not below min_tasks * min_cpus_per_task


the number of MPI tasks the step requires. If the system fewer than min_tasks * min_cpus_per_task cores, the step will fail


The number of CPUs that each task runs with, or the total number of CPUs the step would ideally run with if python threading or multiprocessing is being used, in which case ntasks = 1


The minimum number of CPUs that each task runs with, or the minimum total number of CPUs required for the step if python threading or multiprocessing is being used, in which case ntasks = 1. If ntasks > 1, min_cpus_per_task much be the same as cpus_per_task.


the number of OpenMP threads the step will use


An aspirational attribute that will be used in the future to indicate the amount of memory that the step is allowed to use in MB


Whether to get all of the outputs for the step from the database of cached outputs for the component that this step belongs to


Whether to run this step as a subprocess, rather than just running it directly from the task. It is useful to run a step as a subprocess if there is not a good way to redirect output to a log file (e.g. if the step calls external code that, in turn, calls additional subprocesses).

The default behavior when python code calls one of the subprocess functions is that the output goes to stdout/stderr (i.e. the terminal). When python code outside of polaris (e.g. jigsawpy) calls a subprocess function (e.g. to call JIGSAW), that output goes to the terminal rather than a log file. For most output to stdout/stderr like print() statements, check_call() in MPAS-Tools employs a “trick” to redirect that output to a log file instead. But that doesn’t work with subprocess calls. They continue to go to the terminal. However, if we call a given polaris step as a subprocess while redirecting its output to a log file, we can prevent unwanted output from ending up in the terminal (the “outer” subprocess call gets redirected to a log file even when the inner one does not).


A dictionary of steps that this step depends on (i.e. it can’t run until they have finished). Dependencies are used when the names of the files produced by the dependency aren’t known at setup (e.g. because they depend on config options or data read in from files). If the names of this step’s input files are known at setup, it is sufficient (and preferable) to indicate that an output file from another step is an input of this step to establish a dependency.


Whether this step is the dependency of one or more other steps


A list of command-line arguments to call in parallel. This attribute should be defined as an alternative to overriding the run(). args should not include calls to a parallel executable like srun or the associated flags for number of MPI tasks, nodes, etc., since these will be added internally by Polaris.

Another set of attributes is not useful until setup() is called by the polaris framework:


Configuration options for this task, a combination of the defaults for the machine, core and configuration


The local name of the config file that config has been written to during setup and read from during run


The step’s work directory, defined during setup as the combination of base_work_dir and path


The base work directory

These can be used to add additional input, output, namelist or streams files based on config options that were not available during init, or which rely on knowing the work directory.

Finally, a few attributes are available only when run() gets called by the framework:


a list of absolute paths of input files produced as part of setting up the step. These input files must all exist at run time or the step will raise an exception


a list of absolute paths of output files produced by this step and available as inputs to other tasks and steps. These files must exist after the test has run or an exception will be raised


A logger for output from the step. This gets passed on to other methods and functions that use the logger to write their output to the log file.


The name of a log file where output/errors from the step are being logged, or None if output is to stdout/stderr


Information about E3SM supported machines

The inputs and outputs should not be altered but they may be used to get file names to read or write.

Some attributes are also used by the framework to validate variables in output files against a baseline in one is provided:


Location of the same step within the baseline work directory, for use in comparing variables and timers


A list of variables for each output file for which a baseline comparison should be performed if a baseline run has been provided. The baseline validation is performed after the step has run.

You can add other attributes to the child class that keeps track of information that the step will need.

As an example, polaris.landice.tasks.dome.setup_mesh.SetupMesh keeps track of the mesh type as an attribute:

from polaris import Step

class SetupMesh(Step):
    A step for creating a mesh and initial condition for dome tasks

    mesh_type : str
        The resolution or mesh type of the task
    def __init__(self, component, mesh_type):
        Update the dictionary of step properties

        component : polaris.Component
            The component this step belongs to

        mesh_type : str
            The resolution or mesh type of the task
        super().__init__(component=component, name='setup_mesh')
        self.mesh_type = mesh_type

        if mesh_type == 'variable_resolution':
            # download and link the mesh
            # the empty database is a trick for downloading to the root of
            # the local MALI file cache
                                target='', database='')



The step’s constructor (__init__() method) should call the base class’ constructor with super().__init__(), passing the name of the step, the task it belongs to, and possibly several optional arguments: the subdirectory for the step (if not the same as the name), number of MPI tasks, the minimum number of MPI tasks, the number of CPUs per task, the minimum number of CPUs per task, the number of OpenMP threads, and (currently as placeholders) the amount of memory the step is allowed to use.

Then, the step can add inputs and outputs as well as Adding yaml, namelist and streams files, as described below.

As with the task’s constructor, it is important that the step’s constructor doesn’t perform any time-consuming calculations, download files, or otherwise use significant resources because this function is called quite often for every single task and step: when tasks are listed, set up, or cleaned up, and also when suites are set up or cleaned up. However, it is okay to add input, output, streams and namelist files to the step by calling any of the following methods:

Each of these functions just caches information about the the inputs, outputs, namelists, streams or YAML files to be read later if the task in question gets set up, so each takes a negligible amount of time.

If this is a shared step with its own config options, it is also okay to call mpas_tools.config.MpasConfigParser.add_from_package() from the constructor.

The following is from polaris.ocean.tasks.baroclinic_channel.forward.Forward():

from polaris.ocean.model import OceanModelStep

class Forward(OceanModelStep):
    A step for performing forward ocean component runs as part of baroclinic
    channel tasks.

    resolution : float
        The resolution of the task in km

    dt : float
        The model time step in seconds

    btr_dt : float
        The model barotropic time step in seconds

    run_time_steps : int or None
        Number of time steps to run for
    def __init__(self, component, resolution, name='forward', subdir=None,
                 indir=None, ntasks=None, min_tasks=None, openmp_threads=1,
                 nu=None, run_time_steps=None):
        Create a new task

        component : polaris.Component
            The component the step belongs to

        resolution : km
            The resolution of the task in km

        name : str
            the name of the task

        subdir : str, optional
            the subdirectory for the step.  If neither this nor ``indir``
             are provided, the directory is the ``name``

        indir : str, optional
            the directory the step is in, to which ``name`` will be appended

        ntasks : int, optional
            the number of tasks the step would ideally use.  If fewer tasks
            are available on the system, the step will run on all available
            tasks as long as this is not below ``min_tasks``

        min_tasks : int, optional
            the number of tasks the step requires.  If the system has fewer
            than this number of tasks, the step will fail

        openmp_threads : int, optional
            the number of OpenMP threads the step will use

        nu : float, optional
            the viscosity (if different from the default for baroclinic channel

        run_time_steps : int, optional
            Number of time steps to run for
        self.resolution = resolution
        self.run_time_steps = run_time_steps
        super().__init__(component=component, name=name, subdir=subdir,
                         indir=indir, ntasks=ntasks, min_tasks=min_tasks,

        # make sure output is double precision
        self.add_yaml_file('polaris.ocean.config', 'output.yaml')



        if nu is not None:
            # update the viscosity to the requested value *after* loading
            # forward.yaml

            validate_vars=['temperature', 'salinity', 'layerThickness',

        self.dt = None
        self.btr_dt = None

Several parameters are passed into the constructor (with defaults if they are not included) and then passed on to the base class’ constructor: name, subdir, indir, ntasks, min_tasks, cpus_per_task, min_cpus_per_task, and openmp_threads. Additional parameters nu and run_time_steps are used to determine settings for running the model.

Then, two yaml files with modifications to the model config options are added (for later processing). An additional model config option, config_mom_del2 is set manually via a python dictionary of namelist options.

Additionally, two input and one output file are added. By providing validate_vars to polaris.Step.add_output_file(), validation of these 4 variables in the output file will automatically be performed after the step has run if a baseline was provided as part of the call to polaris setup.


The setup() method is called when a user is setting up the step either as part of a call to polaris setup or polaris suite. As in constructor, you can add input, output, streams and namelist files to the step by calling any of the following methods:

Set up should not do any major computations or any time-consuming operations other than downloading files. Time-consuming work should be saved for run() whenever possible.

As an example, here is polaris.ocean.tasks.global_ocean.mesh.mesh.MeshStep.setup():

def setup(self):
    Set up the task in the work directory, including downloading any
    # get the these properties from the config options
    config = self.config
    self.cpus_per_task = config.getint('global_ocean',
    self.min_cpus_per_task = config.getint('global_ocean',

Some parts of the mesh computation (creating masks for culling) are done using python multiprocessing, so the cpus_per_task and min_cpus_per_task attributes are set to appropriate values based on config options.


The constrain_resources() method is used to update the ntasks, min_tasks, cpus_per_task, and min_cpus_per_task attributes prior to running the step, in case the user has modified these in the config options. These performance-related attributes affect how the step runs and must be set prior to runtime, whereas other options can be set within runtime_setup().

The framework calls constrain_resources() within, and a step can override this method if desired, typically to get ntasks, min_tasks, cpus_per_task, etc. from config options or compute them using an algorithm and set the corresponding attributes. When overriding constrain_resources, it is important to also call the base class’ version of the method with super().constrain_resources().

The names of the resources are related to the Slurm naming conventions:


The target number of MPI tasks that a step will use if the resources are available.


The minimum number of MPI tasks for a step. If too few resources are available, the step will not run.


If ntasks > 1, this is typically a number of threads used by each MPI task (e.g. with OpenMP threading). If ntasks == 1, this may be the number of target cores used in on-node parallelism like python or c++ threading, or python multiprocessing. cpus_per_task will automatically be constrained to be less than or equal to the number of cores on a node (and the total available cores). So it may be appropriate to set it to a high value appropriate for machines with large nodes, knowing that it will be constrained to fit on one node.

For MPI applications without threading, cpus_per_task will always be 1, the default.


The minimum number of cores for on-node parallelism (threading, multiprocessing, etc.). If too few resources are available, the step will fail with an error message.


The runtime_setup() method is used to modify any behaviors of the step at runtime. This includes things like partitioning an MPAS mesh across processors and computing a times step based on config options that might have been modified by the user. It must not include modifying the ntasks, min_tasks, cpus_per_task, min_cpus_per_task or openmp_threads attributes. These attributes must be altered by overriding constrain_resources().

Typically, runtime_setup() will only be needed when the args attribute is being defined instead of a run() method. This lets you run a small amount of python code before launching an command, often using MPI parallelism.


This method defines how the step will run. The contents of run() can vary quite a lot between steps.

In the baroclinic channel’s Init step, the run() method,, is quite involved:

import cmocean  # noqa: F401
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from import write_netcdf
from mpas_tools.mesh.conversion import convert, cull
from mpas_tools.planar_hex import make_planar_hex_mesh

from polaris import Step
from polaris.mesh.planar import compute_planar_hex_nx_ny
from polaris.ocean.vertical import init_vertical_coord
from polaris.viz import plot_horiz_field

class Init(Step):
    def run(self):
        Run this step of the task
        config = self.config
        logger = self.logger

        section = config['baroclinic_channel']
        resolution = self.resolution

        lx = section.getfloat('lx')
        ly = section.getfloat('ly')

        # these could be hard-coded as functions of specific supported
        # resolutions but it is preferable to make them algorithmic like here
        # for greater flexibility
        nx, ny = compute_planar_hex_nx_ny(lx, ly, resolution)
        dc = 1e3 * resolution

        ds_mesh = make_planar_hex_mesh(nx=nx, ny=ny, dc=dc,
        write_netcdf(ds_mesh, '')

        ds_mesh = cull(ds_mesh, logger=logger)
        ds_mesh = convert(ds_mesh, graphInfoFileName='',
        write_netcdf(ds_mesh, '')

        section = config['baroclinic_channel']
        use_distances = section.getboolean('use_distances')
        gradient_width_dist = section.getfloat('gradient_width_dist')
        gradient_width_frac = section.getfloat('gradient_width_frac')
        bottom_temperature = section.getfloat('bottom_temperature')
        surface_temperature = section.getfloat('surface_temperature')
        temperature_difference = section.getfloat('temperature_difference')
        salinity = section.getfloat('salinity')
        coriolis_parameter = section.getfloat('coriolis_parameter')

        ds = ds_mesh.copy()
        x_cell = ds.xCell
        y_cell = ds.yCell

        bottom_depth = config.getfloat('vertical_grid', 'bottom_depth')

        ds['bottomDepth'] = bottom_depth * xr.ones_like(x_cell)
        ds['ssh'] = xr.zeros_like(x_cell)

        init_vertical_coord(config, ds)

        x_min = x_cell.min().values
        x_max = x_cell.max().values
        y_min = y_cell.min().values
        y_max = y_cell.max().values

        y_mid = 0.5 * (y_min + y_max)
        x_perturb_min = x_min + 4.0 * (x_max - x_min) / 6.0
        x_perturb_max = x_min + 5.0 * (x_max - x_min) / 6.0

        if use_distances:
            perturb_width = gradient_width_dist
            perturb_width = (y_max - y_min) * gradient_width_frac

        y_offset = perturb_width * np.sin(
            6.0 * np.pi * (x_cell - x_min) / (x_max - x_min))

        temp_vert = (bottom_temperature +
                     (surface_temperature - bottom_temperature) *
                     ((ds.refZMid + bottom_depth) / bottom_depth))

        frac = xr.where(y_cell < y_mid - y_offset, 1., 0.)

        mask = np.logical_and(y_cell >= y_mid - y_offset,
                              y_cell < y_mid - y_offset + perturb_width)
        frac = xr.where(mask,
                        1. - (y_cell - (y_mid - y_offset)) / perturb_width,

        temperature = temp_vert - temperature_difference * frac
        temperature = temperature.transpose('nCells', 'nVertLevels')

        # Determine y_offset for 3rd crest in sin wave
        y_offset = 0.5 * perturb_width * np.sin(
            np.pi * (x_cell - x_perturb_min) / (x_perturb_max - x_perturb_min))

        mask = np.logical_and(
            np.logical_and(y_cell >= y_mid - y_offset - 0.5 * perturb_width,
                           y_cell <= y_mid - y_offset + 0.5 * perturb_width),
            np.logical_and(x_cell >= x_perturb_min,
                           x_cell <= x_perturb_max))

        temperature = (temperature +
                       mask * 0.3 * (1. - ((y_cell - (y_mid - y_offset)) /
                                           (0.5 * perturb_width))))

        temperature = temperature.expand_dims(dim='Time', axis=0)

        normal_velocity = xr.zeros_like(ds_mesh.xEdge)
        normal_velocity, _ = xr.broadcast(normal_velocity, ds.refBottomDepth)
        normal_velocity = normal_velocity.transpose('nEdges', 'nVertLevels')
        normal_velocity = normal_velocity.expand_dims(dim='Time', axis=0)

        ds['temperature'] = temperature
        ds['salinity'] = salinity * xr.ones_like(temperature)
        ds['normalVelocity'] = normal_velocity
        ds['fCell'] = coriolis_parameter * xr.ones_like(x_cell)
        ds['fEdge'] = coriolis_parameter * xr.ones_like(ds_mesh.xEdge)
        ds['fVertex'] = coriolis_parameter * xr.ones_like(ds_mesh.xVertex)

        ds.attrs['nx'] = nx
        ds.attrs['ny'] = ny
        ds.attrs['dc'] = dc

        write_netcdf(ds, '')

        plot_horiz_field(ds, ds_mesh, 'temperature',
        plot_horiz_field(ds, ds_mesh, 'normalVelocity',
                         'initial_normal_velocity.png', cmap='cmo.balance',

Without going into all the details of this method, it creates a mesh that is periodic in x (but not y), then adds a vertical grid and an initial condition to an xarray.Dataset, which is then written out to the file

In the example Forward step we showed above, there is no run method at all because we let its superclass ModelStep define an args attribute instead. Rather than call the run() method, the command given by these arguments will be run on the commandline. This is capability important for supporting task parallelism, since each such command may need to run with its own set of MPI, threading and memory resources.

To get a feel for different types of run() methods, it may be best to explore different steps that are already implemented in Polaris.

inputs and outputs

Currently, steps run in sequence in the order they are added to the task (or in the order they appear in the task’s steps_to_run attribute). There are plans to allow tasks and their steps to run in parallel in the future. For this reason, we require that each step defines a list of the absolute paths to all input files that could come from other steps (possibly in other tasks) and all outputs from the step that might be used by other steps (again, possibly in other tasks). There is no harm in including inputs to the step that do not come from other steps (e.g. files that will be downloaded when the task gets set up) as long as they are sure to exist before the step runs. Likewise, there is no harm in including outputs from the step that aren’t used by any other steps as long as the step will be sure to generate them.

The inputs and outputs need to be defined during init of either the step or the task, or in the step’s setup() method because they are needed before run() is called (to determine which steps depend on which other steps). Inputs are added with polaris.Step.add_input_file() and outputs with polaris.Step.add_output_file(). Inputs may be symbolic links to files in polaris, from the various databases on the LCRC server, downloaded from another source, or from another step.

Because the inputs and outputs need to be defined before the step runs, there can be some cases to avoid. The name of an output file should not depend on a config option. Otherwise, if the user changes the config option, the file actually created may have a different name than expected, in which case the step will fail. This would be true even if a subsequent step would have been able to read in the same config option and modify the name of the expected input file.

Along the same lines, an input or output file name should not depend on data from an input file that does not exist during setup(). Since the file does not exist, there is no way to read the file with the dependency within setup() and determine the resulting input or output file name.

Both of these issues have arisen for the dev-ocean-global-ocean-files-for-e3sm from dev-ocean-global-ocean tasks. Output files are named using the “short name” of the mesh in E3SM, which depends both on config options and on the number of vertical levels, which is read in from a mesh file created in a previous step. For now, the outputs of this step are not used by any other steps so it is safe to simply omit them, but this could become problematic in the future if new steps are added that depend on dev-ocean-global-ocean-files-for-e3sm. These steps would need to add the appropriate shared step from files_for_e3sm as a dependency using polaris.Step.add_dependency().

polaris.Step includes several methods for adding input, output, namelist and streams files:

Input files

Typically, a step will add input files with polaris.Step.add_input_file() during init or in its setup() method. It is also possible to add inputs in the task’s constructor.

It is possible to simply supply the path to an input file as filename without any other arguments to polaris.Step.add_input_file(). In this case, the file name is either an absolute path or a relative path with respect to the step’s work directory:

def __init__(self, task):

This is not typically how add_input_file() is used because input files are usually not directly in the step’s work directory.

Downloading and symlinking input files

Another type of input file is one that is downloaded and stored locally. Typically, to save ourselves the time of downloading large files and to reduce potential problems on systems with firewalls, we cache the downloaded files in a location where they can be shared between users and reused over time. These “databases” are subdirectories of the core’s database root on the LCRC server.

To add an input file from a database, call polaris.Step.add_input_file() with the database argument:


In this example from polaris.ocean.tasks.global_ocean.init.init.Init(), the file is slated for later downloaded from the Ocean bathymetry database. The file will be stored in the subdirectory ocean/bathymetry_database of the path in the database_root config option in the paths section of the config file. The database_root option is set either by selecting one of the Supported Machines or in the user’s config file.

You can also specify the database_component parameter to choose to get files from a database belonging to another component, e.g.:


It is also possible to download files directly from a URL and store them in the step’s working directory:


We recommend against this practice except for very small files.

Copying input files

In nearly all the cases discussed above, a symlink is created to the input file, usually either from the polaris package or from one of the databases. If you wish to copy the file instead of symlinking it (e.g. so a user can make local modifications), simply add the keyword argument copy=True to any call to self.add_input_file():

def __init__(self, task):
                        target='../setup_mesh/', copy=True)

In this case, a copy of will be made in the step’s work directory.

Output files

We require that all steps provide a list of any output files that other steps are allowed to use as inputs. This helps us keep track of dependencies and will be used in the future to enable steps to run in parallel as long as they don’t depend on each other. Adding an output file is pretty straightforward:


polaris.Step.add_output_file() can be called in a step’s constructor or setup() method or (less commonly) in the task’s constructor.

The relative path in filename is with respect to the step’s work directory, and is converted to an absolute path internally before the step is run.

You can specify a list of variables to validate against a baseline (if one is provided) using the validate_vars attribute:

    validate_vars=['temperature', 'salinity', 'layerThickness',

If a baseline is provided during polaris setup, then after the step runs, the variables temperature, salinity, layerThickness, and normalVelocity in the file will be checked against the same variables in the same file in the baseline run to make sure they are identical.

Cached output files

Many polaris tasks and steps are expensive enough that it can become time consuming to run full workflows to produce meshes and initial conditions in order to test simulations. Therefore, polaris provides a mechanism for caching the outputs of each step in a database so that they can be downloaded and symlinked rather than being computed each time.

Cached output files are be stored in the polaris_cache database within each component’s space on that LCRC server (see Downloading and symlinking input files). If the “cached” version of a step is selected, as we will describe below, each of the task’s outputs will have a corresponding “input” file added with the target being a cache file on the LCRC server and the filename being the output file. Polaris uses the cached_files.json database to know which cache files correspond to which step outputs.

A developer can indicate that polaris suite includes steps with cached outputs in two ways. First, if all steps in a task should have cached output, the following notation should be used:


That is, the word cached should appear after the task on its own line. The indentation is for visual clarity and is not required.

Second, ff only some steps in a task should have cached output, they need to be listed explicitly, as follows:

    cached: mesh
    cached: init ssh_adjustment

The line can be indented for visual clarity, but must begin with cached:, followed by a list of steps separated by a single space.

Similarly, a user setting up tasks has two mechanisms for specifying which tasks and steps should have cached outputs. If all steps in a task should have cached outputs, the suffix c can be added to the test number:

polaris setup -n 90c 91c 92 ...

In this example, tasks 90 and 91 (mesh and init tasks from the SOwISC12to60 global ocean mesh, in this case) are set up with cached outputs in all steps and 92 (performance_test) is not. This approach is efficient but does not provide any control of which steps use cached outputs and which do not.

A much more verbose approach is required if some steps use cached outputs and others do not within a given task. Each task must be set up on its own with the -t and --cached flags as follows:

polaris setup -t ocean/global_ocean/QU240/mesh --cached mesh ...
polaris setup -t ocean/global_ocean/QU240/PHC/init --cached init ...

Cache files should be generated by first running the task as normal, then running the polaris cache command-line tool at the base of the work directory, providing the names of the steps whose outputs should be added to the cache. The resulting <component>_cached_files.json should be copied to polaris/<component>/cached_files.json in a polaris branch.

Calls to polaris cache must be made on Chrysalis or Anvil. If outputs were produced on another machine, they must be transferred to one of these two machines before calling polaris cache. File can be added manually to the LCRC server and the cached_files.json databases but this is not recommended.

More details on cached outputs are available in the compass design document Caching outputs from compass steps.

Adding other steps as dependencies

In some circumstances, it is not feasible to know the output filenames at when a step gets set up. For example, the filename may depend on config options that a user could change before running the step. Or the filename could depend on data read in from files or computed at runtime. In such circumstances, it is not feasible to specify the output filename with polaris.Step.add_output_file(). Nor can other steps that depend on that output file as an input use polaris.Step.add_input_file().

Under these circumstances, it is useful to be able to specify that a step is a dependency of another (dependent) step. This is accomplished by passing the dependency to the step’s polaris.Step.add_dependency() method either during the creation of the dependent step, within the configure() method of the parent task, or in the setup() method of the dependent step. The dependency does not need to belong to the task, it can be a shared step, but it should be a step in any tasks that also use the dependent step. This is because the dependent step will fail to run if the dependency has not run.

When a step is added as a dependency, after it runs, its state will be stored in a pickle file (see setup module) that contains any modifications to its state during the run. When the dependent step is run, the the state of each dependency is “unpickled” along with the state of the step itself so that the dependent step can make use of runtime updates to its dependencies.


There is some non-negligible overhead involved in pickling and unpickling dependencies so it is preferable to use file-based dependencies where possible.